• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 5 1142 stories
  • Season 5 1142 stories - 4140 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 5 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - September, 2015
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Following the events of "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?", Luna is confronted by a troubled pony on the verge of suicide and must try to find a way to save his life before it is too late.

*Written at Everfree Northwest 2016 in Seattle, WA

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is more than excited for being the chosen reserve for the Wonderbolts' performance at the Royal Garden opening, but Rarity brings up an awkward conversation about one of the team's stallion that may change Rainbow's way of seeing him. As she comes face to face with the Wonderbolts once again, she does her best to hide the conflicting thoughts.

Soarin's situation haven't been much different, as he has to deal with the insinuations that Spitfire and Fleetfoot have been making about his friendly relationship with the rainbow maned pegasus.

But everything's fine. They can avoid these strange feelings for as long as they want, right?

Unless a new mystery leads Soarin to confront Rainbow Dash against his will, and the both of them start to notice that they care for each other more than they thought.

Set before, during and after “Rarity Investigates!”, so some moments from this episode will be narrated. I think I don't even need to say that this is a SoarinDash story.

I came up with the title with the help of a friend of mine. She doesn't have a fimfiction account, but I feel like I need to thank her, because I had no idea of what I could use as title before she helped me.

This is my first published story. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Thanks to DeltaNutmeg for editing the story!

I hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile:

I only now realized that there's a song called Storm of Emotions. I swear I didn't know about it!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Gloom and Doom

As Twilight continues to battle Starlight in the time loop, she arrives at the final timeline, a desolate wasteland. What could have caused this? A one shot set in the same universe as Gloom and Doom. See that ongoing story for more background. Very minor Spoilers for Gloom and Doom and spoilers for the season 5 finale.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's just gotten back to Ponyville after amending her friendships with her oldest friends. She's happy about that, but still there's something nagging at her. If she didn't know better, Moondancer was more pained about Twilight coming to the party then any friend had a right to be. Of course, when Moondancer comes to her with the full truth, Twilight is left with a hard choice on her hooves. And it might just take a bit of advice from her mentor to make up her mind...

Contains Moondancer/Twilight shipping and motherly Celestia. Takes place after Amending Fences.

Chapters (1)

It quickly became clear to Nightmare Moon that she needs sunlight, whether she likes it or not. Rarity, on the other hoof, doesn't understand; if she's the good guy in her and her sister's age long feud, how come she- or anybody -would need such a dreadful thing?

Yet bringing it up to her leader was a mistake.

Chapters (1)

After the events of "Crusaders Of The Lost Mark" Diamond Tiara becomes friendlier and finally accepts the CMC as her friends. All is well for her...except for the fact that her mother is beating her on the down low and her dad doesn't even care. Before, they just were vocally abusive, but her mother is now physically abusive and her dad is negligent. During one of these beatings, Diamond Tiara gets hoofed in the face and the CMC, Silver Spoon, and everypony else notices.

What happens then? Does Diamond Tiara get justice, or will fate punish her for her wrong doings?

Chapters (4)

"Just 'cause she's never cared about anypony else's feelings doesn't mean we shouldn't care about hers." Kind words spoken with the purest intention can still be mistaken. Diamond Tiara cared a great deal for one pony's feelings in particular, and becoming the pony she wanted to be had meant hurting her.

Rated Teen for implied incest.
Written for the Foalcon group's Safe For Woona 670-member 'Foal-mance' contest.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle never seemed to notice Lyra Heartstrings. She didn't even remember Lyra's name.

They were friends back in Canterlot and even went to school together. Yet Twilight didn't notice that Lyra just happened to move to Ponyville the same day she did. She didn't even notice when Lyra appeared at her welcoming party. Nor did she ever seem to spot her old classmate passing by in the background on any other day during her stay in Ponyville. Some days she could look right at Lyra and never realize that they knew each other.

Lyra isn't a very noticeable pony. She has put a lot of effort into that.

Set in late season 5, after Amending Fences.
Note: Lots of spoilers in the comments.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sombraverse: Prelude

Twilight Sparkle and Spike found themselves in a desolate, war-torn Equestria at the hooves of Starlight Glimmer. They saw the toll King Sombra's armies have taken on the world.

Now they're trapped there by the claws of something much, much worse. After a strange mare steals the spell, Twilight and Spike find themselves at the mercy of an otherworldly foe. They've been told they won't be free to return to their own time until they complete a certain task for him.

Not only that, this world seems to be changing them as well. Twilight can't seem to get a handle on her anger, and Spike's body is undergoing changes he can't understand. As the wear of a world at war drives them apart, the only thing keeping them together is this world's Applejack. Cold, driven, and intuitive, she may be part of what Equestria needs to topple the Shadow King for good.

After all, there's more than one monster lurking in the shadows, and the only way for Spike and Twilight to set things right in their own timeline is to save the world in this one.

Book One of the Sombraverse saga.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle, pulling another late night, is finally confronted about by Spike and Starlight Glimmer. She reveals that she's been studying one of the realities she saw, specifically the one seemingly ruled by Flim and Flam. She just can't figure out how those two con artists could be as much of a threat as, say, Tirek or Nightmare Moon.

And then Discord shows up, telling her that she's looking at her information wrong. He volunteers to show Twilight, Spike, and Starlight what that reality is really like...

#1 in the Featured box on 4/25/2016. WOW. I'm... honestly surprised that so many people like this little dialogue heavy stream of consciousness fic. Thank you all very much!

Chapters (1)