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She was like the sun. Blinding and bright and bathing everything in her light when she was around. Her gaze made Sunset sweat and flush. And when she left, Sunset was struck by her beauty and stared after her until everything was dark and cold.

How does one choose a gift for a woman when that woman's sense of taste is as exquisite as her beauty? You do it by asking the only person -- or pony -- who might know exactly what she would want.

Written for Jinglemas 2019 for Fillyfoolish

Chapters (1)

Equestria, the stellar empire long joined together with the Covenant has commissioned an inquisition into the crusade against Humanity, such a monumental task falls into the hooves of the diligent Twilight Sparkle. Granted the title of Inquisitor can the Unicorn bring herself to admit the terrible truth should she find it?
but more pressingly can she survive the deadly battle of Installation 04?

Chapters (19)

When Twilight is stolen from her home, fate intervenes and brings her straight to her destiny. After growing up sheltered and loved by the spirits of the Tree of Harmony, Twilight will grow into her place in Equestria like never before while she searches for the family that raised her and gets to know the one she's lost.

(Unapologetically OP Twilight, if you’re going to nitpick that point then you are welcome to leave at any time.)

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Friendship Is Monsters

It’s been over month since Twilight first saved Sunset's life and began to make friends. She finds herself happy for the first time in a long time and breaking out of her shell. However, as she ventures out and expands her horizons, things are gonna get messy. Secrets will spill, faces from the past will return, and new threats lie around the corner.

Maybe friendship really isn't so scary, even if your new friends are monsters.

Maybe its all you have

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Study on Chaos Theory

Twilight Sparkle joins Sunset Shimmer in her search for a Hearth’s Warming gift to Princess Celestia. But to find the perfect gift, they must brave the chaos and madness of one of Canterlot’s darkest secrets…

Used bookstores.

Knowledge of the previous stories set in the Wavelengths Timeline is suggested, but not required.

Historian’s Note:
Set in the Wavelengths Timeline where the Sonic Rainboom didn’t happen, Teahouses of Saddle Arabia occurs about a month after the events of A Study in Chaos Theory.

Cast: Sunset Shimmer & Twilight Sparkle
Cameos By: Princess Celestia, Moon Dancer, Coco Pommel, Coloratura, Minuette, Cheerilee, Sunny Day & A.K. Yearling
Special Guest Stars: Amber Spark & Desert Winds

Stories set in the Wavelengths Timeline in chronological order:

Origins Arc
The Alchemy of Chemistry
Bards of the Badlands
Grading on a Bell Curve
Habits of the Equestrian Phoenix
How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative

Applications Arc
The Application of Unified Harmony Magics
Princess Celestia: A Brief History
The Cloudsdale Report

Dreamers Arc
Tactics of Snowbound Unicorns
A Study in Chaos Theory
Teahouses of Saddle Arabia
As the Raven Flies

Cover Art by Little-Tweenframes/adgerellipone
Cover Text, Chapter Header and Break Designs by Amber Spark
Sunset Shimmer Cutie Mark by MillennialDan

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Cursori: Draft 2 & 3 Lead Editor - Reader of Many a Pony Word
Little Tinker: Master of Systems at Poniverse
Beltorn: Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
JayMan155: Artist & Author Extraordiane!

Word Count: 112,000 words
Version: 4.73

Chapters (16)

The latest Gala's theme is decided, and with it a friendly wager. Amidst the Masquerade, Twilight tries to seek out her friends while remaining hidden. Her deductive skills are a match for anypony, except for Rarity, perhaps.

Take a look into the Kaleidoscope.

Chapters (1)

This is the core story of the Camaraderie-verse.
Reading order:
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 1 (Ch. 0:0 - 1:27.4)
Lady of Love
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 2 (Ch. 2:0 - 2:27.3)
King in the North
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 3 (Ch. 3:0-3:14.3)
The Other Side of the Mirror: Vol. 1
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 4 (Ch. 4:0- )

Maps of Equestria
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4

What if Equestria wasn't all sunshine and rainbows? What if the lands were wild, untamed, and ruled by powerful (and corrupt) nobles in the names of distant kings and queens? What if magic belonged not to every unicorn, but only to the privileged (and persecuted) few?

