• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

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Rainbow Dash is in a hurry, flying at her usual unfathomable speed. But then she starts to hear beeping and looks back, seeing the police are on her tail.

She looks behind her, seeing that with all her urgency, the police have an urgency of their own. To capture her and make her pay the price for breaking the law.

Good thing she has the help of a friend to help her learn her lesson well.

Chapters (1)

Pear Butter sits to write her new daughter a letter to be opened later when they can laugh about it. Being a parent is a frightening prospect even on her second foal.

But it’s still sealed decades later.

Chapters (1)

One night, Princess Celestia had a very surprising vision concerning the Mane 5. When she, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight realize the meaning of it, the Mane 5 will have their world changed forever. They learn that their biggest and toughest choices they will soon make will require immense sacrifice of what they knew, dreamed, and worked for. Ultimately, what they choose will not only affect them, but the ponies they care most about and all of Equestria.

Luckily, they have each other to learn how to be strong and willing to choose whatever choice they make in the future. Will they stay the same, or will they have to eventually rise to the occasion, embrace their true destinies, and join together to form the Princesses of Harmony?

This is a prologue to the series "The Alicorn Trials".

Chapters (1)

This year, Twilight Velvet wanted to hear a story from Equestria. There are a lot to choose from.

How do I find one that isn’t going to sound silly to humans? Better go with the traditional ones, I guess.

Continuity: Homecoming

Chapters (1)


“H-hello, you’ve reached Fluttershy. I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, but if you could leave a message I will get back as soon as possible. Thank you…”


“H-hello, you’ve reached Fluttershy. I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, but if you could leave a message I will get back as soon as possible. Thank you…”


Translated into Russian by Athlete.
Translated into French by BlackRockSparkle.

Chapters (2)

H-hey, it’s me, Fluttershy. I can’t come to the phone right now, so please leave a message if you want to. O-or you could just call again. I’ll try my best to get a hold of you. BEEP.

Hey, Flutters, it’s me, Rainbow Dash. Where the heck are you? You were suppose to meet us here an hour ago! AJ’s already left, and I don’t think the others will stay much longer. Just try and hurry. I’ll be here till it closes. CLICK.

Something happened to Fluttershy, and now no one knows where she is. The cops found her bag in the park, a part of her dress, and her phone. It's all Rainbow can do to stay stable, now that the one she loved is gone, possibly forever.

Now with a wonderful reading by VisualPony.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has seen how Applejack looks at her sometimes. One day, she eventually decides to ask her about why she does it so much. Afterall, asking for someone's orientation is a simple, straight-forward question, is it not?


Rated 'Teen' to be safe and for topic.

Written/edited by: FireRain

FEATURED 26/11/17! Thanks so much, peeps!


I mean, really, I'm sure the majority of us got some of the same vibes and impression during that episode featuring Countess Coloratura and Applejack. From childhood to the present, they seemed to be rather close. Looking at Applejack interact with Rara is what has always gotten me thinking about where they stand.

To me, it's like they have something a little more than friendship, and I wrote this to inquire upon those curious thoughts.

Chapters (1)

After learning some shocking news about how long she's going to live now that she's an Alicorn (namely, forever), Twilight summons her friends to let them know that their time together is limited. However, their reactions to this information are not quite what she was expecting...

Chapters (1)

When Fluttershy went to bed, she was a normal mare. When she woke up, she could see numbers floating over everypony's heads. They were timers, each one counting down to some unknown event. Most ponies had timers that wouldn't end for years, some for many decades. But everypony had different numbers.

So why does Rainbow Dash's timer end in three hours?

Editing provided by TheMaskedFerret and SolidFire.
Cover art by HopefulSparks!
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI!

Chapters (1)