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This is a story about a guy who doesn't know if he was dreaming or was it reality? The man went on with his usual life when he was suddenly, summoned to Equestria. This was his dream come true. He was told he needed to go on a mission but can he succeed or will he fail.

Was it even reality to begin with?

Chapters (10)

Kate and other fans of MLP find themselves turning into their My Little Pony OCs, and have to meet the people behind it in Chicago. Also, I'm aware that this is featured in Overly Stupid Fanfictions. Meh, whoever added this is in kinda right...

Part of the amazing OTverse by ChaoticMidnight.

Chapters (2)

Dennis was tired, his body felt drained. Just a short nap was all he needed. He wasn't expecting Princess Luna to show up.

Written to honor RaidenFireblade. We will remember you forever

Lovingly edited by Stahl and Jumbled Thought

Chapters (1)

Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk are at the top of their game after having regained their singing voices. With high-charting albums, a growing fanbase, and minutes away from playing their first headlining show, they have nearly forgotten about the incident at Canterlot High.

But when Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer confront them backstage, the incident is brought back for them, along with the pain and hardships they had to go through in the months afterwards before getting to where they are now.

As Dash asks the Dazzlings questions and Adagio tells their story, Dash ponders in her mind whether the once-villains truly deserve forgiveness.

Cover art by amberflicker.

Chapters (1)

As an ordinary worker in Poland, Dave lives, works, sleeps and does stuff. Until one day, when portal appears in front of him with strange voices comming out of it. His curiosity results major changes in place and his body.
Suprised with their non-advanced technology decides to help ponies
whose he knew from TV series, meets up personally with Twilight and other ponies giving his knowledge to achieve his world's technology. The task is not easy, especially if there are no materials which he knew from his former world and his ponyfied body.

Rated teen for language and violence which may or may not be mentioned in future

Constructive criticism and advices are welcome.

Chapters (4)

This is a side-story to The Grey In Between

Today, Lyra met a human. Today (or sometime this week, depending on how long it takes to get him release that shield spell he has around Twilight's library) she will gain a husband.

If you don't read The Grey In Between this story will make no sense.

Chapters (4)

my life started and ended quite quickly with another chance i made the most of it.
the normal life of human nick soon turned for the better when his good deed in an ally way mugging sends
him to the placehe wanted to go. Equestria
the story follows him on his adventures until either i run out of ideas ( i hope i don't writing is pretty fun to me) or i feel the story has run its course.

Chapters (7)

A young man, running for his life in his own world of Technology VS Magic, finds a door that leads to Equestria. Transformed into a Unicorn, he must get over his fear of magic, change back to normal, and accidentally accept to save all of Equestria by unknowingly qualifying for the role of 'Hero'.

Author's Note: Sorry to have not posted anything in so long; I've been meaning to stop by for a long while, but never found the time.

I've just come by to say that I'm cancelling this story, or at the very least putting it on hiatus. I kinda tried jumping the gun with this story, and was trying to write it as I went with only a vague general idea of what I wanted to do. I kept bumping into problems and holes in my story and in my ideas, so I'm stopping work on this to work on a different story. I plan to keep the general idea similar, of a human getting dragged into a battle he wasn't meant to fight; however, there are many changes that I want to make to points in the story.

Once again, I'd like to apologize to anyone who's been patiently waiting for some kind of update or sign. I'll keep this story online until I feel comfortable enough to start posting the revised story.

Chapters (6)

Lyra Heartstrings may be a lyrist by trade, but her passion has always been Anthropology - the study of Humans. She's always dreamed of seeing the world they live in. One day, a random encounter gives her the chance she's always dreamed of: to see live humans.

Chapters (1)

A guy from the future finds him self in Equestria after he tried to teleport out of a space vessel. His atoms got blasted with an ion dissruptor and rematerialized IN EQUESTRIA!!!!!

(Just a practice story. If it's bad then remember I'm just trying to get better with writing)
(I'm bad with grammar so if you have a problem with it, then I can deal ^^.)(Also my writing style seems to change throughout the story :D)

Chapters (9)