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Ms. Cheerliee assigned her class to write about their favorite pony ever, and this is Dinky's report.

Friends that read over it: ToixStory, Lynked, JustAnotherTimeLord

Editor: Aqu

Audio Reading By Scribbler

Audiobook Reading by Pony&WolfProductions

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is getting ready to host a Dodgeball Tournament when Gilda shows up, challenging them against her own team. As they prepare themselves, Twilight and her friends learn a surprising secret about a certain crossed-eyed mailpony. Will Ponyville be able to beat Gilda and her team? Or will they taste rubbery defeat?

Chapters (9)

Love can be so many things, love for a brother or a friend.

Ditzy did not recieve anything like that growing up.
She has been alone all her life, except for one pony.
That showed her that it is one kind of love like no other.

Authors note: This story is the start of many, many Ditzy/Dinky fics I have planned. I hope you enjoy.

To read the seuqel, please follow the link or go to my page. I Wish You Could

For a reading of this story, follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QXwqtXWBx4&feature=g-u-u

Chapters (1)

Being a single mother can be tough, especially when you have nopony to share your pain with.

Ditzy always hid her pain from her daughter, keeping her feelings bottled up inside.
After an unfortunate release of her emotions, will Ditzy be able to make it right by her daughter?

Will a second chance emerge with help from unexpected places?

A/N: This is a sequel to 'A Love Like No Other' and a prequel to I Wish I Was

You don't have to read any of them to enjoy this work. Rated teen because of sensitive subjects.

Chapters (1)

Being a mother is never easy. But when you're a single mother who happens to have a daughter who's as stubborn as a mule, it gets even harder. One particular night, Dinky seems to be pushing every one of her mother's buttons. But what will happen when Derpy finally decides enough is enough?


Happy Mother's Day, 'errybody! Go have a good time with the one woman in your life you owe more than anything.

Chapters (1)

"Dinky's a lucky kid. I mean--think about it: how many ponies get *me* for a godmom? Yeah, that's right, one. (Well, okay, two, but Dinky was first.) It's a great gig and basically it just means I get to hang out with Dinky and be my usual awesome self ... Right?"

Part of Chengar Qordath's Winningverse, a side story to "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony"

Chapters (1)

Can words hurt more than actions?

Can what has been said be undone?

After a fight with her mother, Dinky finds an old diary.
As she reads it, she finds out more about her mother's past.

Authors note: This is a follow-up to A Love Like no Other, but you don't have to have read it to enjoy this one.

Thanks to Arbarano for helping me edit it, and getting rid of those pesky grammar errors.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shipping and Handling

Magic is limited only by the strength of the mind and the passion of the heart.

After the events of "Shipping and Handling", young Dinky Doo sets off to begin her first term of study at the most prestigious magic school in Equestria, Celestia's Academy for Gifted Unicorns. The adventures that await her there will exceed even her wildest expectations, and a cast of colorful new characters will be by her side to share in them.

(This story is the sequel to "Shipping and Handling". It's highly recommended you read that one first!
Occurs during Season 3 of the show: After the Crystal Empire but before Alicorn Twilight.)

Chapters (20)

Blossomforth wants to comfort her friend Cloud Kicker in the aftermath of Derpy's death. However, helping Cloud Kicker move on from death of a friend and lover is a difficult thing, and before she can help her friend Blossomforth must first confront her own feelings for Cloud Kicker and the reason she never got along with Derpy Hooves. Not to mention dealing with all the regrets that inevitably come from lost opportunities.

Follows from the events of Saying Goodbye and connected to Comma Kazie's "From The Mouths of Fillies" and "Changes." References some of the events of "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" but the two stories are not in continuity with each other.

Chapters (2)

When Ditzy Doo loses her job at Cloudsdale Mail and Freight, she gets a job at another shipping company... only to find out their definition of shipping has nothing to do with delivering packages! Desperate for income to support herself and Dinky, will Ditzy be able to make it as a pony matchmaker?

(Occurs between Seasons 2 and 3 of the show.)

Chapters (19)