• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015


I love it when u call me big mango

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Things don't always go as planned. In the future, you can look back and see what went wrong. Retrospect, that's what it's called. Now, Spike sees the horror that has befallen Equestria, and writes to anypony willing to take up friendship again.

Chapters (1)

Unofficially edited by TheGreatEater
Hi. My name is Spike, Spike the dragon. I live in Ponyville with my caretaker Twilight. She's my best, and kind of my only friend. I'd even go far as to call her family. Everything was fine...until she had that baby. At first I was really happy, that maybe I could have a little brother or sister. But Twilight...she treats that kid...like she loves them more than me. I mean, she RAISED me. I always kinda viewed her as my mom. But it's clear she's started her own family...and I'm not part of it.

https://villainsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Clarity by Imepic20
https://herofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Spike_(I%27m_Your_Son_Too) by Imepic20

Chapters (15)

100-1500 word mini fics about the love between Twilight and Chrysalis. Forced or consensual. Prepare yourselves!

Like our sister's Twiluna and Twilestia, and of course Twidance individual authors are linked at the top of their prompt.

Interested? Join us! Click here to contribute to this story.

Rated Teen for possible well... Everything.

Side story located here!

Chapters (306)

Ten years after Twilight Sparkle became a princess Equestria is at the edge of a war. Many innocent ponies are killed in the most horrifying ways and the Elements and Princesses can't seem to find out who did it to the ponies. But when one of Equestrias most loyal and trusted turns against them and joins the dark side almost everyone loses hope.

My extraordinary editor:
FimFiction - http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Grendeer

My exemplary artist:
FimFiction - http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Orchid+Star+eyes
DevianArt - http://dearmary.deviantart.com/

Chapters (5)

The nightmare of that evening haunts my every waking moment.

A flash of light.

Her powerful form with wings spread wide before me…

She was not just my mentor.

She was also my best friend and for that I will always be grateful for knowing her not as a Princess of Equestria, but as Celestia… The only one who really understood me...

But now? Now I can never tell her how much I truly loved her and how much she meant to me.

They took her away from me.

So I will take everything away from them.

There is a sequel! D=S-M2 and side story! D=S-M: Emerald Mirror

((Somehow Featured on: 12/03/2014 and again on the 06/07/14... mad.

Much love and all credit to the artist: Ventious who owns that picture and is all kinds of awesome. While I have yet to get permission (working on that one at some point), I will remove the picture if the artist demands it so.

And much thanks to these guys for helping me edit/proof and generally bounce ideas about this monstrosity: Grammar Nazi Tach, Discorded Discord,Curify, Lord Inquisitor

Chapters (14)

You can't go home again. That's what they say--and Sunset Shimmer happens to agree. You can't go home again. You really, really can't.

Coverart: bakki

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Seven Girls, Nine Hundred Forty Three Miles, and One Minivan.

In a former life, Vice-Principal Luna took the world by storm as the heavy metal queen known as Nightmare Moon!

But what will happen when Rainbow Dash discovers her long-held secret?

(More hijinks in the Equestria Girls sandbox, if you haven't noticed).

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Reunited

Six years.

For six years she has slept in a coma and now she has awakened. The entire world wants her to die for her crimes. Equestria wants her to die for her lies. Even I will admit I just want to see her die so I can move on with my life.

But before I say goodbye to my mentor, the former Princess Celestia, I have to ask her one question.

Why? Why did she do all this? Why transport us from Equestria to Earth? Why try to turn Humanity into Ponies?

All I want is the truth.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

So it's finally happened. After being kicked in the shin by Celestia, Discord is officially dying. Now Celestia wants to know if he has any last requests before he goes.

What a silly, silly thing of her to ask.

Chapters (1)