• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015


I love it when u call me big mango

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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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It was supposed to be Trixie's vacation, a soul searching trip to Ponyville. Instead she found herself in a town full of crazy, enthralled ponies, the result of Twilight becoming corrupted by a mysterious amulet.

Managing to escape conversion, she set out to form a resistance movement. It's off to a great start. She already has Fluttershy.

(Genre-deviating sequel to Hostile Takeover)

Chapters (5)

For a long time now, Applejack has been writing a novel. It keeps her sharp, her wits about her, and polishes on her fancy talk.

In this novel, she writes about the socialite turned spy, Appletini. The daring partner known as Diane. Their Director, Dusk Shine and his staff; Elusive, Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch. Applejack has written hours upon hours of work, until she comes up against a problem. A spy novel can also be a romance novel, and Applejack is having trouble separating what she knows.

So she turns to her friends for help, who mostly want to hear more of the story.

Sex tag for implications and innuendo.

Chapters (1)

Remember the time Ponyville was invaded by Parasprites? Or the time Cerberus, the demonic three-headed dog guardian of Tartarus, Equestria's underworld, wandered away and ended up in Ponyville?

What I'm trying to say is, it's an odd sort of town. Anything can happen.

This is the story of how a million star spiders came to live with Twilight Sparkle. It wasn't even the weirdest thing to happen to her that month.

Ponyville, man. Crazy place.

Edit: Now a reading, apparently!

Chapters (1)

Discord still has a lot to learn about friendship. Spending some one-on-one time with each of his new friends is helping. If only they wouldn’t get so upset about being turned into fruit or having their hair eaten.

What’s that? Make my life a living nightmare? Foolish pink pony! I’m Discord, the Lord of Chaos. What could a simple pony like you possibly do to me?

Inspired by the art of the ever so talented Madacon and a conversation with the stories editor Tired Old Man.

Chapters (5)

Sphinxes. Creatures from ancient Anugypt, shrouded in mystery, myth, and superstition.

When an archaeology caravan passes through Ponyville carrying the find of the century--four mummified sphinxes--an ancient Anugyptian curse awakens and regenerates the Sphinx Queen Neferkitti and her retainers.

Now, four mysterious creatures from another place and time are on the loose...and mildly annoying the citizens of Ponyville.

(Cover art by zimvader42, used with permission.)

Chapters (4)

Cooking contests are tough. Cooking contests judged by princesses are tougher. Sometimes you think you need to go that extra length to get the best out of yourself. And sometimes you are wrong.

Rated Teen for some suggestive lines, but very innocent, really.

Written in about two hours, with absolutely no editing at all, so forgive any stupid errors. I just had to. Blame the art linked below...

SPOILER: Totally inspired by this hilarious and wonderful piece of art. CHECK IT OUT!

Chapters (1)

Coming out with the news of their relationship to their parents and friends had been easy; now there was only one pony left to tell, and the little filly was not planning on making the process easy for the Princess of Friendship.

Chapters (1)

"When Rarity finds herself homeless for a week Applejack happily extends an invitation for her to stay at Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack plans to use the time to show Rarity why the Apple Family is so great but as the week goes on it is Applejack who finds herself become more and more the outsider"

This one-shot was written as a challenge to myself. The goal was the create a 'lost episode' that could take place within the series cannon and feel like an actual episode of the show.

This fic is unconnected to any of my previous works.

A big thanks to CrowMagnon for beta-reading this!

Chapters (1)

The golden rule of gambling: "quit while you're ahead."

Princess Twilight Sparkle did not heed this advice. After losing a bet, she is about to learn of the consequences the hard way, and Princess Cadence intends to enjoy every second of it.

Will Princess Celestia survive this incident? And why the hell is Princess Luna always missing at times like these?

(Further chapters are completely unrelated...)

(Original sketch of the cover art by marking. Inking and coloring by yours truly...)

("Celestia picnic" image stolen from here: link)

Chapters (3)

Tell me the story, Celestia. The one that you promised you would, so long ago...

This is the beginning of a story.

This is the end of a story.

This is a story about beginnings and endings, about gods and mortals, about love and death.

Chapters (1)