• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


Its the Skywriters code!

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Twilight receives an urgent message from the Princess to meet her, but it comes with something she didn't expect... a bouquet of flowers. With nothing but the words "It's very important!", Twilight sets off for Canterlot.

Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-reina-y-la-pupila-1000351296

Chapters (1)

Some accidents are small, and some endow you with the power of a godly ruler. On the opposite end of things, you lose your wings along with your ability to move celestial bodies, and you can't tell anypony. Why, because what would they think if the princess became a librarian? It's going to be "fine". Celestia just needs to switch back with Twilight before either of their true identities are revealed. All Twilight has to do is hold down the castle, fight off scheming villains, run the country, and worst of all... deal with all the noble ponies.

Rated teen for shenanigans and some more serious parts. Takes place at the end of lesson zero. Please tear this apart with comments. I like criticism. Comment if you have issues, don't leave me with a mystery thumbs down.

Chapters (19)

Celestia wakes up in human form and at an insane asylum where similarities between the world she is in now and the world of Equestria cause her to wonder if Equestria even exists or if she simply made it up to escape her human life. Does she try to hold on to her memories of her Canterlot life or does she let them go and accept them as nothing more than stories? Who is she going to trust? Who is she anyway?

This is only the beginning...

TV Tropes Page

Cover Art by blahblahaha123 (with some altering by me.)

Reading by Phantom Brony


Csquared08, DarkPheonix, Gweat and Powaful Twixie, HenryAnthonyCourtler, Kaidan, KartalTheWriter,ZeroOmega

Chapters (13)

When Rarity has Twilight over for tea, she learns her friend has a big confession to make. But what is really going on here?

Chapters (5)

Applejack's cousin from Las Pegasus, a dancer, comes to visit, and catches everyone off guard. Especially Spike, who is instantly smitten with the young mare--and Rarity is none too happy about it.

Chapters (1)

A short story in which Rainbow Dash is facing an aspect of motherhood that she always hoped would pass her by... until she didn't.
Trigger warning for possible body dysphoria ("why do they have udders"), though I would like to point out if it helps that the baby does rightfully gender RD as its mommy. Also, always remember that all of the dialogue between her and the foal is actually happening inside RD's head.

Chapters (1)

Kidnapped and taken to forbidding Midnight Castle, Twilight finds herself engaged in a battle of wits against an increasingly dangerous and dominating Trixie.

Illustration by c0nker.

Chapters (1)

Prince Blueblood thought the Grand Galloping Gala was over. He thought he could just go to sleep and put it behind him. He never expected to be reliving the same disaster of a day, over and over... and over.

TV tropes page here:

Thanks to all the people who wrote the page and all the people who gave me a little wakeup call and comment to become aware of that fact! You can't see it, but you guys put a real smile on my face tonight.

Also, recently, extra thanks to RD Dash for giving TBNE a thorough editing. I've updated the fic accordingly (7.11.12)

Chapters (5)

Dual: Parallel Pony Adventure! Phillip Tranter is an ordinary student with an exciting variant of schizophrenia: he sees ponies! But a professor and fan of his blog thinks these are more than dreams. Phillip sets out on the ultimate adventure, risking everything to find that holy place where humans simply aren't allowed. What would you do to see Equestria? Defying the gods is only the first step! I hope you didn't plan on using your soul or being alive.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia Hates Tea

Princess Celestia helps to banish a hoofful of inner demons lurking deep in the heart of a troubled author. Metafiction, again, ensues. Something of a coda to "Princess Celestia Hates Tea".

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)