• Member Since 21st Mar, 2013


May the floss be with you.

Favourites 272 stories
  • Favourites 272 stories - 1441 unread chapters
    Created by Normal
    - October, 2014
Found 217 stories in 78ms

Total Words: 10,703,835
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changeling Hives, feels a disturbance. Something unusual, something evil... something festive. It doesn't take her long to discover that the source of this dread is a pony holiday by the name of "Hearth's Warming Eve," and it takes even less time for her to decide what she has to do now: She must steal it.

Yes. The whole thing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Griffon the Heave-ho

An Eclipseverse story.

After another of the Crusaders' misadventures in trying to make their cutie marks appear, they turn to the Mane 6 for advice. One by one, they learn how Equestria's saviors discovered their special talents. This may sound familiar, but the tales these six heroines have to tell will not be.

(Cover art by Tom Preston)

Chapters (7)

In a world where the Sonic Rainboom never occurred and tied the Mane 6 together, they found themselves taking drastically different paths in life. Nevertheless, they still managed to find one another and stand together when Equestria needed them most.

It's now several months after the Elements of Harmony chose their new bearers, and the citizens of Ponyville are about to take part in Winter Wrap-Up. Their plans are soon disrupted, however, by an ancient, unknown enemy with a desire to seize the Elements and an icy hatred for Celestia and Luna!

(This is an Alternate Universe fic, and the characterizations for the altered Mane 6 were inspired by defender2222)

Takes place before: Lunar Eclipse: The Rock Opera

Chapters (18)

Rainbow Dash walks into Carousel Boutique and asks Rarity out to breakfast.

Only...Rainbow Dash is acting somewhat...odd.

Concerned for her friend, Rarity spends the day with Rainbow Dash. But the bizarre new habit Rainbow Dash has developed quickly wears on Rarity's nerves...

Chapters (1)

The Alicorn Amulet twists its wearer into madness and megalomania. Nopony can wear it without repercussions, both for themselves and others. Nopony is safe. Nopony is exempt.

Still, nopony expected him.

Chapters (1)

A spell gone wrong leads to a body-switch between Spike and Equestria's main Princess. After the initial shock dies down, Spike may just find himself in a position of too much power, and only time will tell how badly this power will be abused...

Chapters (1)

[12/14/2014] Revisions to Chapter 4 and onwards. More info here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/416547/fixing-i-think-i-can-remember

Celestia is settling into being a princess. It’s a lot of work, but luckily Star Swirl is a big help, even if Luna isn’t.

Then she wakes up and over a thousand years have passed. Her sister was banished to the moon and came back, Star Swirl is long gone, and Celestia apparently has a small purple alicorn student.

What’s going on?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle has spent years as Discord's protege, studying the Magic of Chaos. But when rumors of a strange phenomenon dubbed "Friendship" show up in a small outlying town, the Emperor sends his star student to find out what's going on. Twilight goes with the best intentions and quickly discovers there is more than meets the eye going on in Ponyville...

Inspired by this post on r/mlpwritingprompts, by MetaSkipper. Original version by me is in the comments there.

Continued here!

Chapters (18)

Once upon a time, there was a pony named Fan Service. She had an amazing life -- money, fame, good looks, but she realized it was missing something: character depth. And so she set out to seek the one thing that would make her life complete.

Written in four hours during a speed writing exercise. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo have come up with a new plan to get their cutie marks. By being Foal-sitters! It may seem easy, but will little Pumpkin and Pound Cake prove to be too much for the CMC to handle?

Chapters (1)