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When you're down in the dumps, all it takes is something simple to raise your spirits.

For Twilight, simple things somehow end up arriving in ways she wouldn't expect.

Contains spoilers for the My Little Pony movie.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle keeps writing letters to Celestia, but she never sends them.  When Rainbow Dash swipes one of them, Twilight is desperate to get it back.  Will she succeed, or will Celestia read one of her letters at last?

A bit of TwiLestia with a dash of comedy on the side.

Editing by the excellent Jordanis.

Cover art by sailortrekkie92.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Six Characters in Search of a Point

Rarity, formerly an artistic and well spoken pony of high class, is currently a medicated mush on her fainting couch. Twilight Sparkle pays her a visit to make sure she's alright.

It gets weird.

Chapters (1)

Dedicated to one of the brightest diamonds I know.

Heavy is the head that bears the crown. Light is the heart that shares its burdens.

Historian’s Note: The Tarnished Crown occurs three weeks before the events in the Season 4 Finale, Twilight’s Kingdom.

Cast: Rarity & Twilight Sparkle
Introducing: Amber Spark

Cover Art: Little-Tweenframes (SciSetDaily)
Rarity Header & Section Breaks Design: Novel Idea
Rarity Cutie Mark: Black-Gryph0n (Yes, that BlackGryp0n)

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Monochromatic - Patron Saint of RariTwi

Word Count: 11,000 Words
Version: 2.6

Chapters (1)

In a boundless multiverse there are equally many stories to tell. While planeswalkers across time and space compete in epic struggles for their own ideals, the ponies of Equestria have many tales of their own to share.

A series of short stories in the My Little Planeswalker multiverse, set between the events of Twilight’s Spark and Shattered Sunset.

Chapters (20)

In a futuristic Equestria where cybernetic implants are as common as jewelry, Celestia sends her student Twilight Sparkle to locate her five missing research aides during an outbreak of strange pony behavior in Ponyville. As Twilight tracks down the missing aides, it soon becomes apparent that a larger threat is behind their vanishing, and it seems that Ponyville is just the beginning. Can she stop this ancient evil from plunging Equestria into chaos? A crossover with the Mega Man series.

Many thanks to ChromeMyriad for being an awesome reviewer and helping me improve the fic's quality.

Chapters (15)

After Starlight Glimmer's misadventure beyond the Magic Mirror, Twilight Sparkle creates an artifact that will allow its wearer to travel between planes of existence without allowing excess magic to leak from one world to another and upsetting the delicate balance of worlds.

In doing so, however, she soon discovers more about herself and the spark that awakened the Element of Magic than she could have ever anticipated, and learns of a secret that Celestia had been keeping from her all her life.

Stranded in the world-spanning city of Ravnica, Twilight Sparkle must now seek to understand herself and the strange new plane of existence she's found herself in, and come to terms with her own role in Equestria and the Multiverse.

A Magic: the Gathering crossover. Cover art by Beavernator on DeviantArt.

Chapters (17)

Twilight Sparkle's wildest dreams have just been met, and exceeded. Due to an unexpected magical outburst during her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the Solar Princess herself took an interest and took Twilight on as her personal student.

This was a pleasant shock for Twilight and her family. However, a few months later, a less pleasant shock would reach Twilight in the form of Celestia returning to Canterlot with a new daughter, a freshly adopted pegasus filly named Rainbow Dash. As the two get to know each other, Twilight can clearly see something eating at the self absorbed and competitive filly's mind.

To make matters even more confusing, Princess Celestia is now hiding something. Twilight dares not question it, but it is quite clear that Celestia isn't being wholly open with anypony about her decision to adopt some random orphan.

Could the answers have something to do with the cryptic dream Twilight had the night before she met Rainbow Dash?

**Apparently, this was featured on August 12th, but I slept through that brief window. All the same, I am flabbergasted and humbled!**

Cover Art by the wonderfully skilled Novaintellus

Now with a TV Tropes Page.

Chapters (40)

She didn't think. She just jumped through the portal.

Then it closed behind her.

Stuck in the body of a human teenager, Princess Celestia finds herself trapped in the same world as her bitter student. Even as she and Sunset Shimmer both work to adapt to their new environment and bodies, Celestia is faced with an additional challenge: Sunset Shimmer is attempting to become the queen of Canterlot High, and the only way Celestia can fight back is...

...by becoming more popular.

(Book One preread by DrakeyC and Zef.)

Chapters (17)

On a trip to visit Twilight's parents in Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity find themselves in an unusual situation. Can they straighten everything out before they have to return to Ponyville?

Chapters (6)