• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 5 1142 stories
  • Season 5 1142 stories - 4140 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 5 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - September, 2015
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Total Words: 10,971,884
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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We all think that our words and actions will never come back around to hurt us. We assume that we will never be hurt. Life, however does not work like that. When life did finally turn on Diamond Tiara, all she wants is mercy, and comfort. With a reputation like her's, this might be more than can be expected.

I want to thank my team of editors, and proof readers, and my cover artist. Thanks guys.

Chapters (3)

After being reformed during the events of The Cutie Re-Mark, Starlight Glimmer was secretly called upon by Princess Celestia herself for an important task. Certain individuals from Our Town had adopted Starlight's philosophy and left to create a larger Equalist Party with nefarious plans for Equestria. So, for much longer than she desires, Starlight must now live as a member of the ruthless Equalist Party at the command of Princess Celestia. It is a long pair of even black roads through the darkness, on which Starlight must walk alone. Now completely spurned, scorned, and hated by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Starlight must keep up her Equalist persona as she secretly infiltrates and foils the plans of the extreme Left-Wing Totilitarian Equalist Party.
(Story inspired by "I Was a Communist For the FBI")

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has never been able to feel emotion since the war of the Crystal Empire began, who can feel anything else when everyone you meet just dies the next day? However, once Celestia brings in the new soldiers a certain one catches Rainbows eye for some reason, but how can anypony love or feel another emotion on the battle field? It's useless, it's stupid, it might be what Rainbow needs now.
Set in the universe where Sombra has taken over the Crystal Empire.
Photo does not belong to me

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Equal Equestria Enlightenment

Taking place 10 years after Starlight's unfortunate demise, the ponies of Our Town are still believing in Equality as the way to true friendship. Unfortunately, without a pony to remove cutie marks, the town is falling apart. Double Diamond has taken up the role of Mayor, but he can't keep the town together. He needs somepony that can remove Cutie Marks, and soon. Loyal to his old leader, he decides to follow through with Starlight's plan: Azure Moon as her replacement. Only a young filly 10 years ago, he must train her to become Starlight's successor. Unfortunately for him, Azure has some questions about methodology and practice.

Set in the Equalverse
Cover art by: ForgottenPony
Current Editor: Zalla661

Chapters (6)

Yakyakistan has a problem, and that problem's name is Prince Rutherford. But how do you deal with a problematic prince?

This story is a prequel to Party Pooped.

Chapters (1)

"Mind thy work. Honor thy kin. Stay away from Holder's Boulder."

Marble disobeyed the warnings.

* * *

Audiobook by Scribbler Productions.
Edited by GaryOak.
Cover art by Mica Halligan.
Written for Scribblefest 2016.
Titanium Dragon
The Hat Man

Chapters (1)

Based on the King Sombra timeline of "The Cutie Re-Mark".

Rainbow Dash has always been a fighter. When the call to war came, she was the first to head to Wonderbolt Headquarters and sign on. With several mission under her belt, she has risen through the ranks and is now captain of her own squad. But war is hell, and when she is gravely injured, Dash has to rely on two ponies she's never met before. One, wants to help her fly again. The other, wants maybe something more.

Inspired by the cover art by the artist, dSana. Please check out their work! Many thanks to dSana for allowing me to use their art!

Chapters (2)

The Tantibus.
Almost no-one knows its true purpose.
To torment.
To hurt.
To remind.
So what happens when such a thing escapes its confines? When a creature born on pain and Nightmares escapes into the Dreamscape?
Simple really, you play a game.
Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle and Flare Blitz enter the Dreamscape and find themselves playing the Tantibus’ game. And they’re not the only ones.
A group of humans that use the Dreamscape as a game are caught up as well. Rez and his friends are about to play a game like none other.
Because, this Nightmare knows how to fight back...

This story is a crossover between stories written by Ausbrony and NiGHTcapD. It is written by both writers in direct collaboration with each other.

Recommended prereadings:
Ausbrony's A Pony out of Place and Flames and Twilight, up to (and beyond) the latter's Games Ponies Play
NiGHTcapD's Rez: Eqstr[Tera] up to WH4

Chapters (2)

A tense conflict with Starlight Glimmer has come to an end, but not before her persistent efforts to change the past culminated in a brief exchange of laser blasts with Twilight, to which Spike was an unwilling witness.

With the long and stressful day finally over, Spike approaches Twilight with a simple request...

Chapters (1)

During her time-twisting battle with Starlight Glimmer, Twilight finds herself in an Equestria ruled by a tyrant alicorn that calls herself the Queen of Equestria. In this world, Twilight's friends are gone and beyond her aid, and Equestria's citizens live in fear of their ruler's wrath should they anger her.

But no one has ever seen the pony who suffers the most in this world.

Pre-read by MythrilMoth and RT Stephens. Cover art vector by kindkristy99

Chapters (1)