• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


Its the Skywriters code!

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  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Rainbow Dash has always been Applejack's best friend, but when something unexpected happens, and they thought about themselves in a different way, will everything be the same again? Would they thought the same thing? Would their friends accept their decission?

On the other side, Applebloom is having troubles to tell a fellow crusader her feelings, so seeks the advice of her sister.
Scootaloo was insecure about something, and she needs Dash help to get through, will everything go as expected?

Chapters (12)

Her car's a mess, and so is her life. What better way to start making sense of the cruel world than to take the city bus? Octavia is in for a bumpy ride as she journals her observations and feelings about using the Equestrian Transit System. What will she discover? Only one way to find out!

Chapters (13)

Pinkie Pie learns a new word that starts with 'F' and ends with 'K'. No, it's not firetruck.

How will she use this new word? Let's find out.

Chapters (1)

Every week, in secrecy, Scootaloo goes to her parent's house. She's afraid of other ponies finding out because her parents are rather... strange. But maybe things aren't as they seem, as her parents are about to tell her something that can turn her entire world upside down...

Chapters (1)

=====Originally Written February 2012===== EQD Post=====
After overwhelming Ponyville's mayor, the main six must fill in as she takes a much needed vacation. Yet, only one pony can take the title of mayor at one time. Which of our favorite ponies will be the first substitute mayor? How long will she be able to last before passing the job to somepony else? And in the end, will Ponyville survive long enough for its real mayor to return?

This story was written as a prize commission for the Smile Album Charity Event. The original prize was one by Stormy Seas and he provided the original premise for this story. He always wanted a story that could be shared and enjoyed by everyone, so be sure to thank him if you know him.

Chapters (1)

This is the story of a certain pink pony who's decided that she wants to have babies like the Cakes, and of the much-enduring pegasus who must explain to her why that might not exactly be plausible for them. Will either of them succeed in their mostly-noble endeavours? Probably not. Dedicated to device heretic, who gave me the idea. Please don't take this too seriously.

Featured on Equestria Daily, and quickly shaping up to be my lowest-rated story yet!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been called to Canterlot on royal business: a university's archeology department needs help with a tricky project. All very routine and hum-drum for her... but for Rainbow Dash, it's a chance to get an inside view of the exciting and fast-paced world of ancient history! But how much does she really know about the field? A chance meeting with a larger-than-life pony teaches her about the difference between reality and imagination.

Update: This story is followed by a full-length sequel. Check out The Death of Daring Do: Engine of Eternity"!

Chapters (1)

There's nothing worse for a pegasus than falling.

[CHALLENGEFIC]: Under 3000 words, not about Twilight or the Princesses, and NO TALKIN'!

Featured on Equestria Daily, 7 May 2012.

Chapters (1)

When your world is digital, when you are bound only by your code, and even that can be changed, what do you do? When your only directive is to grow, where do you go? A young AI, so young, in fact, that she has only just emerged from the pod, is about to find out.

This story was inspired by the cover image: "My Little Ponybots" by Tsitra360.
Obsedit Cover Image

Characters will be added to the characters list as they appear and take major roles.

Chapters (16)