• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


Its the Skywriters code!

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One fateful day, Discord felt a disturbance in the balance of things. Not just him, but Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, too. They all know what happened.

Laughter had experienced a loss.

This is for the loss that has been endured on 8/11/14, of a comedy icon that never failed to try and make everyone smile. O Captain, our Captain.

Chapters (1)

After Queen Chrysalis' defeat, the few changelings who survived the battle fled into the night. Carbon Copy, a love-starved changeling, encounters a stallion who has attempted suicide. Finding that his life brought nothing but suffering to those he loved, Carbon decides to make some alterations.

To finally give the stallion's daughter the father she deserved.

First story in the Change of Heart collection.

Chapters (1)

Everybody knows about Goku, the one Saiyan who avenged his race and defeated the evil Frieza, and especially his son, Gohan. Goku is said to be dead, what they don't know, is he is actually alive, and sent to a strange planet where friendship is a form of magic. In short, its Vegeta's worst nightmare.

Wanna ask me a question about this story? Go here!: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/366712/ask-gmd-1
Current blog post: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/378181/no-just-no

Artwork by: GabrielDemarco1031

Current chapter i'm working on: None

Wanna get the latest news on this? Join DBZ Crossovers now! And submit you're best story of DBZ and MLP! If you don't have one, join anyway!

Chapters (8)

Camping has never been Rarity's favorite activity, but she got to pick last anniversary's, so it's only fair that Applejack gets to pick what to do this time. When their trip goes wrong, however, it's up to Rarity to fix the problem herself. No matter how much she might complain about it.


Now with an audio production by TheLostNarrator! Go check it out!

Chapters (1)

Ever since she stopped Sombra and saved the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle has taken an interest in dark magic. Princess Celestia catches wind of her student's interests, and tells her exactly why dark magic is not to be trifled with.

Image was used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Rock farming. Nopony pays much attention to it.

Except when they are down on their luck and desperately need some bits. And when her boasting catches up with her and she loses all, Trixie is certainly desperate to earn enough bits to get her back on the road, desperate enough to challenge a rock farmer and partner with an expressionless rock expert in order to bring in the bits.

Trixie is the Great and Powerful, after all. Anything other ponies can do, she can do better... can't she?

Created for the Equestria Daily Writer's Training Ground #012: "Maud Pie"

This story happens between Boast Busters and Magic Duel.

Feel free to point any flaws; it's why I'm taking part in the Writer's Training Grounds, after all.

Chapters (5)

(This is an old story I wrote three years ago during season 1)

Twilight Sparkle's birthday has come around, and Rainbow Dash is unimpressed with Rarity's present. When Applejack pokes a bit of fun with her friend, Rarity becomes unusually upset. Twilight Sparkle investigates her friend's feeling, learning something she never expected about her friend and why she is truly suited to be the element of Generosity.

Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Simply-Rarity-Spanish-translation-846034960

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis kidnaps Rainbow Dash and holds her for ransom.

This same Rainbow Dash also happens to be engaged to the immensely powerful Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Chrysalis is not a very smart changeling.

Chapters (2)

After a recently thwarted assassination attempt against Rarity, Twilight and Rarity discuss the soldier's uncertain future as the queen's private bodyguard.

Part of the Bodyguard!AU Series, based on Earthsong9405's AU where Twilight is the bodyguard to a "Princess/Queen Rarity". Prior knowledge of the AU is not necessary to read the story.

Chapters (1)

Boy, did she know how to pick 'em ....

Apple Bloom has to deal with alot, as she not only has to come out to her family, but also has to win over the prettiest mare in Ponyville, someone who she has grown up with and loves and respects like family. But will her brother and sister support her pursuing the much older and much classier Rarity? What will Sweetie's reaction be? Is Rarity even interested in mares? How much would they need to change for each other for things to work?

A crack paring written out of boredom and involving a random pony pair. The pony ended up being Apple Bloom, aged up to adulthood of course, paired with none other than Rarity.

Chapters (4)