• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015


I love it when u call me big mango

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One ordinary mare. One never-ending time loop. Infinite ways to die.

How long before she snaps?

Chapters (19)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

Twilight lives in the land of dragons with her dragon family. She is content to be surrounded by her personal library, assist her high priestess mother with her rituals, occasionally organize her high-ranking officer father's files, tutor her little brother in royal manners and sometimes hang out with the third princess.

Moondancer is princess Celestia's protégée. She loves to hole up in the Canterlot research center and eat ice cream with her friends. She is also sporadically insecure about her worth, but she knows that her friends are there to help her through. With them at her sides, she can overcome anything ; she is invincible.

Simple wedding invitations would be the things to disrupt the surfacing tranquility. Except they are not simple wedding invitations. They are entrance tickets to a sinister plot and the gateways to a war between the three empires.

This story was inspired by Twilight: The Dragon Sorceress written by Wicked DG. The premise might be very similar, but I expect my way of handling it, and by extension the end result, will be completely different.

Please note that this story was planned before Gauntlet of Fire. The elements presented in the episode will most likely be completely ignored.

(Credit of the cover image goes to JaDeDJynX on Deviantart for her piece Twimage.)

Chapters (3)

After receiving her first correspondence from Princess Twilight, Dragon Lord Ember decides to embark on a journey to Ponyville to help bridge the two cultures. Accompanying her, is the cantankerous Garble, one who Ember believes could benefit most from this foreign Pony concept of "friendship." Shortly after arriving, however, Ember learns that this supposed teacher of friendship is just using Spike as her personal servant. Such indignance will not stand. Not if Dragon Lord Ember has anything to say about it.

Chapters (1)

Being an alicorn is wonderful... except when it isn't. There are plenty of things that put a damper on limitless vistas of possibility afforded by such a long life: Court, mortal needs and expectations, the occasional decade of ennui.

And the dreams, of course. Agelessness comes with its own special kind of dreaming. Celestia finds that her own "Inner Court" is a bit too literal, and it--and she--are troubled at the prospect of a near-immortal Twilight Sparkle.

If only she could articulate exactly why that was.

art by spectralunicorn

Part of the Monophysite Quartet, which also includes Celestia Isn't Real, Have You Considered My Servant, Twilight?, and The Esoteric Rites of Darkness. All four stories have a common origin point in an old story idea I called "Monophysite" and touch on who or what Celestia really is in some way. They are otherwise unrelated.

Chapters (16)

Every week, Equestria's princesses take a break from ruling their kingdom and discuss life. Usually over coffee.

Here are their assorted conversations.

Cover art by Grennadder. The story is marked complete because it's not a writing priority of mine, more a palette cleanser I come back to between harder projects

Chapters (32)

The Nightmare has returned, using Rarity as her new vessel. Twilight steps up boldly to save her, but is soon lost to the darkness. What evils lie in wait for these two now? What horrors await the innocent in their path? Can they take over Equestria?

Not likely, seeing as it's still Twilight and Rarity, and despite the new looks, it's the same old ponies. A new romance between the pair does little to aid their conquest. Heck, it would take complete incompetence on the guards part and easily scared ponies to see these two in any real position of... power...

We're all doomed!

Chapters (5)

Twilight and Rarity are just your ordinary mages from Ponyville. One enjoys fashion, while the other enjoys particle physics. But these girls are the best of friends, sharing many common interests with one another. So they delight in the task given to them by Princess Celestia to protect the Diamond Muffin from theft. Too bad they're vying to steal it for themselves.
That's right, Twilight and Rarity are burglars, and neither one knows it yet. But when they find out, will they try to stay friends, or finish the job first?

Art work by the awesome MrWestCoast. Be sure to check him out, mis amigos.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic

Ever since Discord did NOT tell Twilight just who planted the seeds that nearly threw entire Equestria in disarray, Twilight has been giving this secretive relationship-y thingy some serious thought. But it is hard to hold Discord down from doing what he wants and getting what he wishes. It is going to be hard to juggle his chaotic persona with the harmonic balance of the kingdom she was chosen to rule.

It is also probably going to be quite funny.

Chapters (10)

Principal Cinch managed to leave Canterlot High with her dignity largely intact. Of course, that leaves the question of where she went afterwards. While the two schools celebrated the continuing existence of the universe, Cinch went off to sulk.

It just so happens that one member of the Canterlot faculty knows precisely how she sulks. And in his experience, he plays an essential part in the process. He may have shirked that duty for quite some time now, but tonight, he'll take up the mantle once again, whether Cinch likes it or not.

An entry in the F*CK THIS PROMPT! 9. Prompt: A major villain is a completely sympathetic character.

Chapters (1)