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A spinoff of TD's Little Rarity and yes, you definitely have to read that one before you get this one.

Takes place in the middle of TD's Little Rarity. After TD and Rarity are captured by the government, the FBI transports them to a secure location. However, word gets out thanks to a news chopper that a magical pony might be on Earth, and the convoy is attacked and Rarity is taken.

And boy is TD pissed off about it.

Written because I had a dream like this, yes, with Rarity, and I woke up before I could see how it ended.

Chapters (9)

An Alternate universe that deviates from the storyline seen in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! in which Celestia reveals at the Gala that she can in fact send him home.

Eager to do exactly what he's been waiting to do, he grabs his Clovevellian Staff and computer, and is promptly sent back to Earth, free from any more pony (and no, he will most certainly NOT be watching the show either).

A year passes and TD is happy back on Earth and has a job as an RA at his school. You know, the kind of job that requires a lot of human contact.

That's when the box shows up...

Yes, this is a TD version of My Little Dashie. Don't read if you don't like either MLD or TD in general.

Chapters (14)

TD Harrison Powell, the human that first came to Equestria in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! has been in Ponyville for about three months when Twilight realizes something interesting: she doesn't really know that much about humans and how they work. Sure TD is receptive to her interviews for the most part, but he can't tell her everything and she wants to find out about how he acts casually.

So she decides to stalk him for science!

This is a little one-shot I decided to make while I'm waiting for my pre-readers to get the next chapter to me. This is canon and isn't supposed to be taken seriously at all.

Inspired by, but not ripped off of, Mood Wings

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Non-Brony

A great evil is spreading across the universe, one that Discord, Lord of Chaos, needs to stop. Luckily for him, he has the perfect team for the job.

Spoilers for Resurgence and its prequels
The Life of a Non-Brony and its prequels
TD Punches Everything
TD's Little Rarity
TD's Little Rarity 1.5: This Time It's Personal

Chapters (2)

Clyde went to the Merchants stand, and buys only one item. This item is powerful, and it is only because of this one item that Clyde will be able to save the world from the Changeling Queen’s evil!

Chapters (6)

“Wait, you killed me?”

“I’m pretty sure you were at least clinically dead for a couple minutes. So technically, yes.”

Takes place directly after the Twilight vs. Raven Death Battle. Spoilers for that, in case that wasn’t obvious.

Chapters (1)

A newly-winged Spike has a frank conversation with Rarity about their relationship.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Ponies, Pirates and Peculiar Psychopaths

Chrysalis has been driven out of Canterlot, her invasion defeated. However, an old friend from her time before becoming queen is more than happy to help her succeed with her plans.

Will these two achieve their goals, conquering pony-kind and ruling over them with iron fist and hoof? Or will they be stopped in time, preserving the peace that Equestrian has known for as long as can be remembered? There is more than just dreams of world domination at work, though, this is personal for Chrysalis and her rediscovered assistance.

Hopefully, the line that 'Evil never triumphs' will prove to be correct, or else a drastic change is going to descend upon not just Equestria, but the entire world.

Thanks to Avatar of Madness for the coverart.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Royal Break Up Chronicles

Teen and sex rating is for swear words and sexual comments

A What-If to Luna's Original Break Up Chronicle.

Instead of lying and continuously chasing down Steven after their break up, Luna chooses to leave him be. This however has unforeseen side effects on Steven, causing him to see, hear and feel the Lunar Princess wherever he goes.

Cover art 470032

Chapters (3)

Adam is a good friend of Princess Cadance, and has been for the past year.

But when the Crystal Princess finds her request for snuggles denied, her mind breaks and she quickly kidnaps him for nefarious reasons.

He never stood a chance.

Uploaded at 10.20 AM. Written in about twenty minutes for April Fools, Enjoy!

Chapters (1)