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After an expedition into the Everfree Forest ends in disaster, Applejack and Rainbow Dash take refuge in an abandoned cabin until morning.

This is probably a poor decision, but it's only one night, after all. How bad could it be?

Chapters (1)

Beyond Equestria, the lands to the north are hostile and unforgiving. Ponies eke out a subsistence in uncontrollable weather, separated by mile after frigid mile of snow and mountains. A land where only the hardiest survive is no place for civilization.

Yet civilization encroaches from time to time. When a colossal bounty is placed on the head of a unicorn deep in the arts of necromancy, a motley crew of bounty hunters assembles and gives chase. It’s too good a chance to pass up. They’ll bring her to justice, no matter what stands in their way. Not her dark magic. Not the inhospitable environment.

And certainly not each other.

Other entries in this series:

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Three Letters

Twilight Sparkle has come unstuck in time and place, but she is not alone. Her companion in a strange land tries to keep her spirits up as they race across a continent towards her only shot at returning home.

Commissioned by: Horizon

This story was written as a sequel of sorts to this: Three Letters

Chapters (1)

Theodor Pichler knew joining the Barrow Observatory's winter crew would be a difficult position. He thought he knew the danger--freezing temperatures, gale-force winds, and terribly spotty broadband coverage. What he didn't expect was for an experimental new telescope array to interact with an unusual storm and send him screaming helplessly into the sky.

Instead of falling to his death, Theo landed in an alien world, populated by colorful horses he can't understand. What's worse: the body he landed in isn't his own, and he's not sure anything is where it should be. Having wings might be cool if he didn't have to be naked all the time...

With limited supplies and no help from the Observatory, Theo has to somehow navigate this new land, making new friends and encountering terrible dangers along the way. It will take all his cleverness, and a healthy dose of luck, if he's ever to be human again.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story was a commission for Lucky Ray on my Patreon. Feel free to PM me if you'd like one of your own. It was edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Coverart by FoxHatArt. Where chapters have art, it was done by Jasper.

Zutcha was here too.

Chapters (53)

On February 19, 2016, Joe Velloti find himself changed into a red and white pegasus. Deciding he cannot survive in his hometown of Nanuet, New York, when he finds out about Alexandria, he decides to head there. It's a whole new world out there. Can he and others he meet survive in it long enough to join up with others?

A Ponies after People side story, as started by Starscribe.

Chapters (12)

Based on Starscribe's Ponies After People series.

When the Earth's humans were changed into ponies and other magic-tolerant species, most people were tossed into the maelstrom of time to be returned to their home planet changed at a future date. Three thousand years after the Event, a van of archaeology students en route to the University of Hawaii reappears in the middle of a now-overgrown Honolulu. Now they must come to terms of their new bodies and their new world.

Step 1: Figure out how to survive as ponies, a griffon, and a diamond dog on an otherwise uninhabited island.

Step 2: Unravel the mystery of how we got here, and why we're the only ones in a place normally crawling with tourists.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Make contact with the outside world and (if we're really lucky) go home to our families back on the mainland.

Simple, right? Oh and there is the matter of a dangerous artifact we have to keep out of the wrong hands. No pressure.

NaPoWriMo 2017 Winner!
Dedicated to my alpha reader and roommate, Gwelwyth.

Chapters (21)

Starlight Glimmer had the perfect plan: using Star Swirl's time travel spell, erase the Sonic Rainboom and everything it did. After failing to stop her, Twilight was returned abruptly to an Equestria that bears little resemblance to her home, where the other Elements of Harmony don't even know her name.

It should've been simple then: use Star Swirl's magic to return to the past and stop Starlight from changing things. Unfortunately for Twilight, all the magic in the Cutie Map is gone. She'll have to find another way to put Equestria right, and fast. After all, the Elements didn't stop Nightmare Moon...

This story is sponsored by Two Bit as a Patreon reward. If you'd like me to write your awesome story idea, that's the place. Cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (21)

Out for a pleasant walk through the woods, Princess Celestia takes a break from dealing with Earth politics and finds herself exiting next to a long, black road. As it just so happens, a native comes by and hits her with roughly two tons of steel, plastic, and glass.

Luckily, the vehicle's occupant carries lots of napkins and bandages.


Now translated into Chinese thanks to Nova Twinkle!
Now translated into Spanish thanks to SPANIARD KIWI!

This story is based on true events. Written for my good friend, Admiral Biscuit, as a commission/payment for a set of rear wheel bearing puller heads for a slide hammer. He also pre-read and edited it, because that's how he rolls.

Box of Shame second position 12/25. Bah humbug.

Chapters (1)

Danny has recently been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Along with his medication, he is assigned a very special helper to get him back on his feet with plenty of affection and a listening ear.

A story written to relax and inspire confidence in both those with mental illness and those that simply need a listening ear and a smile on their faces. Love to all of you.

Chapters (1)