• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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This story is a sequel to The Moon Glows Gently

When you're the immortal ruler of an entire kingdom, the most important quality to possess is self-control. No princess can rule her nation if her emotions rule her. Celestia knows this better than anypony, and mastered them long ago.

So long ago, she may have forgotten that a little bit of passion can come in handy now and again.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Hard Reset

After the events of Hard Reset Twilight's life and mental well being are slowly returning to normal. Her recovery is cut short, though, when a letter arrives informing her that the time loop spell she cast is causing severe damage to space and time itself. In over her head, Twilight tries to summon anypony who will know how to fix it. The pony she gets is the last one she ever thought she would meet... and nothing like she expected him to be.

Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (9)

Ponyville gets a new casino, but the owner is determined to keep it a family friendly place. Rather than try to fight vice with muscle or bribery he turns to the most powerful weapon he's ever encountered; the adorableness of everyone's favorite unicorn filly.

Thanks to Brumby_Run for both coming up with the idea as well as pre-reading for me. and to Alovelylittlecomplex for editing.

This idea was found on The Idea Exchange If you have an idea that you don't have the time to write or are looking for a story to write, go check them out, there's some good stuff on the forums.

This story could really use some original cover art, perhaps a picture of Sweetie Belle in a vest and I have no artistic talent. Can anyone help a brony out?

Chapters (7)

Sweetie Belle has a crush on her best friend, and when she directs a school play staring Scootaloo as the heroine her world quickly comes crashing down around her.

So I once told a pre-reader of mine that I didn't write ship fics. Ooops.

This story was blatantly inspired by The plays the thing, but it's okay because the author of that fic HMXTaylorLee graciously agreed to pre-read and edit this for me anyway, so go check that out. Also thanks to Alovelylittlecomplex for (again?!) fixing my comma issues.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Let's Kill Tirek

No one has said ever said that being the Dragon Lord was easy, even under normal circumstances, but in the early days of her reign, Ember has been performing her duties admirably, walking the delicate balance of Draconian politics with aplomb. However, during a diplomatic visit to Equestria, she runs into a snag when she finds herself in the crosshairs of the lovestruck tail of the local chimera. It seems that it's not particularly wise to get between a viper and the dragon of her dreams.

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sun Burns Brightly

When you're the immortal ruler of an entire kingdom, the most important quality to possess is a passion for your work. No princess can rule her nation if she can't find it in herself to give her best effort every day and night. Luna knows this better than anypony, and puts her whole heart into everything she does.

But passion, unless tempered by restraint, has a way of biting one in the flank.

Chapters (2)

What sort of mare would turn down the chance to help a friend? Twilight's been there for me so many times in the past, but now she's a princess with all the new obligations and duties that come with that. The transition... hasn't been an entirely smooth one. Who better to lend her a helping hoof and show her how one deals with nobles, courts, and politics than moi?

I only hope it doesn't end up costing one of us our sanity along the way.

Chapters (2)

There are many things which Luna is still trying to catch up with in the modern world, and entertainment is high on that list. She appreciates some of the current musicians, enjoys a few books, and sees the potential in cinema. But when she doesn't enjoy being at a play, she's going to say something about it.

And when a Princess talks, a lot of ponies listen.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits welcome. This story takes place shortly after the events of Good For Nearly All Princess Labor, Public And Private, but no knowledge of that story is required for this one.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

What if Twilight had remembered a reforming spell? How would this decision affect Discord, Fluttershy, herself, and the whole of Equestria?

Cover art made by TheOperaticOne

Russian translation: https://ficbook.net/readfic/9144801

Day Four of #FluttercordWeek

Featured on 1/23/20, 1/24/20, 1/26/20,
1/27/20, 1/28/20, and 1/29/20

Chapters (1)

If Twilight had learned something from her relationship with Rarity, it was that even if she was hopelessly in love with the other unicorn, she wanted Rarity to fulfill her dreams -- even if it meant sacrificing their own relationship and breaking both their hearts.


Edited version of a one-shot I never intended on uploading, but am posting under insistence encouragement of a couple of friends.

Chapters (1)