• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


Its the Skywriters code!

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This story is a sequel to Quizzical

Twist is competing in the most illustrious candy making competition in all of Equestria. But her friend Quizzical Greystone has discovered something unsavory happening behind the scenes. Can this socially awkward filly save her friend from being cheated? This is the sequel to "Quizzical."

Chapters (20)

Pinkie Pie is bringing her big sister Maud around on a tour of Ponyville. While looking around Sweet Apple Acres, Maud loses her pet rock, Boulder. She receives help from Big Macintosh, and the two have a nice, deep conversation.

Thanks to RainbowBob for the idea for this ship.

Now with TWO YouTube Readings! One by Arwhale and one by DRWolf!

Now with a Spanish translation!

Chapters (1)

Quizzical Greystone has just come to Ponyville as an assistant in Friendship Research. Such a socially inept filly might not be the best pony for the job. But this just might be the job she needs. If you can't make friends in Ponyville can you make friends anywhere?

Chapters (11)

Look, I heard you the first time! Yeesh, I wish you'd stop staring at me, as if you're reading my thoughts. 'Cuz if you could, then you'd know that while this is the first thing I'd want to do, it's also the last! I mean, horseapples, things would be a heck of a lot easier if I'd known ahead of time that Twilight and the rest of the girls had only packed three sleeping bags instead of six for this mountain hike! For realsies, if you had any friggin' clue how many restless nights I've spent thinking about you, fantasizing situations like this, then you'd know... you would freaking know how impossible it is for me to actually... sh-share a sleeping bag with my totally not-sexy-in-any-way best friend... (*ULP*) ... overnight... s-so that we could keep our bodies warm in the cold, cold forest. Grnnnng! Alright... alright! I'll do it! Of c-course I'll do it! I'm awesome! I'm not afraid of anything! Okay... I can do this... I can totally do this... I can... I can... I-I...

Chapters (2)

Love is never easy, even for a royal alicorn princess. Especially when the love of her life is a former rival who refuses to return her feelings.

Fortunately she has friends to back her up and help her thaw her beloved magician's heart. Manehattan will never be the same.

Cover art by doqwor, permission pending.

Many, many thanks to Talon and Thorn, Frission and RarityEQM for prereading and support!

Takes place mid/late season 4. Comics are considered canon but not necessary reading for understanding the plot.

Comments are welcome!

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart

Kuno and Warden are happily together now, but events are transpiring to force them from their happy life.

The reappearance of the Crystal Empire causes Kuno and Warden to give up their new-found home. And Kuno, ignoring the fact that they're two different species and completely incompatible, decides that she wants a baby.

Chapters (14)

When Maud Pie officially endorses the latest party game to hit Equestria, Pinkie can't wait to share it with her friends.

For all the wrong reasons, it's a game they won't soon forget.

The trendsetter so controversial, 60% of FimFic's mods ruthlessly crushed the subsequent bandwagon!

Stuff said about CAE:
"I never knew I wanted this until now!" - Xomniac
"Despite your vileness, I can't stop laughing at this fic!" - Professor Tactitus
"Illuminati confirmed." - AlesFlamas
"So weird, I reviewed it twice!" - John Perry

Rated Teen, but brace yourselves for some rather 'near-the-knuckle' humour and strong-ish sexual references. Oh my.

Edited by Kolth

Chapters (3)

Having been defeated by the Rainbooms, losing their dark powers, and even their ability to sing, the Dazzlings are all but happy with how Adagio's plan went. But, as they did when defeated before, they will brush themselves off and keep moving forward.. Now they have to continue living in this world, without their powers this time. As they go on, however, they will start to notice some changes amongst themselves, and realize just how this tragedy affected each of them.

Chapters (11)

Running the Equestria Games is more about resolving one disaster after another, but after three years Ms. Harshwhinny was almost used insanity of it. Yet she finds a small calm in the chaos in the form of a quiet gray mare who fate or luck seems to keep crossing her path.

Now with Dramatic Reading #1 and Dramatic Reading #2!

Editing by SSJ3Mewtwo

Yes, this is Ms. Harshwhinny/Maud Pie fic. Sometimes an idea for a crackship hits you, and you just have to write it down!

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo, an orange pegasus filly. A cutie mark crusader and a wiz on her scooter. What else is known about her? Nopony is certain of where she came from and why it seems that she and her mother Clear Skies just vanish sometimes. What if the truth about Scootaloo is even more unbelievable then anypony thought. What if in reality there is no Scootaloo.
What if, what if the flightless pegasus...
Was somepony everypony loved and respected.
How would everypony react if they knew the truth.
About the alicorn in pegasus coating.
The Alicorn named, Celestia

Awesome artwork done by my talented friend!

Chapters (2)