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This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

Reunited after days apart, Twilight is eager to share a quiet and intimate moment with Rarity. However, in order to do so, both must be willing to unveil their scars.

Small oneshot set in the continuity of The Enchanted Kingdom.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Little Glimpses

Nine months have come and gone since Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash moved to Ponyville from their home in Canterlot. Nine months since Princess Celestia revealed what she knew about the change in history reaching all the way back to the day of the sonic rainboom. Nine months of peace and happiness.

A peace and happiness that is brought to an end by the return of an ancient enemy, one thought to have been gone forever. This event sparks a choice, and the repercussions will lead Rainbow Dash and her friends down a dangerous road. A series of events shall soon play out that will lead to the already precarious balance of this new timeline being undone. When all is said and done, Rainbow, Twilight and their new friends will learn for themselves the true dangers of foreknowledge...

Cover art by the skilled SentireAeris.

(NOTICE: The first ten chapters are pretty much just a play-by-play re-telling of the season 2 premiere. This is required for certain context and catalysts. It gets much different after that.)

Chapters (56)

WARNING: Slow-burn romance!

Tempest Shadow would be the first pony to tell you she's not worthy of friendship. All she deserves after a life spent helping the Storm King conquer and pillage is four walls, bars, and solitude. But she's getting a new life in Ponyville anyway, at the side of Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.

Tempest Shadow isn't a friendship kind of pony. She's not a party kind of pony. She's not a happy kind of pony in the least. So what could there possibly be for her in Ponyville? More than she thinks, as it turns out. Come join her as she discovers what she's truly meant to do, what she's truly worth, and who she's truly meant to be with. Her life is going to change far more than she ever would have expected.

A serial that will update as individual stories are completed. Incomplete until the whole thing is finished, but the reader is urged to keep up with uploads. Individual stories may also be comedies or adventures. Warning tags may be added as necessary. Find more stories here!

Cover art by Firimil!

Chapters (18)

Far to the North of Fiore lies Equestria, a land hidden from the world for centuries. A land just as prominent with both magic and wizards who utilize it. Along with wizards and magic are the guild halls that allow mages both new and experienced to use their magic for helping others. Equestria is also home to a young woman known as Twilight Sparkle, an aspiring mage looking to find her place in the world. It isn't long though until she finds it, and that place is a guild simply known as Breezy Horn. It's there that she'll meet new people, make new friends, experience new things, go places she's never been, and even save the world once or twice. She won't be doing it alone though, she has her little brother by her side, as well as her entire guild with her. Follow her story, as well as the story of the entire Breezy Horn guild as they take the world by storm and reach for the stars to find a better tomorrow.

My Little Pony FIM and Fairy Tail Crossover

OC's will be present in story but all main characters share the same amount of importance.

I may or may not put out OC request for future chapters, just keep an eye out.

Chapters (6)

Ten years after the events of Pokémon Sun and Moon, two teenaged siblings from the Kalos region move to Melemele Island in the Alola region with their family. Both are eager to partake in and complete the famous Island Trials for the chance to challenge the fearsome Pokémon League, and they each set off on their journey, each one with a Pokémon from home in tow.

Very shortly after, wormholes similar to the ones the Ultra Beasts came from appear all over Alola, only this time, magical creatures calling themselves "ponies" emerge from them. The two siblings come across two of them and agree to keep them safe and help find the rest of her friends along their travels, all while evading forces who wish to use the ponies for their own power-hungry ways, as well as solving the mystery of their appearance.


Playing Pokémon Sun/Moon (or watching/reading an entire play/walkthrough) is not a prerequisite for reading this story, though many references to the events of those games (among others) will be made.

Rated Teen for language and Pokémon violence.

Chapters (110)

The Apple Family decides to plant wheat this year and end up with a surprise house guest.

How will the Apple clan handle having a wolf in their home? Let alone, a Wise Wolf that's obsessed with sweet, succulent, juicy apples?

Yep, Spice and Wolf crossover. Wish me luck I'm gonna need it. If you like it, tell me why. If you don't like it, tell me why.
Artist for image is roshichenAll copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Feature Box Achivement Unlocked on the 23rd of December, 2012!

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Lack Of A Reflection

After helping out her other self, Sunset returns to the home she once knew. She wants to fix things with the family and teacher she left behind. Of course, explaining what happened to them should be easy, right? Well, at least she can make some new friends on the way.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.
Rated Teen for swearing and possible innuendo.

Chapters (4)

After finding Twilight's counterpart, Sunset Shimmer feels the need to find her own counterpart, and help her fix their mistakes. Finding and helping the other Sunset Shimmer won't be easy. Will the other Sunset even want to be helped?

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe. Also, will contain some swearing, probably innuendo. I will try to keep it pg-13.

Chapters (7)

Collab with The Abyss (Chapters 1 and 2)

Proofread by Neko Majin C and edited by The Abyss (Chapters 3 onwards)

Twilight Sparkle has always ignored Hearts and Hooves Day, seeing it as just another normal day with extra chocolate and the occasional broken-hearted friend to comfort. But when Rarity convinces her that not having a date during the holiday is contrary to proper princess protocol, Twilight rushes to do everything in her power to live up to the expectations presented to her.

There’s just one problem, though: Twilight has never been on a proper date before.

After a few rather disastrous attempts to find a date in Ponyville, Twilight goes to her mentor in Canterlot in a last ditch effort in the hopes of finding the answers she seeks. Princess Celestia, however, may have something more for her than either of them had anticipated.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Sleeping Arrangements

It's one thing to have a bodyguard as beautiful as she is deadly. It's another thing entirely to be hopelessly in love with her.

Part of the Bodyguard!AU Series, based on Earthsong9405's AU where Twilight is the bodyguard to a "Princess/Queen Rarity". Prior knowledge of the AU is not necessary to read the story, but some knowledge helps.

Chapters (2)