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Canterlot High School is having a talent show, and the Rainbooms are eager to join in. However, things get complicated when the human world version of Sunset Shimmer suddenly makes an appearance. After much confusion and several mix-ups, she finally meets her counterpart and her friends. Unlike her counterpart, however, she's shy and reserved. The girls try to befriend her, but this Sunset doesn't seem to be too interested in friendship. She is, however, very interested in the rumors of magic surrounding Canterlot High, and seems to be hiding something magic related herself. And when magical mishaps begin to occur, the Equestria Girls begin to suspect that this new Sunset may be behind them. Is it possible that she's evil and power hungry the way her counterpart once was, or is there something else at work?

Chapters (15)

Winter Break has come to Canterlot High. But Sunset Shimmer has no one to spend it with, as her friends are otherwise occupied. Rather than spend the time alone, she decides to travel to Equestria to enjoy Hearth's Warming with her friend Twilight Sparkle.

After the craziness of the Battle of the Bands and the general stress of the holidays, Sunset is looking forward to the peace and quiet of Equestria, where ponies never have to worry about wacky hijinks or impending magical catastrophes.

At least, that's how Sunset remembers it.

Cover art done by the amazing NixWorld

Chapters (12)

[Please click 'More' - a bit of explanation comes after the description!]

Some years ago, contact between Earth and Equestria was established, allowing for both humanity and ponykind to cross over to each others' worlds. Immediately, Princess Celestia tasked the Elements of Harmony with conducting outreach missions to Earth - to learn humanity's ways, culture, history, technology, and sciences.

During one particular avenue of study on Earth, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy cross paths with one Doctor Ian Malcolm; a man shrouded in mystery, revered but misunderstood by his peers. What comes to pass is a chain of events that the ponies get ever further dragged into - industrial espionage, acts of international secrecy, and governmental cover-ups.

Twilight and Fluttershy learn the ugly truth behind the string of lies on an island nobody has rightly heard of - and it is here that the pair find themselves fighting for survival against monsters that have been extinct for sixty five million years.

~ ~ ~ ~

A/N (Please read!) - Hello! This is my first attempt at anything really really long. I've been working on this on-and-off for nearly three years now and, at the time of writing this, think I'm about three quarters of the way through.

This is a crossover with The Lost World: Jurassic Park. I'm borrowing from both novel and film canon - the story is dated in 1997 (so film canon) but with a bunch of events that occur in the novel. The first two chapters or so are fairly faithful to the novel - as faithful as a story about the characters from My Little Pony wandering about on Earth can be.

I will not be re-telling either the film or novel but with ponies inserted. I plan on borrowing events and scenes from film and novel canon to some extent - for instance, the first few chapters remain faithful to the novel - but the overarching plot is of my own design.

The characters in the story all feature in the novel but many of them have qualities of their film canon counterparts. I imagined Sarah Harding as Julianne Moore when writing this, and Ian Malcolm as Jeff Goldblum (Goldblum is the one true Ian Malcolm, praise be to him.)

(I don't think you'll have had to read the novel / watched the film to make heads or tails of this. Hopefully. Let's see.)

This is a very wordy story. I've sort-of tried to emulate Crichton's writing style a little bit here, so there's a lot of high-brow sciency and philosophical-type stuff in here. Chaos theory plays a big role, for instance, and I've done my best to understand it but science isn't what I'd call my forte.

If you are after a story where dinosaurs rampage from the get-go, this won't be your jam. Sorry. I'm all for ponies running for their lives from Tyrannosaurs, but I wanted to explore other themes too - the dinosaur-y bits, though important, serve to further the plot and themes.

There is swearing and there is some gore. Characters get annoyed with each other a lot in this one, because a lot of them make very idiotic decisions. As such, they swear at each other. Also, dinosaurs eat people. There's gonna be some blood and gore and violence, so yeah. Just warning you. Might up the rating a bit later if required.

