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Memories of a time long gone by hold the key to Luna's salvation. To save her sister, Celestia sends Twilight on a quest through Luna's mind, searching for the source of an ancient spell that is slowly killing her. What she finds may change her forever.

Twilight experiences Luna's life first hand on an emotional journey through the dark alicorn's past.

Chapters (11)

Luna is pregnant with a colt. A colt sired when she was still Nightmare Moon.
One thousand years later, the foal is born into a life of secrecy.

But the father, the troubled stallion who stood by the princess' side even as she turned into the dark queen, did not perish in the intervening millennium since Nightmare Moon's defeat. Alone, but not entirely forgotten, the sire of an age past begins a new life in Ponyville, unaware of the existence of his foal.

But starting a new live is never easy, especially when your past invades the present.

Chapters (19)

After a budget cut, Cheerilee is replaced by a younger and stricter teacher. Cheerilee searches for a new job in Ponyville while her students deal with the new teacher. However, everything is not what it seems. Can Cheerilee use her vast knowledge to save her students and Ponyville?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to In Her Majesty's Royal Service

After guardsponies Storm Stunner, Crack Shot, and Check Mate proved instrumental in stopping an interdimensional incident that threatened to annoy the city of Canterlot, the Royal Guard made a realization: perhaps they might just be able to serve functions beyond pulling aerial chariots and trying not to blink in public.

Now months later, they're finally starting to get somewhere with each of the odd regimens they've designed; it's a shame that three of their number will have to miss the progress to follow. In recognition of their prior bravery, quick thinking, (and to a smaller degree their dumb luck), Princess Luna has given Storm, Check, and Crack Shot a special assignment: to visit the lands on the borders of pony control, to sample the local flavors, and to maybe even take a picture or two. One might dare to call it a vacation.

However, expectations mean little so far from home, and despite Luna's wishes to keep the guardsponies out of harm's way, the world can easily change in a thousand years. The three guardsponies may be forced to deal with the inconvenience of their vacation turning into an adventure.

First Story: In Her Majesty's Royal Service

Chapters (14)

Luna has had enough of Celestia's games, and has found the perfect means of revenge. Using a long-forbidden spell, she transforms her sister into little more than a small filly, all so she could pull the greatest prank ever. Unfortunately, she soon learns that before you fool around with dangerous magic, you really need to read the fine print...

A sequel can be found here.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Elementals of Harmony

A collection of stories set in the same Multiverse as Elementals of Harmony. Among other things, you will learn about Lyra's employers, how Equestria was made (really), and whether Luna snores.

A Friendship is Magic: the Gathering crossover, like its predecessor. Reading Elementals first is strongly recommended, as there will be spoilers.

Categories have been chosen in light of the wide range of tone.

Chapters (23)

Retiring isn't always easy. Especially when your job title is Evil Overlord. Most of the time retirement from that particular position comes on the sharp end of an opportunistic hero's sword. But Damien didn't survive the past six centuries by playing by the rules. His retirement plans involve running. Running from his country, his continent, and his very universe to escape Fate's long reach. And what better place to run to in an attempt to live peacefully than the utopian land of Equestria?

Currently being edited by the ever amazing Frederick the Saiyan.

Since I've had a number of comments on this I figure I should clear it up here. This is not a crossover witht he overlord game series. Note the lack of a crossover tag.

<subtle hint>I am open to submissions for a better title image</subtle hint>

Chapters (31)

An engineer who is haunted by the loss of his family saves three strangers from a band of thugs. Upon learning more about them he grants them permission to stay at his home as long as they need to. As time passes though they begin to notice things about his behavior when he thinks no one is around. Between his sorrow, his alcoholism, and his drives in the middle of the night they learn that to some, when you lose the closest people in your life nothing else seems to matter. Will they be able to help this man rise above the ashes and move on from the pain and rage that consume him?

Rated Teen for violence, gore, language, adult themes, and sexual situations.

Image cover done by Kiyoshii. http://kiyoshiii.deviantart.com/

Elements of Harmony Vector provided by SpiritofthwWolf. http://spiritofthwwolf.deviantart.com/

Chapters (27)