• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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Fluttershy is at a crisis that breaks her spirit. As the ponies rally around her for support, none are more determined than Rainbow Dash to see Fluttershy better. Angel just might have other plans, though.

Written for a friend off, the picture the story is based off of is included.

Chapters (1)

The Summer Sun Celebration. A holiday commemorating Celestia's triumph against Nightmare Moon. A day to herald in the coming of summer. One of the most amazing, most magnificent, most wonderful events in all of Equestria.

But not for Celestia. For her, the "celebration" is nothing but regret.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis is beaten. Her invasion of Canterlot has failed. Her hive has been scattered to the winds. And with Equestria on guard, love is in short supply. She has failed her people, and now the future looks bleak and grim.

But there’s a change in the air. Chrysalis can feel it in her bones and in her dreams. Something is calling to her, drawing her and the remnants of her hive north. To the place the changelings once called home.

Placed sixth in the August 2015 Write-Off Event: Distant Shores.

Chapters (1)

What are those ill feelings you have? Directed towards the one you love most in the world. It's wrong isn't it? To feel that way?

Isn't it?

Princess Luna doesn't know anymore.

Set 1000 years ago.
Audio reading by TheDizzyDan.
Audio reading by Plagen Shiki.

Chapters (1)

Things aren't going well between Celestia and Luna. As tensions grow between them, it is quite clear that they simply aren't the same ponies they once were. Instead of risking the loss of each other's companionship, both agree that perhaps some distance would help them recover a little. Besides, Celestia could use the vacation anyways.

But the beach town of Dusk Falls is hardly the peaceful and quiet abode Celestia had been expecting. Amongst the boardwalks and carousels a sinister plot is unfolding, as trouble rises both in the heart of Equestria and in Celestia's new home.

Cover-Art Celestia Vector here and the picture in the letter 'D' is here.

Chapters (15)

She had simply wanted recognition. Equality. Nothing more. She had never wished to be the cause of so much war and strife in a land once prosperous and peaceful.

Stricken by guilt and fearful of the judgment of her subjects, Luna, with the reluctant help of Nightmare Moon, sets out to remedy her mistakes and return the sunlight to Equestria, no matter what the consequences may be.

Meanwhile, as an ancient foe is awakened, and the changeling race is all but extinct, only their young and reluctantly crowned Queen Chrysalis stands against the total annihilation of her species.

Thanks to Darkflame75 for the coverart.

Chapters (18)

On the first morning after her sister's return, Princess Celestia does something she hasn't done for a thousand years.

Chapters (1)

Trapped beneath the caves of Canterlot, Cadance endures the time she lay imprisoned after being captured by Queen Chrysalis. Day after day goes by, and the only comfort Cadance has in her underground prison is the hope that someone will help her escape. But even that small flicker of hope begins to fizzle as time keeps passing and no pony has come.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor confesses to Celestia that he might no longer be able to serve as Captain of the Guard, due to his unique marriage situation. Being in love can make one dreamy and distracted, but this is different. The love of your life doesn't usually hunt you.

A light-hearted one-shot.
For serious and deep stuff, try my other story. Teen for sexual topics.

Cover art by the talented Conicer of DeviantArt and Fimfiction
originally made for TheWraithWriter's story here.

Chapters (2)

Prior to the events of "A Canterlot Wedding" Princess Celestia asks Cadance what ought to be done with the changelings that have been discovered living hidden in Equestria. Cadance's proposed plan of action is swift, brutal, and ruthless, but absolutely unnecessarily so. Celestia has never heard Cadance speak an ill word of anyone, and she cannot fathom why the young princess seems to so despise the uncovered changelings.

Cadance just can't fathom why the uncovered changelings have chosen to forsake their own kind to live among the ponies.

Chapters (1)