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Princess Celestia had a good day. Luna had been going out more often and was becoming quite fond of nightclubs, her dear niece Cadance had formally announced her pregnancy—though, privately, Celestia felt she was too young to be a great aunt—and, of course, Twilight, her beloved former student, had taken on her first student and Celestia couldn't be prouder! Yes, it had been a good day.

Celestia Sol woke up much like she did every day the morning: sun waking her as it danced upon her eye lids. Wait, the sun? Celestia's eyes snapped open to reveal she was in Twilight's old room in the observatory. On the other side of the room was a smaller bed where a small dusky unicorn was drooling on her pillow.

Clearly, it must be Tuesday.

Preread and edited by Stahl, Kinsley, and Jumbled

Chapters (2)

Applejack spends her final moments with Winona.

A tribute to my dog who recently passed.

Edited by the wonderful anonpencil and The Invisible Davis

Chapters (1)

The rains came three years ago. It was a normal day when the first storm arrived,and brought with it a horror none could have imagined. Now, three years later, nothing is the same, yet hope remains.
Hope that the rains will end.

Inspired by The Rain tv series on Netflix.
It’s Scandinavian. Cover art at time of publishing is temporary placeholder art. Proper art will be made in a few days of publishing.

Chapters (1)

It has been said that nothing lived on the land of Equestria before the three pony tribes became one and settled there. It has also been said that ponies cultivated and created Equestria with their own hooves.

This is wrong.

Thousands of years after the cultivation of Equestria, Zachery a human soldier whose sole task is to protect the human race is allowed to take a leave of absence. It has been thousands of years since the last pony sighting and being in constant state of wartime is deemed too stressful for both the militants and civilians involved.
While this is happening, Twilight Sparkle an alicorn princess of Equestria unearths information on a lost race that lived in Equestia thousands of years ago. Unknowingly to the both her and Zachery, she slowly sets into motion the events that will cause the two species that had violently divided to once again meet. For better or for worse.

Chapters (34)

A recent plague of freakishly strong thunderstorms has been ravaging Ponyville's borders, and somepony has to put a stop to it. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash must venture into the depths of the untamed Everfree forest, further than ever before, and find the source of these natural disasters... and in so doing, they uncover a being that is beyond all natural law.

Set in the early days of the mane six's friendship, before discord's redemption, and before the King of Shadows or the Queen of Lies were struck down. Don't let the cutesy prologue fool you... this story is a bleak and foreboding glimpse at a fragment of Equestria's ancient history. The story is complete, and chapters will be released every one or two days.

Chapters (11)

Living in Equestria under a false name and racial identity is one thing. Finding out you're not the only one of your kind stranded here is another... especially when that someone and the element bearers are looking for you.

Being my first attempt at a first-person romantic comedy, this takes a slightly different approach to the concept of being a human stranded in Equestria.


Big thanks to DVAN56 for editing. Go check out his work!

Chapters (18)

Fantastic, I finally get to visit my favorite cast of awesome talking ponies to have one small thing keeping me from enjoying it to its fullest. I CAN"T FREAKING INTERACT WITH ANYTHING. I guess being a ghost in Equestria isn't the worst thing that could have happened, at least I can shadow my favorite ponies and see what going on in their lives. Heh, I guess I've become the ultimate stalker, I do miss having someone to talk to that wasn't me, myself or I though.

Set before the events of season three.

Rated teen for now for safety, rating may change later on based on where the story goes. Characters will be added later if they get added to the story.

Chapters (23)

The Princesses find an alien creature barely clinging to life at the scene of a terrifying crash. Can the Combined Power of the Elements of Harmony save it, or more importantly, should they save it? Will the arrival of this strange creature tear Equestria apart?

TV Tropes

Chapters (21)

Against all knowledge, possibility and explenation, there exists a hotel. A three story building of luxurious design, it's halls are filled with kitchens that never run out of food, an indoor waterpark that always functions, an arcade full to bursting with state of the art game machines and several rooms with the finest quality of beds one can imagine. It seems like a paradise, a place for a perfect dream vacation. But there is a catch...

Nopony who has entered has ever left. They are trapped within the walls. Windows are unbreakable, the fire escapes lead back to the lobby, the front entrance is sealed and cannot be opened. To make matters worse, nopony even knows how they got here...

And Twilight Sparkle is the newest arrival.

EDIT: This got featured the same morning I posted it. What a wonderful surprise to wake up to!

Chapters (7)

A human suddenly found himself as an Earth Pony in the fictional land of Equestria. Unfortunately, Equestria didn't look the same as in the show. Regardless, it was still a little girl's show, so returning home shouldn't be a problem. Now if only he knew where the cliché ponies were located in this version of Equestria. You know, the ones who could help him get back home?

Special thanks to mix-up for drawing the cover art. :3 You can check his deviantart page as well for more of his art works~

Chapters (65)