• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


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Probably the best story you will ever read. Twilight and the gang engage in an activity at a place at an unspecified time. Some form of emotions and actions ensue and the activity ends at a time that is different from the one where the activity started. Scratch that, definitely the best story you will ever read.

For all you lazy people:

Chapters (1)

Description: Returning from Zebrica, Rainbow Dash finds her lot cast in with the brilliant and eccentric detective, Rarity, as they unravel a crime most foul.

Starring Rainbow Dash as Watson, Rarity as Holmes and Fluttershy as Lestrade.

Originally posted on Equestria Daily here: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-study-in-rainbows.html

Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-estudio-en-arcoiris-999961891

Chapters (7)

Another stupid story of mine. This one isn't even funny. I'm sorry.

Synopsis: In one of Pinkie's parties, Rainbow Dash tells the story of a strange mytical monster which is said to wander around Ponyville, haunting ponies when they are all alone. Twilight, of course, doesn't believe a word.


Labeled as 'Random', because it's the most similar to 'Weird', which I think would be a much accurate classification for this silly story.

Special thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader and helping my to create the "remastered" version.

Read the hungarian translation here Courtesy of Silence the Unicorn.

Chapters (1)

While most humans are brought to Equestria through near-death, death, or shenanigans, some are brought with a purpose. Meet Zack, he’s young, capable, more or less polite, and our victim. Princess Luna requires a moment’s peace, free from her sister’s pranks. One night, Luna comes up with the perfect plan: playing matchmaker. With her sister plotting, Celestia peacefully slumbers with dreams of mischief ripe in her head. If only she knew just what her little sister was capable of…

This story is rated L (Luna) for infrequent strong language and shipping.

Please proceed to here for reasoning behind the cancellation.

Chapters (6)

Okay, I don't know if anyone can hear this, or read this, or whatever, but I'm trying my best to use Pinkie Pie's legendary fourth-wall-breaking powers to try and get a message out.

If you can hear this, I need help. I'm in Equestria, and man, this is strange. But I'm also stuck in Pinkie Pie's body, for some reason.

Yes, it's just as weird as it sounds. And now, I need your help... because all the ponies in this town think I'm crazy!

Chapters (19)

Scarlet had seen many things in her travels throughout the Wastelands and thought she had seen every during her recent year in the Mojave Desert. But due to a strange energy phenomena right as she was teleporting, she arrives at a world unlike her own.

Rated Teen: It's a Fallout crossover, do I need to explain why?

Has a Tumblr (If anyone is interested that is...)

Chapters (30)

On a trip to visit Twilight's parents in Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity find themselves in an unusual situation. Can they straighten everything out before they have to return to Ponyville?

Chapters (6)

A 'Know your Star' story; only with your favourite ponies getting unneeded hassle and lies told about them. Won't this be fun? Probably not... But hey, everything can't be seriousness all the time, so let's take a load off and just pester some ponies, and Spike for good measure.

The never ending adventures of Know Your Mare march on and on and on.

Comic: http://ladlordblack.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d53s1hc
Animation: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_c7CPLlzO8&list=LLAaWYxICqZHBI2hBIxg2oEg&feature=mh_lolz
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqYTZ1TKNfk&feature=g-u-u
Picture: http://luna-is-best-pony.deviantart.com/art/Know-Your-Mare-314464512

Chapters (293)

Golden Bracer, a Lieutenant of Celestia's Royal Guard, has desires that somewould declare shameful, perhaps even indecent. One day, however, these desires find him invited into Princess Celestia's own private quarters. With his honor as a guardspony on the line, Golden Bracer can only hope to keep his secret safe.

Chapters (1)

Rarity's exploits in "Sweet and Elite" set in motion a chain of events that will find the unicorn dressmaker taking part in the greatest airship race in the world, the Alicorn's Cup. Excitement will give way to terror, as Rarity soon finds herself the victim of a plot against Equestria, and shipwrecked far from home with her least favorite stallion, the boorish Prince Blueblood. Rarity will learn of treachery in Canterlot and abroad, and will have search for something of substance beneath the prince's obnoxious veneer as she struggles to not only save herself, but her entire nation.

Part One of Three
The Adamant Triskelion - Book One: The Flight of the Alicorn
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Two: The Abyssal Forge
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Three: ???

Chapters (26)