• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

Favourites 786 stories
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Total Words: 28,474,159
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rarity discovers a pattern in her relationship with Twilight, and wonders what she may have given up for love.

This story is part of the First and Only Raritwi Bomb. A week's worth of stories and art all centered around Rarity and Twilight. If you liked it, you can find a master list of all Raritwi Bomb content here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/873741/the-raritwi-bomb-masterpost.

(2019-10-21) Featured by Seattle's Angels!

(2019-11-16) Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a sequel by the incredible AFanaticRabbit!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Better Way To Be Dad

Cozy Glow walks in on her comrades "wrestling." Awkwardness ensues.


Rated Teen for Innuendo.

Cover art borrowed from arareroll.

*For posterity's sake, let it be known that when My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ended it's initial run on October 12, 2019, this story was #2 in the Featured Box.*

Chapters (1)

A standalone side story to Just a Little Batty.

She has the day shift; he guards the night. One pegasus, one thestral, just trying to make things work. They've known each other since childhood, so meeting the family shouldn't be quite such a big deal. But then the family tree got involved...

A Batty-verse Story

Audio Reading

Cover art by Ashinda

Editing/Proofreading by:
Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

An entry for the Everfree Northwest 2018 Scribblefest.

Chapters (1)

A standalone side story to Just a Little Batty.

Babysitting sucks when you could be out on a friday night. Babysitting a pair of deviant, little reprobats sucks even more. Guarding the cookie jar has its perks, though.

A Batty-verse Story

Edited and proofread by: Dreams of Ponies and Jowijo

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pandelirium

Things have started to settle down since Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were crowned as princesses of Equestria, but that doesn't mean that any semblance of normalcy will be arriving. The first major summit of Equestria's ruling princesses is cut short when a thief steals the Element of Magic and escapes to another world. However, because of Pinkie's rather unique skillset, Celestia sends her to retrieve it, rather than Twilight. But even though the other Element-bearers will be staying behind, Pinkie won't have to face this task alone....

This story is a continuation of the plotline begun in The Petriculture Cycle. The first story can be found here.

Artwork (and original story idea) by Page Turner. TV Tropes page by an unknown number of anonymous persons on the internet.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to π

After Twilight Sparkle made her biggest secret public much earlier than she'd originally planned, the lives of the Element-Bearers and their closest friends somehow managed to become even more complicated than they already were. Yet despite the flurry of all of the added activity this brings, Princess Celestia decides to undertake a particularly ambitious project: the reformation of Discord. She delegates the task to Penumbra Noctis, who, more than anypony else, can empathize with the draconequus' situation, and who is therefore best suited to showing Discord the magic of friendship. On the surface, it's a very reasonable plan.

Unfortunately, Discord has never had much patience for reason.

This is the fifth and final story in The Petriculture Cycle. Reading the first four stories, which begin here, is highly recommended.

Artwork by Page Turner. TV Tropes page by an unknown number of anonymous persons on the internet.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Avocation

Life in Ponyville has been relatively quiet recently, which is somewhat surprising, given that the town's librarian tried to usurp the Equestrian throne only a few months ago. Aside from the appearance of a grumpy pegasus who set up shop as a cloudsmith, the aftermath is so unnoticeable that most ponies aren't even aware that the incident happened at all. Unfortunately, all that's about to change, thanks to the return of a certain revenge-obsessed showmare....

This is the fourth story in The Petriculture Cycle; reading the first three stories, which begin here, is highly recommended.

The artwork was provided by Page Turner, and the TV Tropes entry can be found here.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Inscape

Penumbra seeks gainful employment. Hilarity ensues.

This is the third story in The Petriculture Cycle. The TV Tropes entry can be found here.

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (9)

After a rowdy party in celebration of Princess Celestia and the human Mark’s engagement, all things should be back to normal… should, being the keyword there. No running water in the castle is only the start of the downward spiral. Much love, many laughs, and too much of a good thing are about to put everypony over the edge.

Lots of talk about sex, but nothing explicit.


Cover art is by the wonderfully talented artist Silfoe without permission, so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me to remove it!

This is a gift for none other than the wonderful Little Big Pony! I hope you enjoy it, you’ve written some amazing stories, and I hope you keep up the trend. Pre-read and edited by the amazing Pascoite and wonderfully astute Fregz.

Box of Shame, M on, top position 3/5/2020. RIP.

Chapters (3)

It's a well known fact that the bulk of a dragon's diet is gemstones.

To the far north of the land lies the Crystal Empire, where basically everything is made of crystal and gemstones. Included in this is a massively powerful ancient artifact.

Garble has a stupid plan and a bottle of hot sauce.

Written for Horseword Extravaganza 2.

Featured 2/25/2020 - 2/27/2020!

Featured in Equestria Daily's 35 Fanfics to Read for Dragon Day! on 7/28/2020!

Chapters (1)