Twilight isn't an Alicorn. I guess this is sorta AU in that respect. But no, she's still just a Unicorn!

That's enough from me, I think. Enjoy!

Chapters (19)

For as long as the oldest of them could remember, the Guardians had defended what remains of humanity against the forces lurking in the dark. With gun, blade and the Traveller's Light, the heroes born of Earth put themselves between the monsters from the void and those too weak to fight back. Human, Awoken, Exo; the physical coil of the Guardian had never truly mattered so long as they were willing and capable of defend their homeworld.

Until a Guardian came from the wastes that was neither Human, Awoken or Exo; a Guardian not born of Earth.

(Destiny/FiM Crossover)
(Gore tag for blood and violence)
(Thanks to Noble Cause, BradTheBrony and Metallusionsismagic for prereading!)
(Possible Spoilers in the comments, BEWARE!)

Chapters (4)

After the events at Camp Everfree, Sunset Shimmer hoped the rest of the summer would be spent hanging out with her friends and exploring her new magic. One night, an armored woman named HIldr arrives, wielding unique powers, and shows Sunset Shimmer that the world is bigger and stranger than she ever believed. Fighting an enemy she doesn't understand and running from a government that doesn't trust her, Sunset Shimmer does her best to help Hildr return to her own time and show that the past does not dictate the future.

Chapters (14)

When Starlight Glimmer cast her spell and shattered the bonds connecting the Elements of Harmony, she inadvertently created a cosmic crack that would have further reaching consequences than she could ever imagine. The consequences of her actions rippled across time and space, shattering the very destiny of existence itself. The only thin string holding the universe together now is Twilight Sparkle, the representative of the Element of Magic and the Princess of Friendship. But with destiny already defied, how can she hope to pick up the pieces of a broken reality?
Well, starting with helping her other self might help.

Cover art created by myself. Shoutouts to Vebuzurr for being my proof-reader.

Chapters (5)

Edit: Now a collaborative effort with Loyal2Luna

Commander Shepard has been through a lot, but now that the Reaper War's over he can finally relax and take a little R&R, right? Soak up the sun, grab a few drinks, spend some quality time with Tali, introduce a new race to the galaxy... wait, what?

In the aftermath of the war, a new species has been discovered amidst the destruction and fire. A species that have access to powers never seen before, powers which could prove vital to the continuation of galactic survival.

The Citadel Council has elected to send Shepard, along with the rest of the crew of the Normandy, to introduce Equestria to the universe outside of their solar system.

Now Shepard must wade through obstructive bureaucrats, antagonistic journalists, and the odd, angry prince in order to bring Equestria into a new age of space and adventure.

So settle in, it's going to be one hell of a vacation!

Now has it's own TvTropes page

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle regrets botching her romantic confession to Rarity. As a joke, Rarity proposes a simple and elegant solution: break up and try it again.

She just wasn't prepared for Twilight to agree to it.

Set after “Practice Makes Perfect”. It is not necessary in any way to have read that story to get this one.

Includes a recording of a LIVE-READING of the story by the author herself, which is the recommended way of experiencing the story. I promise you. I do a fantastic Rarity voice.

Cover art by the wonderfully wonderful Jykinturah. Audio credits go to lilfunkman and Swan Song.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is not feeling like herself. Her experiences with sadness were usually intense and loud, but brief. Not this time. After a chance encounter with a customer, powerful melancholy grips her, unlike anything she has experienced before. She feels empty, hopeless, and miserable.

Then Twilight Sparkle visits.

There are some mentions of suicidal ideations, but no actual suicide or self-harm.

A HUGE thanks to Troublesome Beast for helping me with this one.
Cover art by Sarochan.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle a student at the Canterlot College of Magic has summoned Rarity a creature of magic for a research paper. The contract is set to a year and a day how will these days pass with in the magical bond these two mares now share?

Life always has a fine print and one must always be aware of unexpected consequences and that there always will be Devils in the Details.

Chapters (1)