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The morning after Bright Mac and Pear Butter’s wedding, Granny Smith sits alone in a cafe, trying to process everything that's changed.

When Mayor Mare comes looking to talk with her, Granny isn't sure if she's quite ready to face her old friend.

A draft of this story appeared as a finalist in the July 2017 Writeoff, "TBD" (sic). Featured on FimFiction 10Mar.2018-12Mar.2018 :heart:

Chapters (1)

* Voted Twice as the #1 Comedy FanFic on Equestria Daily *

Well, what can I say? This is the story of a man. Or maybe he was... a pony-man. Or maybe he was just a... Pony! But he was still...


... Yeah, this is that story. The story where a guy goes to a party and wakes up in Ponyville. That guy (I know him as 'me') seems to have landed in his own personal little heaven. Hell, I even brought me a pack of endless cigarettes. How does that not kick all kinds of flank?

So yeah, everything was awesome. The End.

Well, except for The Nightmare. And Trixie. And some jerk named David. Then there was that Azure Flora pony. And that skank princess that steals my goddamn phone!

Listen, summaries just... They just don't cut it. If you want the story, it's provided right here.

Just a warning. I use cusswords like a big boy.


Chapters (13)

Friar Jacques de Charrette was tired. The Templars, his first Order, were gone, massacred by a treacherous King. His old wars are over, as the Kingdoms of Europe tear each other apart for land and power. Now a Hospitaller priest, and an old man, Friar Jacques expects nothing more than to live out the rest of his days in peace. But Providence has other plans in store for Jacques, and when a distant land has need of his aid, the dutiful warrior priest will answer the call.

He just would have preferred that someone warn him about the magical talking ponies.

Perhaps an odd foray into Human in Equestria writing, but I enjoy being unconventional. We often see modern men flung into the medieval world. What about a medieval man being flung into modern Equestria? A 14th Century Supplement in Celestia's Court is a companion volume, with a list of character descriptions (first chapter), canonical vignettes, and non-canon comedy chapters which will be added as time goes on. It is not required reading, but you may find chapters useful for context or amusing for the lack of context.

General disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. 'My Little Pony' is the property of Hasbro and its affiliates. References to historical figures are made, but these are subject to creative license, and resemblance between original characters and those of other works are coincidental. I will make an effort to note when a historical reference is made in case people want to check the source material (and to cite my own sources), but these will be relatively few in number.

My Little Pony and its contents are the property of Hasbro, Inc. and its affiliates. Please support the official release.

Cover art is Heor Corbray by Nordheimer - it is the property of Nordheimer and I own nothing of it; thanks to lordelliot for finding the original, since I couldn't remember where I found it.

Chapters (44)

My name's Chris Scott, and I used to be a (somewhat) normal guy. That is until I decided to go to Power Morphicon dressed as a Psycho Ranger. Or maybe I should blame the shady vendor.... Either way, I'm now stuck in a war-ravaged Equestria. Apparently, King Mondo decided to make his new vacation home here. The locals didn't take it very well. Did I mention the ponies here are anthropomorphic? On the upside, I have a new roommate....

Hey, guys. So, I've decided to join the Displaced community. I hope you enjoy this new Displaced Fic. Also, gore tag for possible future events.

Chapters (31)

Years before a certain prophesy would come to fruition, a young pegasus filly fell from the sky near Las Pegasus, only to be rescued and taken in by Burning Sky and Dragonfly, a newlywed pegasi couple on leave from the Equestrian Air Guard for their honeymoon. Adopted and named Firefly by the very ponies who caught her out of the sky, the young filly is secretly a being from another reality, a former human who had been a fan of a popular show that had portrayed this very world (or one very similar to it), with no idea what had brought her here, why she was now a pony, or even when in the timeline she happens to be.

