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Button is very brave. He's saved Princess Zelda from Ganondorf, fought against zombie hordes and he's even managed to beat the dreaded Creepers! Alright, that last one wasn't real. Or the other ones.

But, despite his achievements, he has only one princess he wants(and thankfully, she's not in another castle): Sweetie Belle. Of course, when he asks her to Sugarcube Corner for milkshakes, he encounters a horde of enemies! Well, not a horde, just Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but their enemies nonetheless.

Will Button be able to stand up to the enemy and protect his princess? And will he really learn the true meaning to being a hero?

This is to celebrate 350+ followers. The vote for this story's creation took place in this blog. I hope you enjoyed~!

Chapters (1)

Hearths Warming Day is almost upon the village of Ponyville and no two ponies are more excited then Sweetie Belle and Button Mash. For the energetic gamer, it's a chance to get as many new games as he wants, but for Sweetie Belle she's excited because she'll be living a dream. After a year of saving their money, she and her sister are going to the Manehatten Hearths Warming Show where all the best actors, musicians, and performers play for one night only.

However, when disaster strikes leaving Sweetie Belle's dreams shatterd, Button resolves to help his best friend.

Check out the next story over here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to First Date

After Sweetie Belle and Button Mash became a couple, Diamond Tiara has been giving them a harder time than usual. Finally, when Sweetie finally confronts her on the matter, Diamond takes it as a challenge and makes a dare with her: if Sweetie Belle manages to win the upcoming talent show, Diamond will leave them alone. But, if Diamond wins, she gets Button to herself!

Will Button and the Crusaders get Sweetie to perform?

Celebrating 450+ followers!

Chapters (1)

Button Mash and Sweetie Belle decide to play Minecraft.

So of course, Minecraft decides to start spouting out of the computer and turning Button's house into hundreds of blocks, hostile mobs are spawning in his home and roam free, he has no idea when his mom is getting home, Sweetie Belle has no idea what she's doing, and as if that wasn't enough...

Button has absolutely no idea how to reverse this.

Totally normal day, right?

Inspired by the popular video Don't Mine at Night as well as a 90's movie called Jumanji while also paying homage to an 1879 opera called "Pirates of Penzance" in the form of an (attempted) song parody.

(Ahhh, this got put in the featured box, twice, Huzzah! Thanks to all my readers!)

Chapters (10)

Doctor Sparks has never believed in ghosts, and the stories about Canterlot General Hospital being haunted by them didn't discourage him at all from taking on a position there as assistant chief of surgery. But when he awakens one night to a lifeless building filled with inexplicable and horrifying creatures, the doctor is forced to reconsider everything he thought he knew about the hospital, his beliefs, and his own mind. Because at Canterlot General, the past has a way of creeping up on you. Because at Canterlot General, sometimes the present and future do too. Because at Canterlot General, there are things that haunt you, things that hunt you, things you can never truly escape from.

Because at Canterlot General, everything loops.

[Originally written based on the /fic/ Writeoff prompt "Time And Time Again".]

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle has always loved Celestia—as a friend, and a mentor, and something else as well. And she finally, finally found the courage to admit those feelings.

Celestia turned her down as gently as she could. That's what she thought, anyway.

But the night is still young—and it's a night for being wrong.

[Rated T for suggestive sexual content. This story takes place between the Season 2 and 3 finales. Additionally, I wasn't able to find the artist who did the cover art, if anyone knows please drop me a line so I can credit them.]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fire & Rain

To say that the Wonderbolt's last trip to Manehatten was eventful would be an understatement. Spitfire broke her wing, met Rainbow Dash, dated Rainbow Dash, and a planned thunderstorm went out of control landing many ponies in the hospital. Now with Spitfire getting "promoted" to command of the Wonderbolt's Academy and Rainbow Dash on the mend from her own injuries, the two will learn just how much life can still throw at them.

Meanwhile, Soarin and Rapidfire must come to grips with their new roles as leaders of the Wonderbolts. Soarin doesn't know if he's up to the task, and Rapidfire doesn't know if he even wants to stay. All these trials and more await them further on up the road...

Pre-reading and Editing: LoyalLiar, The24thPegasus, SolidFire, Sorren, and Skeeter The Lurker.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (11)

Lyra and Bon Bon: foster parents? It'll happen, if they can only get past their sardonic caseworker, nerve-wracking inspections, and each others' neuroses. That's assuming things work out with any one of the children that passes through their home. After all of that, there's just the matter of the adoption and the birth relatives. Hugs, heartbreak, and humor will follow in droves.

Also, Lyra tries to cook soup.

Cover made by the wonderful Whipstitch.

Chapters (4)

The Metro tunnels of Stalliongrad shelter the last remnants of ponykind from the ravages of the Apocalypse. Beneath the earth, ponies struggle to survive against mutants, radiation, and each other. But when an unstoppable threat emerges from the darkness of the Metro, one pony must brave the shadows to save not just his home, but the very existence of his people.

Chapters (18)

When Octavia and Vinyl Scratch decide to combine their respective musical styles into a new genre that will celebrate not only their talent, but also their unique bond, they feel confident that they're the pioneers of the new age. So when the two find their music challenged by another pair of musicians, they set out to make sure that theirs is the best. However, the rival two aren't bad artists themselves, not to mention they’re certainly not… of the same persuasion as Vinyl and Tavi. In the snow-wrapped streets of Manehattan, can they risk exposing their new found -and still taboo- relationship, or will they be doomed to second place?

Incredible cover art by JackiePhantom13! DA: http://jackiephantom13.deviantart.com/

Link: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/story-mixing-relationships.html

Chapters (12)