• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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Missions come with risks. They usually don't think about that. They have many ways of not thinking about it and given how many missions they've been on, some of them have not been thinking about it for a very long time.

They were just waiting for a new mission to start. Then somepony came along and asked them to write down every medical circumstance under which, by their own legally recorded desire, they would prefer to die.

And now the thoughts won't stop.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

After you've tried to celebrate it enough times, a holiday might start to feel like nothing more than a group of traditions which all chose the same day to kick you. The bulk of Equestria may see the palace's annual gift-receiving ceremony as their chance to show how much they love their Solar princess, but Celestia mostly perceives it as something she has to get through without dying or actively longing for death. She's usually 50% successful, and most ceremonies end with her convinced it was the wrong half.

But maybe this year will be different.

One of them has to be.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art by BonesWolbach, used under open permission. Please contact him with any special background rendering requests.

Chapters (1)

Waffles are Pinkie Pie's most favoritest of all breakfast food. They are perfect, perfect, according to her.

But... didn't she say that about Pancakes just last week?

Twilight investigates...

Preread by - the wonderful Nailah, and the hilarious Exalted Aussie

Chapters (1)

That Prince Blueblood treats mares terribly. Luna takes matters into her own hoof to teach him a lesson, but it is she that learns something instead.

Tags: tg, trans, self identity.

Chapters (40)

At first, Wallflower Blush was excited to visit Equestria with Sunset Shimmer. Then she saw what her girlfriend became on the other side of the mirror. And what Wallflower didn't.

How could Sunset want to be with a person—or a pony—like her?

Takes place prior to Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown and Season 9.

Written for, and inspired by, my girlfriend Scampy, whose Wallflower stories are far better than this.

Written to this song.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis' invasion lasts only a whopping five seconds before she surrendered. All according to plan.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the next of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Empty Room

It is six months after the Fall of the Guardian. The Mane Six and all of Equestria are coping with the losses they have suffered, but the day seems lighter than it was before. Yet unnoticed among the dust of the Fall, a shadow begins again to stir...

A/N This story is set six months after the conclusion of Wanderer D's excellent work "The Empty Room" and I highly recommend it. Constructive criticism, comments, and suggestions are eagerly, eagerly accepted. Hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.

Chapters (67)


What exactly did Pinkie Pie do during the time she held Discord's power? An Equestrian intelligence officer leaves a message to her successor on what little they know so far. Warning: Superintelligences and existentialism

Author's Note

Inspired by The 21-Second God, though I ended up taking it in a different direction than good ol' Squiddy.

Charlie Stross Was Right.

Vaguely planning more stuff about the Equestrian intelligence services, recontextualizing all the episodes of the series one by one to various degrees. If I end up doing that, this story will end up being one of the capstones. It'll also be a long while before I start it, if I ever do.

Also left two (2) lines from literature in there. It's possible I left even more than that inadvertently, considering I tend to repeat cool things I hear. But if you catch them let me know!

Chapters (2)


No sex actually happens in the story. Just missed past opportunities, and a non-canonical saucy joke at the end, which I think is the definition of Teen rating + Sex warning. Yes, that's right, "joke"...


Ellie makes an innocent remark. Maud and Trixie confess some things to Starlight. Starlight does not take it well.

Author's Note

There are about 15kish words that are supposed to be between this and Scenes From A Life In Equestria, establishing the start of Ellie's relationship with Rarity, up to her leaving on a business trip for a couple of weeks. But then I re-watched The Road To Friendship and A Rock Solid Friendship and got re-obsessed with Startrix and Starmaud and Startrixmaud all over again, and could not wait. Will connect it to the rest of the series once that catches up.

Chapters (2)