Once she figures out that she's in the past, with years before Princess Luna returned as Nightmare Moon, young Firefly resolves to simply stay out of the way and let events happen as they should. However, once she sees Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Brave and Glorious appear out of a bubble of complex looking magic, Firefly feels an incredible sense of liberation, believing that it no longer matters what she does or doesn't do as everything would correct itself once Twilight dealt with Starlight Glimmer and returned to the future.

So Firefly decides to buck Starlight Glimmer on the way down to save Fluttershy.

After all, if nothing she did right now mattered anyway, why not be the hero? What harm could it possibly do? :twilightsheepish:

And thus my SI takes a sledgehammer to causality, breaking Starlight Glimmer's spell in the worst way possible for two mares and a dragon from the future and changing the course of history forever. :facehoof:

But hey, at least Fluttershy is okay, right? :twilightsheepish:

What do you mean Fluttershy's Cutie Mark is different now!? :twilightoops:

Cover rendition of Firefly by Equestria Prevails.

This pic of Firefly is pretty much what inspired me to write this story... :twilightsmile:

Chapters (2)

Twilight and her friends along with Princess Luna & Celestia are forced/asked to watch various classic Disney Films by a mysterious person/pony.

(This fic will use timestamps instead of the describing of scenes I previously did with this fic just so this fic is not taken down or forced to be taken off by the admins; Some characters may be added or brought in if either requested for a specific movie or the movie seems to correlate with them the most.)

(I will be using Disney+ for this fic since it is easier than digging through DVD's or BluRays).

Just been put up as one of the Top Stories on the main page; so happy : )

Chapters (4)

An airship wreck leaves Rainbow Dash and Rarity stranded on a deserted island. Together, they must find a way to survive until help comes.

If it comes.

Chapters (342)

How long have I been here? I don't know and am not sure I want to. All I know is that my old "friend" Discord is free and he is saying that I can be free too. Why would he want that? Doesn't he remember what I promised I would do if I got free? He causes chaos for fun. Me... I cause chaos to destroy. Celestia and Luna will pay for what they did, or so help me I will cause this entire planet to pay!

Meet Allison, a young girl transported to another world over one thousand years ago. Armed with incredible powers, she attempted to be a hero of this new world, but was shunned and feared by its leaders. After a particular incident, she was sealed in stone by the Elements of Harmony. Now that she has been freed, will revenge be her goal or will she focus on returning to a home that may no longer exist?

Rated teen for use of strong language, intense violence, and death. You have been warned.

Based of the PlayStation Vita exclusive: Gravity Rush.
Holy Crap my first featured story! Woohoo! Featured on May 8, 2014
Featured again on June 16, 2014!
And again on August 5! I'm gonna stop here, but man it's great to have such amazing fans!

Chapters (27)

The poster and artwork for the chapters belongs to Shrekzilla

Fluttershy loves all animals great and small, this much is true. And that means she has no problem taking in a abandoned egg left on her front porch. But what will the kindly pegasus do when she finds out that the egg hatches into the last remaining member of Titanus Gojira, a enormous and powerful saurian superspecies that once dominated ancient Equestria?

Chapters (19)

Greetings I am Thrin. After purchasing a robe from a anime/video game store in the local Mall I'm transported to Equestria the day of Luna's banishment with the knowledge I can now transform into the Champions from League of Legends, and the first thing I do is intentionally get myself trapped in stone. Now one thousand years later I'm free, but soon I learn I'm not the only one sent here. Are they friend or foe? Join me on this journey to find out.
Thrin's Token's message: I am Thrin an Heir to Legends and the Half-Elf of the Wild Woods, if you need my aid in battle, problems with magic or merely some advice then hold this to the sky and say my name.

Edit: I've been thinking about reworking Thrin's story. more info can be found here

Inspired by MLPfan438 In League with the Legends 
League of Legends is property of Riot Games. Dragon's Crown belongs to Vanillaware and Dragon Quest belongs to Square Enix. Please support the official releases. Tags will change as needed.

Chapters (14)