Camaraderie is Sorcery is a dark fantasy retelling of the story of Friendship is Magic. In this Equestria, the land is divided into kingdoms hungrily eyeing each others' lands and resources. This is a world where peasants are born, work, suffer, and die without their overseers shedding a tear. It is a world where bandits and monsters occupy both the wild places and the civilized ones (but in different forms). This is the world where Twilight Sparkle lives. Cant'r Laht, a shining city perched on the edge of a mountain with more nobles and mages than it knows what to do with, has been Twilight's home her whole life. Now, as the one thousandth summer solstice of the Fourth Age approaches, she will leave Cant'r Laht and depart for the tiny hamlet of Ponieville, where five companions await her. These Brave Companions, as the ballads will come to commemorate them, are already bound by destiny, though they do not know it yet. For who would ever imagine that a sorceress, a farmer, a Hunter, a blacksmith, a druidess, and a baker would ever become comrades with the strength to stop the end of the world?

Author's Note: I drew inspiration from several dark or realistic fantasy sources for the world of Camaraderie is Sorcery, but the most influential was the world of Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher novels and CD Projekt RED's video game series of the same name.

Chapters (106)

Twilight the Wise, Celestia the Bright, Luna the Dark, Cadance the Beloved, Chrysalis the Dreamwalker; the Princesses of Old vanished ages ago, and their power was taken with them. With their guidance gone society has fallen into disarray, and the absence of their magic is beginning to tear the world apart. Starlit Sky is a humble pony, doing what she can to provide for her daughter and live in peace. But fate would have other plans for her, as she is contacted by a mysterious stranger and tasked with bringing the old princesses home to their ancient seat of Canterlot so that they might bring peace and prosperity back to their kingdom.

Cover and Chapter Art credit to romus91 on DeviantArt

Chapters (58)

Traveling the world can be a strange and dangerous ordeal, especially when you're all but on your own.

And after one adventure ends in almost complete disaster, Twilight Sparkle has decided to take a much-needed vacation for both herself and her sole companion. Some time to themselves, some time to catch up on their reading, and some time to not almost be eaten by dragons. And fortunately, she's managed to come across a nice quiet little country town to settle her roots into for the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately, it's never quite that easy. Especially when your name is Twilight Sparkle, a pony with a knack for getting mixed up in all sorts of trouble. And the quiet little town she has found might not be so quiet after all...

--- ---

Cover art commissioned by me, from one Hoodwinked MCShelster.
Audio-version over on YouTube.
If you can't see the cover art, it's because I currently can't upload it to FimFiction. So for the time being, you can see it by clicking This Link.

Tags are subject to change depending on viewer response. For the sake of ease, here are my "subtags," placed down here instead of up there because there isn't room for them.
An alternate universe story based on some G5 rumors, this really odd dream I had once, and a few other things. Expect references/shoutouts to all sorts of MLP media, such as the movie or comics, and various other fantasy works like D&D. But also expect some major instances of me changing things to further distinguish this from canon. Spike is a pretty good example. You'll figure out why soon enough.
This story is written exclusively for entertainment purposes.

Story has been canceled. For more information on that front, see here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1004535/finding-friendship-cancelation-announcement

Chapters (55)

'R' and 'E' are right next to one another on keyboards, so I dismissed 'Mareiott' as a typo and booked my hotel room online. It was only after I found a pony waiting for me at the airport that I realized it was, instead, a horrible pun. Now I'm stuck in a horsey hotel for a week while attending a major trade fair on behalf of my employer.

Additional character tags: Snowcatcher, Flitterheart, Sunny Rays, Feathermay, Honeybuzz

Written for Admiral Biscuit's challenge/request for more slice of life fics featuring ponies working on Earth:


Chapters (1)