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After the girls suffer the effects of some spiked drinks, Twilight reveals a surprising fact about the human world's equine species—basically, they don't get drunk like humans do. Of course, this raises the question of whether or not the same holds true for Equestrian ponies.

The answer is a bit surprising.

Side story in my Harmony and Valor series. Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

Foreword: Don't mind the lowercase title. If you've even been on the internet, you know why it is the way it is.

Are you ready to read the best abridging of My Little Pony you've ever read?

Good, because it's not good at all!

THE BIG FLIPPING NOTE: This is purely for fun and will be written in my own pass time. Don't hate. Seriously.

Pinkie Insanity
Horrible Characterizations and possibly OOC
4th Wall Breaking
Memes... Memes everywhere...
Terrible Abridging of Events
Rainbow's Ego

Cover art by and courtesy of artist dm29

And the "Other" tag is to encompass the characters I couldn't tag because of the 5 character limit.

Chapters (4)

The Crystal Heart has been broken, and the ancient evil imprisoned inside has been released from the crystal prison, surely to wreak vengeance on those who had imprisoned her. The Mane Six are right on the scene and prepared for an inevitable fight to defend their homeland and loved ones.

Only for Luxure, the goddess of lust who was trapped in the heart, to give up almost instantly.

Very bewildered, the Mane Six question the supposedly evil goddess why she would do this.

Kind of my attempt at a deconstruction of typical MLP villain ambition and behavior. Also considered my return to trying to write as I've been out of it for a while.

Alternate Universe tag obviously for the inclusion of an OC, and the fact that "The Crystalling" doesn't happen in this continuity. Sex tag for minor sex jokes and implications.

Chapters (12)

Starlight returns from the marketplace to come across two sworn foes calmly sharing tea, much to her confusion.

Much to her confusion.

Chapters (1)

After being asked by her friends about how she gets money, Sunset explains about Equestria's currency.

Note: Yes the Sunset pawns the golden bits to get money premise has been done before. However, of the ones I've read, only one gave an example for what their backing was.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis likes it when I boop her on the nose. It helps her relax. However, one day, Princess Twilight Sparkle bursts in, thinking that Queen Chrysalis has put a spell on me.

Surely, when I explain to her that I boop her, she'll understand. Right?


Inspired by a delightful flash game that can be found here.

Featured on August 28th, 2016. This is as unexpected as it is amazing.

Chapters (14)

For as long as the citizens of Ponyville had been graced with the presence of the apelien menace known as "Humans" they have wondered why they bothered wearing clothes. Today they learn.

A stupid idea that I had a couple of days ago. Thanks to Ephemeral and various Anons for editing.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor have to have a very serious discussion about parenthood. Not all ponies are responsible enough to be a parent. So, the two sit down to have a serious discussion. Very Serious.

Caution: This fic is for terrible people. Like me. I'm a terrible person.

Written for anonpencil

Chapters (1)

I'm a human, and I just woke up in this really freakin' weird place. Why the hell does everyone hate me so much?!

anonpencil helped

Narration by Lector Readings

Chapters (1)


Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale?

No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process.

Chapters (31)