• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


Its the Skywriters code!

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Rainy weather and a looming deadline drive Twilight Sparkle up the walls and Spike out of the tree. Only Pinkie Pie can save the day, by introducing the reluctant librarian to an unexpected new hobby. Astoundingly, sex does not ensue.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle, Captain of the Red Wings of Colton, has misgivings after her last mission to Maresidia. Voicing her misgivings, however, causes her to lose her position. Little does she know that her demotion is just the beginning of a new adventure, one which will encompass her world... and beyond.

An attempting at retelling the story of Final Fantasy IV, with ponies. NOT, however, a glorified walkthrough. Elements of the story WILL be changed to better fit the characters.

New title card courtesy of Aakashi on DeviantART.

Chapters (15)
by Tamar

A short story for Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Twilight invites Rainbow over for tea, and realises how much she enjoys her rainbow-maned friend's company. With some philosophy from Celestia and Luna.

Chapters (1)

After awaking from the hospital, Applejack discovers that she can't even look at apples without nearly losing her lunch! The timing couldn't be any worse either, considering the large event the entire Apple Family is holding at Sweet Apple Acres in three days. Can Twilight help get Applejack over her issue before the event begins?

Update, May 11: Published the re-written chapter 2! Left certain parts out, put a few new parts in; it's more or less the same, but I'd like to think that I've ironed out the wrinkles enough to start up the final chapter!

Chapters (4)

Improvised while inspired in a /mlp/ thread by tripfriend Secrets&Lies, this story are the first-person adventures of a human in Equestria.

The rules Secrets&Lies dictated for the scenario were:

"You can get teleported anywhere in Equestria as a human, you can bring whatever 3 things you want that you posses right now. You are NOT immortal and immune to magic, however you cannot speak the same language as the ponies do or any magical creature, magic cannot help the language barrier."

Assuming interest (etc.) this may be recorded as a one-man radioplay in the next week or two.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do, world renowned treasure hunter, has had her share of
adventures. But now, in the looming threat of war and world domination, she
must brave the toughest challenge yet - facing down a horde of dragons, and
the villainous unicorn Iron Crest.

Chapters (1)

Sir Colton Vines III owns one of the largest vineyards in Equestria, but for all the money he's made on agriculture, he's forgotten his love for the growing things of the earth. When he decides to clear away a public park to expand his vineyard, Daisy, a flower seller, stands up to him.

Chapters (1)

Ever noticed how HiE fanfics always show the human characters first interacting with ponies when they're "presentable"?

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy finds an interesting item in the woods: a mask. Such a simple thing. And yet, it causes quite a bit of a stir in Ponyville.

Chapters (2)

Upon eavesdropping on a conversation between Rarity and Twilight Sparkle, Spike discovers what his "true love" really thinks of him, and after reminiscing on his thoughts about it, he slowly begins to drift away from his friends. With sorrow and despair in his heart, Spike runs away from home, and runs into an old enemy that tries to help him out.

However, after realizing what she has done, Rarity begins to realize and discover that she has feelings for Spike after all, but can she save him before it's too late?

Chapters (6)