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Jake, a new arrival to Equestria, finds himself roped into a high tea with Princess Celestia and a group of snobby nobles. The lunch is boring, the tea is boring, and the nobles are boring. Celestia gives Jake an out, and he takes it, braving a final conversation with one 'Lady Rarity' in the hopes that he can escape the whole boring affair and get a cup of goddamn coffee.

Inspired by the amazing cover art, by SunBusting.

Rated T for snarky language and witty banter.
The sequel to this story is now available.

Chapters (1)

After overhearing a rumor that his friendship with Fluttershy means stallions are too afraid to date her, Discord swears that he will find her the perfect mate. Unfortunately Discord has absolutely no idea what a pony wants in their special somepony. Happily, he has many pony friends now that he can ask for advice, but no matter how much advice he gets, nothing seems to go according to plan.

Story commissioned by Spamotron.

Edited/proof read by Carapace, SilverWolfIMHP, and Lucasmembrane.

This is somewhat outside my usual comfort zone, I don't write a lot of comedy and I don't write a lot of Discord, but I had fun doing it, so hopefully you will have fun reading it.

Update: There is a NSFW "deleted scene" from this story in my new clop shortfics collection, Quickies. Feel free to check it out if you're into that.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Element of Courage

It's has been one week since the new Seven Elements of Harmony defeated the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon. Now, Flash and Twilight are staying at their new home in Ponyville, ready to make new friends and new experiences. However, they'll soon find out that Ponyville is a bit different from the luxurious city of Canterlot as the duo learn new lessons of friendship.

Editing by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (20)

What if Twilight had a friend before heading to Ponyville, what if there was a seventh Element of Harmony, what if this pony stayed with Twilight in Ponyville. how would things have turned out

Editing by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to For science

The continuation of Stella's and Twilight's Story. (read book one first)
We will take a look at Cadence's past and have some extra science as a bonus :derpyderp2:

Chapters (20)

This story takes place during the Season Five finale, "The Cutie Re-Mark". As such, there are spoilers ahead.

Starlight Glimmer's plan is working. All she has to do is upset Rainbow Dash's rainboom-creating race in the past, and Twilight Sparkle's connection with her friends will be severed. And she's done it. Repeatedly. Sure, Twilight can go back in time to try and stop her, but Starlight will always be brought back as well. No matter what Twilight tries, no matter how many times she returns, she can't stop Starlight. They're evenly-matched, and it's much easier to disrupt events than it is to preserve them.

That means Starlight wins, right?

Chapters (5)

On a visit to the Everfree forest, Fluttershy encounters a creature she has never seen before. It’s tall, it wears clothes and nopony can understand it. Can the ponies of Ponyville make friends with this new creature, even when they do not understand eachother?

(28.1.2017) Did I...Did I get featured? :rainbowhuh: I think I got featured! :pinkiegasp:

Huge thanks to lordelliott for helping me proofread and edit. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (37)

Anon decides to adopt a filly and record his experience as a Dad in a journal to do something with his life in Equestria. Except, being a father is hard work and comes at a great personal sacrifice. This is his quest to become a good father.

Chapters (8)

Twins do everything together: they share secret languages, they go everywhere together, and some work together. Some like Breach and Clear, two unicorn twins, hunt down and capture changelings for the government together.

Sometimes that work includes going to remote locations with not a lot of support and just each other to rely on. So this contract shouldn't be any different, right?

[This story is rated a rather high 'TEEN' for descriptions of light gore and naughty language.]

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer has asked you out on a date. But sadly, for her, you're just not that into ponies.

I'm sure this'll have no negative repercussions.

A semi-sequel to "Fluttershy Wants In Your Shirt".

Chapters (1)