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Twilight gets a feeder to study birds.

She also bought a ton of seeds for it.

While she's frustrated at the fact her supply seems to be disappearing into thin air, she's about to realize that she has a much bigger problem on hoof.

Chapters (5)

When the young Twilight gets her mind set on something, nothing will pull her away. Sometimes this determination leads her to do great things; other times it dumps her in the pouring rain. And, of course, she drags princess Celestia along for the ride.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and friends learn that prolonged exposure to the power of Pinkie Pie can cause some rather interesting side effects. An unbearably silly idea that wouldn't go away until I wrote it down.

Chapters (1)

Sparkler has a happy life with her adoptive mother and sister. However, a secret weighs heavy on her. Seeking some advice and relief, she comes knocking at Cheerilee's door.

What does the filly want to confess?

Many thanks to Taggerung for the amazing picture! The original can be found here: http://ballman64.deviantart.com/#/d4k8s3q

Chapters (1)

Many years after sending her beloved protege to Ponyville, unease sits heavily on Princess Celestia's heart as her relationship with Twilight Sparkle seems to have cooled despite all they've accomplished together. On the advice of her sister, Celestia sets out to investigate and resolve the lost connection with her most faithful student. What does it mean to be a Faithful Student...or a Princess of the Sun?

Earned a six-star rating on Equestria Daily and featured on its very own TVTropes page!.

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle. A name known to everypony in all of Equestria. She's saved Equestria multiple times now, and with her and her friends being the Elements of Harmony, as well as being Princess Celestia's "Most Faithful Student", she enjoys a great life.
But what was before that? Follow her on her journey through foalhood, and her times as Celestia's Student.

This is my first fic, so constructive criticism is appreciated very much.
A huge thank you to WhatTheMoo and Knight Of Cerebus for proofreading this fic.
And a huge thank you to TwinTailsInc for allowing me to use his artwork

Chapters (7)

There comes a point when you can no longer run from the things you've done. Ryan Williams believes that he has reached this point, but sometimes, just as we are about to close one door, another opens before us, changing our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

Update: Redemption now has a live reading! Done by Teraunce, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/W4vLoB3Lbk0
Go give it (and his channel) some love :D

Chapters (15)

Windfall takes place seven years after FiM's main timeline. The Elements of Harmony have gone their separate ways, but are still close, and all the girls come running to be there on the eve of Fluttershy bringing her first foal with Big Macintosh into the world.

If you enjoyed this story and this fanfiction future extrapolation, please consider reading the sequel Earth & Sky

Chapters (4)

Ditzy Doo is the daughter of a prominent family in Canterlot. So why has she shown up at Rainbow Dash's doorstep, years after they last saw each other? Rainbow is willing to go to out of her way to help an old friend, but she may get more than she bargained for: being away from home isn't the only thing Ditzy has to adjust to...

A prequel to the events of both continuities in The Winningverse.

Co-authored by Chengar Qordath.

Chapters (4)