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When Twilight runs into the newly reformed Trixie, she discovers that Trixie has never had a friend before so she takes it upon herself to teach Trixie about the magic of friendship. But the magic of friendship just may become something more.

Chapters (1)

Several months after her adventures in the Human World to recover a stolen magical artifact from a renegade student of Princess Celestia; Twilight Sparkle finds herself stuck in limbo. With day-after-day turning out uneventful and serene, the Alicorn Princess is nearly driven crazy by the apparent lack of anything exciting; desiring a change of scenery, at least for a day. However; when her powers start to act up unexplainably; the Princess finds herself embarking on an adventure of unwanted proportions. Taken far from her home and friends in Equestria, with only one familiar face for comfort; will Twilight Sparkle and the inadvertently-abducted Trixie Lulamoon find their way home through the trials and challenges of an undiscovered land? You'll have to find that out for yourself.

(Here, Ladies and Gentlemen; a bit of a break from my normal Dark and Tragic stories; have a slightly-less dark, Adventure/Romance fic involving our favorite Alicorn and a certain braggart who gets just as much, if not more, love-hate. This is Filler while I get over a bit of writers block I'm having with my other project.)

Chapters (2)

While touring Canterlot with her new magic act, the Great and Powerful Trixie finds herself invited to the royal wedding at the castle.

But who's getting married? Why did they invite Trixie? And why are those ponies from Ponyville attending?

The story art is drawn by the talented Amenoo at Deviant Art, originally commissioned by EvanKestral. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

She was an Element. She could be near her, and that was enough. Or at least it used to be. The Elements were returned, and now her sweetest dreams tormented her.

She would do anything for a reason to be by her side again.

Tags and Characters subject to change as the story continues.

Chapters (2)

It was a secret no-strings-attached relationship, that’s all. A few flings here and there, but that was it… and then, Rarity got a job opportunity that changed everything. She had moved to Canterlot to pursue her career, and time flew by. Now, five years have passed, and she’s lost contact of her Ponyville friends. Upon returning to her hometown, she realizes that everypony has changed in one way or another.

And out of all the news, what she didn’t expect was for Applejack to be a single mother to a four-year-old daughter. Now, that isn’t so much a bombshell on it’s own, but what puzzles Rarity the most is how sensitive her friend is regarding the little filly’s paternity.

After all, that’s what friends are for, aren’t they? To worry about one another?

...well, maybe Rarity is worrying a bit too much - or is she?

Bad cover art made by me. Do I get a "YOU TRIED" sticker? Shoutout to OkemosBrony & twilight-the-pony for editing!
p.s. - take note that this story is AU to all of my other RariJack family stories.

Chapters (5)

A few months after Discord's second banishment, Twilight stumbles across a magical stone and a broken mare during the most beautiful meteor shower in centuries. What can these two possible have in common? After the losing one of their own, if the elements of harmony are going to save Equestria, and themselves; they must mend their shattered hearts with what almost broke them in the beginning.

Chapters (12)

An accident happens when Rainbow Dash tries to do something different to her famous 'Sonic Rainboom'. She sustains a somewhat serious injury, that heals relatively quickly, but that does not stop her from getting to be with the one pony she loves. Not only does Rainbow find love, but so does all of her close friends.

**All tags may not apply right away.

Chapters (3)

Vinyl Scratch lives to feel free! She feels trapped in society and the bland routine of every day life. She discovers that graffiti art gives her the same sense of freedom and danger that her music does. With a troubled past she longs for this feeling, doing almost anything in her power to grasp it. Even tough the activity is considered illegal she still finds herself in the streets every night after dark, tagging long abandoned buildings, feeling like she's leaving her mark for everypony to see. After deciding to try and tag one of the biggest buildings in Canterlot she gets caught again, this time facing severe punishment.

But when she discovers who the pony that lives in the building she painted is, she concocts a devious plan to get herself out of the trouble shes in.

She's willing to try anything to get back out on the streets!

Authors notes: Light comedy, nothing to cause any ROFLing. This is my first official fic and I really hope you enjoy! I am looking for someone to edit for me and would be very grateful to whoever wants to help! That being said if you have any tips for me and my story please comment or message me with them! I'm not new to writing but i'm new to writing in this setting so I would love a bit of feedback. Now read my story you silly fillies!

Chapters (12)

One day, Twilight recieves a mysterious package. The contents and the letter that arrived with sound awefully suspicious but curious as she is, Twilight can't help herself but study it. What could possibly happen?

This was supposed to be my entry for the Twidash-Framed-Challenge but I don't think I'll be able to finish it in time. Reasons are in the author's notes.
Edited by: TheShadow

Chapters (1)

After a falling out between Vinyl and Octavia, Bon Bon notices the DJ is out of sorts. Just how bad is Vinyl taking the break up? And what will it take to bring her back?

Special thanks to Avox for proofreading!

Chapters (2)