• Member Since 15th Dec, 2015

Darth Maximus

My name is Darth Maimus, lord of lords: Look at my carnage, ye mighty, and despair! For this is simply the beginning of my conquest!

The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories
Found 539 stories in 58ms

Total Words: 35,807,783
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks


  • The Sith Holocron of Infinitus 608 stories Lord Infinitus had gathered a large collection of logs detailing advance worlds and technology.

  • The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories This Holocron belongs to the Dark Maiden of Twilight. Untold amount of Sith Sorcery is contained here.

  • The Sith Holocron of Plagueis 331 stories Within this Holocron contains his study on the aspect of the dark side and the concept of death itself.


  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

10 years ago Nightmare Moon returned, Successfully bringing about eternal night. That day Twilight lost everything she held dear. In that time, she has been preparing for the day when she can take Equestria back from her.

Chapters (1)

Trixie has been run out of Ponyville twice. Since then, finding meals and somewhere to sleep has been a struggling challenge for the former show mare. When she ends up stumbling into Ponyville once again, she finds herself waking up in the homestead of the pony who had caused a lot of her troubles. The town's local librarian, Twilight Sparkle.

The two soon form beautiful friendship that buds into something more. How exactly do you tell you friends that you are in love with the pony that enslaved their town? Let's just say this does not end up well for either of them.

Chapters (2)

During her studies in the Canterlot archives, Twilight Sparkle makes a startling discovery - Star Swirl the Bearded, the most famous unicorn in Equestrian history, had a son! Tracing the family line down the centuries, Twilight is ecstatic to discover a direct descendant of Star Swirl is still living today. She sets out to meet this "Beatrix Lulamoon", who surely is a great and powerful unicorn worthy of her heritage with a wealth of ancestral knowledge to share... isn't she?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bECfAkLDoSM

Chapters (1)

The powers entrusted to me by the Princesses are not enough. I can't stop him. Now I'm hearing a voice in my head—a voice that promises to help me defeat Tirek. I must be going crazy.

Written for the Twyrant's Kingdom Competition.

Edited by Horse Voice.

Chapters (1)

Fights between siblings are a part of life. Being the father that has to comfort a crying filly, is also a part of life.

A quick little look into being the parent of an introvert. Fluffy.

Chapters (1)

She's seen Rainbow Dash do it. How hard could it be?

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

At her coronation after-party, Twilight gets a little freaked out at the prospect of growing into her new life, especially one specific aspect of it. She knows better than anyone that talking her problems over with a friend can help tremendously, but she doesn't have many friends with whom she'd be comfortable talking about this particular problem, let alone ones who would really understand what she's going through.

...unless she broadens her definition of "friend."

Now with a reading, courtesy of PresentPerfect! Go check it out, if you're so inclined.
Ahora en español gracias al maravilloso trabajo de SPANIARD KIWI!
(Now in Spanish thanks to the brilliant work of SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (1)

Sometimes all a pony wants is a second chance, another chance to redeem themselves or make up for something that they did wrong. To make it right. But the world isn't always willing to give them another chance and instead will hold them to what they did in the past instead of what they do in the present. Sometimes the world won't let go of what you used to be instead of who you are. Sometimes, it see's you as a monster.

Sequel to a Dark Knight for Equestria and sister story to It runs in the Family.

Chapters (25)

Once upon a time, there was a very young filly named Twilight Sparkle who went to the beach and met a very young colt named Rex.

They played in the sand, looking for sea shells and making sand castles all day long.

And found something neither of them expected.

Finalist in the Most Dangerous Game Contest
Editing assistance by Peter, Tek

If you liked this story, you may also like A Simpler Time by DJLowrider. Enjoy.

Picture Credits on DeviantArt:
Filly Twilight Sparkle by zomgmad
Good Pace by SilverVectors
Derpy Hooves Flying by SierraEx
Princess of the Beach by dm29
Beach Backgrounds Clipart from 3906 HD Wallpapers

Chapters (3)

The Mane Seven are on a mission to spread friendship across Equestria. It sounds easy enough, but should they let their guard down?

Twilight is confident that she can cope with any situation. Maybe she’s right and there really is nothing to worry about... Maybe.

[You may also revel in the Youtube reading (Chapter 1, Chapter 2) or mp3 download (Chapter 1, Chapter 2) that are available for this story.]

This story has it's own TvTropes page.

It was approved by:
Goodfic Bin
Black-light's Library!
Fimfiction’s Addicts

Here's what the readers are saying about it:

Dude whoa.... That was powerful. It kinda reminds me of “If you love something” let it go. The type of pony that Twilight is I could imagine that losing her friends would make her go insane, and I know she'd do anything to still be with them. Great story. Mad I didn't hear about it until now. ~ Man on the Moon

Princess of Friendship by Bad Dragon is a great piece of work. ~ Stinium_Ruide

If Twilight can't find a way to save her friends, she'll make a way. And that works out about as well as one would think. ~ FanOfMostEverything

I hope Twilight can let go... eventually. ~ StormyVenture

I liked this story. It was heartbreaking, a bit confusing (in a good way), and overall enjoyable. ~ Heart Felt

it had the nerve to make me experience something you twats call “the feels,” but a nice enthusiastic walk in the woods solved that problem. ~ DR_LaZer

made me cry… ~ deli73

I cried. I didn't shed one tear, but a thousand. ~ Crystal_Chaos

Great story, definitely deserves the tragedy tag. ~ MustacheMerlin

This story really does earn it's tag as it presents a situation that cannot be won and that has no positive outcome, which is part of tragedy in it's strictest sense. ~ HapHazred

Brilliant. Both her plan and the story.:rainbowkiss: ~ Unbridled Dolly

I love it when a story comes together--and I say that this one did, at least for philosophical egghead dorks. ~ Mahayro

I love the entire premise and the ending was perfect. ~ Curify - ChasingVerse

Chapters (2)