• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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With all her new princess obligations, Twilight needs the support of her assistants more than ever. But since she started spending more time in Canterlot, Owlowiscious has seemed awfully distracted by something. Maybe Luna can help clear up why.

Special thanks to Harwick for the random EQD comment that gave me the idea.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hard Reset

After the events of Hard Reset Twilight's life and mental well being are slowly returning to normal. Her recovery is cut short, though, when a letter arrives informing her that the time loop spell she cast is causing severe damage to space and time itself. In over her head, Twilight tries to summon anypony who will know how to fix it. The pony she gets is the last one she ever thought she would meet... and nothing like she expected him to be.

Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to The Celestia Code

When the monsters created by the dark crystal engine escape their prison, it's up to Princess Twilight Sparkle to deal with them. She gets help and advice from Princess Luna, but things don't go as planned. In fact, when a pony who relies on logic and rationality tries to navigate the stormy seas of emotional entanglement while simultaneously saving Equestria from a horde of evil creatures intent on destroying everything they encounter, nothing goes as planned.
AUDIOBOOK by VisualPony
WARNING: Major spoilers in the comments.

Book 2 of the Alicorn Adventure series.

Goodreads Page
100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

The Badass Twilight tag applies more than ever, but please note the new tags.

This story is a fairly direct continuation of The Celestia Code. You might be able to follow it without having read The Celestia Code first, but it's better if you do.

The sequel is here: The Twilight Enigma

Most excellent pre-reading/editing done by the erudite AcademicPony and the dapper statoose!

Chapters (22)

Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a centuries-old mystery hidden in the Royal Archives. Her investigation leads through layer after layer of deception and misdirection, setting her hooves on a path that seems to be leading to a mysterious secret. Along the way, she learns that some friendships can be very, very strange.

Book 1 of the Alicorn Adventure series.

AUDIOBOOK by VisualPony
Featured at the Royal Canterlot Library
TV Tropes Page (Courtesy of Sandtalon)
Goodreads Page (Courtesy of Facedeer)
Equestria Daily Page

WARNING: Major spoilers in the comments. Takes place several months after the end of season four. (Not a Da Vinci Code crossover, BTW!)

Do you see a dark tag? No, you don't. Not dark. Well, okay, there are a couple of dark-ish bits, but that's all. Not enough to warrant a tag. Speaking of tags, there really ought to be "Badass Twilight" and "Friendshipping" ones.

Sequels and side-stories (and more) can be found here Offprint and AO3, and a hardbound two-volume set of all that can be ordered from The Ministry of Image.

My editor for the first edition of this story was Gogito, and I can't thank him enough for all the hard work he did. My editor for the revised version was PresentPerfect, and he did a terrific job of getting the story into excellent shape.

Chapters (24)

In the far past, in a civilization unrecognizable compared to what ponies know now, Celestia and Luna, two students at the local high school, meet. Little do they know they are about to be pulled deep into an ancient conspiracy that will irreversibly alter their lives and the fate of the world they know it.

Alternate origin story for Celestia and Luna, and the canon one for the universe of Obama Goes to Equestria.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Come with me, Luna

The Doctor, on the Master's half joking suggestion, takes Derpy as a companion in the TARDIS. He intends this as a relaxing break from his usual shenanigans, but he quickly finds himself trapped in an incomprehensibly large and complicated conflict millennia in the making. He has to escape, but how can do that when he has no idea who or what his enemy is, and the one who trapped him is himself?

Aside from knowing the TARDIS is a time machine, Doctor Who knowledge should not be necessary to understand the story, but you will get a lot more of the jokes.

Prequel to Obama Goes to Equestria.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Come with me, Luna

Starswirl was always Celestia's favorite wizard. From the moment she first laid eyes on him, she knew he would be different. She was right. His mind was unlike anything she had seen before. If she was going to turn anyone, it would be him. But she needed to be sure.

So she waited. She waited to see if he would suit the Game.

Finally, she decides.

Was originally supposed to be a Halloween special, so there are disturbing parts. I might bump the rating on this one.

Takes place in the Obamaverse. A fairly direct sequel to Come with Me, Luna. Might not make sense out of context.

Chapters (2)

After the disappearance of Sunset Shimmer, Celestia finds a new protégé, Starlight Glimmer.

This one won't be a mistake… will it?

Chapters (1)

(AKA "a human sells out")

If there's no proof that ponies are ponies, then there's no proof changelings are changelings, right?

That totally makes sense.

Anyway, after getting blasted to the Deer Kingdom with the power of public displays of affection, some changelings talk about ethical problems and their sex lives.

This may or may not lead to mutiny.

Takes place in the Matterverse, a multiverse that encompasses every possible variation of the half-hour after the Canterlot Wedding in which all of Equestria suddenly drops everything and begins philosophizing furiously.

Stories in the Matterverse are currently Would It Matter If I Was? (the original), What Matters More? (I'll read it eventually), Do It Mattered If I Is (what), and, just to spite the admins, Yes, It Matters (the grammar is more heinous than the content).

And this thing, I guess. No, it didn't inspire me.

Not related in any way to the other story of the exact same name. (The capitalization's different, wasn't it obvious?)

Chapters (1)

Finally, after years of begging, Celestia gives Twilight permission to access the Forbidden Wing of the Royal Library, a wing so secret even the other princesses can't access it. Twilight rushes to Canterlot, excited for the research potential.

Then she finds those books…

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Chapters (1)