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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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They all laughed at him. A unicorn, flying!? Oh, how ridiculous! But now he had proven them wrong. He had created wings that were more than temporary! But will this newfound excellence last? We shall see.

Chapters (20)

Princess Celestia’s 5000th birthday is fast approaching. The Mane Six and Luna decide to work together and throw a party for her, with many surprises that neither she nor they will ever forget.

A big thank you goes to Conicer, who made the wonderful cover art for me!

Chapters (12)

Not all assumptions are malicious, but even the most innocent rumours can be unpleasant, if they actually effect ponies' lives. Rainbow Dash knows this all too well as she tries to confront the stallion of her dreams. A bitter-sweet kind of hilarity ensues when she meets another pony with similar problems.

Chapters (11)

My name is Gilda. I used to be a Griffon warrior, until I got banished.

When you're banished, you've got nothing. No clan, no funding, no gold watch and friendly job reference. You're stuck wherever the Griffon clans aren't.

You do whatever work comes your way. You rely on anyone still talking to you. A speed-freak ex-marefriend. A megalomaniac illusionist working as a middlemare for the EIS.

Family too, if you're desperate.

Bottom line is, as long as you're banished, you're not going anywhere

Chapters (19)

February Write-Off Second Place Winner! Dodge Junction is a foul place, full of fouler people. At least, that's what Sheriff Bismarck wants Applejack to believe. And yet, here, among the dregs of society, Applejack finds an honest soul to help her rid her home town of a fearsome beast - a grizzled old outlaw, desperate for redemption.

Chapters (2)

Everyone knows Fancypants is Canterlot's most important pony - but when did he become the most important? How did he do it? And where did he begin his rise to prominence? When Rarity puts the question to him, Fancypants decides to tell her his history in a series of letters, detailing his triumphs and tribulations on the road to the top.

Chapters (5)

After a dragon attacks Ponyville, Twilight discovers she has a strange new ability. What does it have to do with the dragons that are cropping up everywhere, and what will it mean for Equestria? (Skyrim Crossover)

Chapters (4)

Shiny Beam is stuck in a rut. He's lost the fire that once made him a great writer. All is not normal in Ponyville, however, as a strange anomaly thrusts him far, far into the future, where no trace of ponies are left on Equestria... except for one survivor. This long-secluded pony recants the tale of his life and the end of Equestria.

In this barren land, Shiny must find hope. And a way back.

Featured on EQD! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/story-resolution.html

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie invites herself to spend time with Twilight, who seems lost in contemplation. At Pinkie's insistence, she confesses her thoughts on the meaninglessness of life. After some consideration, Pinkie presents her own perspective on the matter.

Chapters (1)