• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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This story is a sequel to Triptych

There are those who say that a mark is a portion of the soul made visible to the world. That the mark is destiny, and so cannot be denied. Equestria has existed under the influence of marks for all of its recorded history, allowing the ever-changing tide of icons to guide the way.

But it could also be said that every system contains the seed of its own destruction.

There is one who believes destiny is nothing more than a trap. And there is nothing she will not do to make the world free.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

This story is a direct sequel to Triptych. Do not read it unless you've finished the original.

Chapters (36)

She goes for long trots through the forest, as part of the duty. She observes the world around her, does her best to listen, and learns what she can from knowledge gained in solitude.

There are ways in which Fluttershy knows more about the world than anypony, and one of the first lessons was that the world is not what we make of it.

Ultimately, the world doesn't care.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. Due to minimal length, this story was a Patreon freebie.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Triptych

Her first prison was underground, and it took a lifetime before she recognized its nature. The newest cell has hallways and windows. Her mentor takes her outside, but she always comes back to marble floors and ponies who don't know how to look at her for more than a few minutes. She's too slow when responding to her own name, she can barely reconcile having one, and...

A prison with a lock. A prison with a door.

She's trying to figure out what the difference is. Or whether there's any difference at all.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

This story is a direct sequel to Triptych. Do not read it unless you've finished the original.

Chapters (1)

For as long as anypony who knows them can remember, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have been the best of friends. Where one can be found, the other is surely nearby. But theirs is a friendship deeper than anypony can possibly understand, and it was born of several crucial moments in their lives together. These are the stories of those moments.

Note: This story is a side project, and will update VERY slowly. I might get a chapter every other month, but I can't say for sure. It's a sidequel to NLL and TMUP, and takes a backseat to updates on both of those stories. Cover image by MacTavish1996.

Chapters (1)

Family is a complicated thing, it comes with all sorts of expectations, hopes, and unsolicited advice.

It also implies an abundance of drama, this time involving a Changeling Queen, an unlucky messenger and, at least tangentially, a rubber duck.

Cover art used with the permission of the awesome Kp-ShadowSquirrel.

For editing, pre-reading, and enduring me, in no particular order, thanks to: Carabas, Themaskedferret,
MrNumbers, Fenton, FamousLastWords and Aeluna.

Chapters (2)

After bumping into a rude pony from flight school, Rainbow tells a rather large lie to save face.

Shouldn't have did that, Dashie.

A two part story.

Chapters (2)

A diary is a place for you to store your inner thoughts without fear of being mocked or scorned. It can be very important, especially in one's formative years.

This is Diamond Tiara's diary, showing her inner thoughts over what would turn out to be the most important year of her life.

My entrant into Princess Amore Dudette's DiamondBloom Shipping Contest (in which it placed 3rd)

Chapters (1)

Rarity reads a romance novel that has a small twist on her expectations. This spirals out of control and she finds herself fixated on Applejack, of all ponies.

Is the book to blame, or is it something else?

Chapters (8)

Why do they keep coming back? Maybe it's wounded pride: they were humiliated once, and so they have to get one con over on Ponyville to heal their egos. Or a lot more than one, given all of the successive embarrassments. But either way, the brothers have returned to the scene of their crime(s) so often as to give Pinkie a tail twitch configuration just for their presence. Something which leads her and Twilight to a huge tent in the Everfree, one which has free drinks, slot machines, and happy ponies who haven't lost so much as a tenth-bit.

They can't lose.

As far as the latest con goes, that's just part of the setup.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art taken from an image created by DrXFizzle.

Chapters (1)

First you're born, and then you're recorded in triplicate. The end of labor is the start of a very long paper trail, because nopony can exist without being documented. Sending copies of a new foal's documents to the Herdbook Registry is perfectly normal. And of course, in order to make sure there's nothing strange going on, that paperwork gets reviewed. Which is done by bureaucrats who establish absolute control inside their office while having no idea of what's happening in the actual world. So as far as they're concerned, the forms associated with somepony named 'Flurry Heart'...

Don't tell them. It's funnier if they find out on their own.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. (Due to minimal story length, this was a pledge freebie.))

Chapters (1)