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Vinyl Scratch's entire world, and self-respect and confidence, are shattered after she is raped in Canterlot. Saved by Octavia Philharmonica, the two mares struggle to make it through the pain of life with the memories of the past.

Set in a close-to-modern Equestria, in the same storyline and universe as Rekindling. Both stories will be entwined.

P.S. Wow! I certainly was not expecting such a big response in such a short time to this story, but I am immensely grateful! This is giving me a lot of motivation to keep on going.

If anyone would like to edit, or give ideas for the story, feel free to PM me at any time!

Chapters (11)

This is a sad Celestia fic with Twilight trying to comfort her, but there is also adventure involved.
Although this most likely will have a sex scene, this will not be the main focus of the plot.

Also, this is my first story, and I'd really appreciate reviews. (Don't worry, I won't stop uploading if I don't.)

Any who, hope you enjoy this!

Chapters (4)

It has been three months since Rainbow Dash passed away into Elysium, joining Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity. Meanwhile, Twilight's body has been frozen in time, unable to join her former friends. As she considers the meaning of loss, strange nightmares come over her, forcing her to turn to Luna for help. As they spend more time together, though, just one question arises- will either ever find any happiness that doesn't need to end?

Back from the dead by 09242014! On 09082014, updated description and tags. Removed "OC" and "Alternate Universe", added "Dark" and changed rating to "Teen", just to be safe. On 09222014, deleted the first seven or eight chapters. That's why the view count is so low, but comments and responses are much much higher.

Chapters (1)

To my dearest best friend, I will always miss you. I wish you had seen how much I hated yet loved you at the same time. Just remember not to forget me, 'cause I'll never forget you. x

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash's house is foreclosed, she moves in with Twilight Sparkle, who vows to help Rainbow get her life back together by getting her into the Wonderbolts. While Twilight helps Rainbow pursue her dreams, Rainbow helps Twilight fend off nightmares. But as time goes on, Twilight and Rainbow start to wonder just how much control they have over their lives and their futures.

Chapters (6)

At first, you thought this whole idea would be absolutely ridiculous. Why should you, one of the most popular DJs this side of Equestria, go to a classical music concert? It would totally be a waste of your time, because it's just not your speed! You're used to dropping the heaviest beats, not watching somepony drag strings across strings.

Until you listen to her play for the first time.

(Comments are always appreciated! I like reading feedback from you guys.)
UPDATE 4/22 - Thank you guys so much for all the favorites on this! This story is already way more popular than my first, and I'm glad most everyone who read it liked it!
UPDATE 5/5 - WOW, I'm surprised this story got excepted into Twilight's Library, but it did! I'll get to updating this thing once I figure out some more plot stuff for it.

Chapters (6)

After her duel with Twilight, Trixie set out on her own to try and restart her life. For the first week, things were looking up for her, she was putting on free performances in Manehatten's park, collecting tips, and never lifted a hoof against hecklers. For once in her life, Trixie believed that her life could get better. By the second week however, Trixie was plagued by severe nightmares of her past actions in Ponyville as well as painful memories from her past. Eventually, the nightmares get so bad that she is at her breaking point and in desperate need of help. Trixie decides to return back to Ponyville to seek help from the one pony who doesn't resent her, Twilight Sparkle. There, Trixie will find a new way to restart her life and both mares will discover hidden feelings for each other.

My first attempt at a Twixie fic as well as my first fic in general that was written on my iPad. Any helpful/ constructive criticism would be much appreciated.

Chapters (4)

Trixie returns to Ponyville seeking to put things right between herself and the townsfolk. But when Twilight receives a letter from the Princess, Trixie gets the chance to live up to her previous boasting. Can she do it alone, or will she need the help of a certain purple unicorn?

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is copyright Hasbro and was created by Lauren Faust. The Mane 6, the Great and Powerful Trixie, Spike, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and every other creature featured in canonical episodes are part of that copyright. All ponies not featured in canonical episodes, such as the Great Lapis Lazuli and the Powerful Pyrite, are original characters from the author's imagination. This is a non-profit fan work made in celebration of a great show and the absolutely amazing fandom that follows it.

Chapters (17)

After traveling Equestria and finding no place she belongs Trixie returns to the one place that felt different; Ponyville. She has chosen to swallow a little (just a little) bit of her pride in order to ask the only pony to ever have impressed her for help. She wants Twilight Sparkle to become her teacher in magic...and in the ways of friendship. She hopes to improve herself, but she keeps having these second thoughts...

This story is told while alternating viewpoints between Trixie and Twilight Sparkle. The ~~~~ symbolizes a perspective change.

This story was originally inspired by the song Second Chances by Aviators. This musician is amazing, I highly recommend checking him out at http://www.youtube.com/user/SoundOfTheAviators
The cover image was drawn by the talented Crenair. Be sure to check out his gallery!
The OC Silver Lining belongs to Player 3, a big thank you for his use.

Also big news! The Mike is adapting this story into a visual novel! The beta can be found at http://www.mediafire.com/?5ntkcdtsn1m33ot or at his deviantart http://thebiancoangelo.deviantart.com/#/d5dql86

This has not been forgotten. Update coming soon!

Chapters (7)

The Great and Powerful Trixie will stop at nothing to obtain a royal position and the power that comes with it, even if it means courting the newest member of the royal family.

Chapters (2)