• Member Since 15th Dec, 2015

Darth Maximus

My name is Darth Maimus, lord of lords: Look at my carnage, ye mighty, and despair! For this is simply the beginning of my conquest!

The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories
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Total Words: 35,807,783
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks


  • The Sith Holocron of Infinitus 608 stories Lord Infinitus had gathered a large collection of logs detailing advance worlds and technology.

  • The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories This Holocron belongs to the Dark Maiden of Twilight. Untold amount of Sith Sorcery is contained here.

  • The Sith Holocron of Plagueis 331 stories Within this Holocron contains his study on the aspect of the dark side and the concept of death itself.


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A lonely pilgrim makes the Veteran's Walk, in the ruins of Canterlot.

Proof-read and edited by enti0 and CrusherKitty. Any errors or mistakes are mine, made against their advice.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's ascension to the throne was supposed to be a joyous occasion, but as the months have passed and the shadows of the world grown a little darker, the lessons of her mentors and the weight of her responsibility has done nothing but made her more uncertain about her ability to rule.

Now, on the day of a grand gathering of nations, an attempt on the life of one princess and the abduction of the other brings with it an old foe and the weight of the world. With the fate of empires resting on her shoulders, Twilight must undertake a grand journey into the heart of madness and the untold history of Equestria to save her princesses and the world entire...

But save them from what?

Featured on Equestria Daily 10/12/13
I am humbled once again to be assisted by the brilliant RainbowDri in bring this story to fruition. I couldn't have asked for a more insightful assistant or all-around excellent guy.
Coverart supplied by the extremely talented dreampaw (Power leads to corruption). I can't thank her enough.

Chapters (7)

In her quest to eliminate all chaos, the one now known as the Empress of Harmony established her rule. With the essence of her friends removed, only those she deems pure are permitted to live under her watchful care.

Order and Chaos are divided, those who support Twilight in her noble goal versus those who oppose her.

Harmony is the greatest good, as the Empress Twilight Sparkle insisted. But can Harmony really exist if the bearer of Magic has become disillusioned between justice and vengeance?

(While this is a sequel to Pages of Harmony, I have written it so it can be read as a stand-alone.)

Chapters (1)

One month after the events of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Sunset Shimmer finds her life in the human world crumbling around her. As a dangerous new enemy begins to show itself, in the form of a powerful terrorist organization known as the Chrysalis Syndicate, Sunset finds herself with no choice but to return to Equestria.

Upon prematurely crossing through the portal, Sunset is arrested for her past crimes and brought to the Princesses. She finds a new mentor in Princess Luna, is reunited with a long-lost family member, and is sent on a mission that would redeem herself in the eyes of the Princesses and the rest of Equestria.

But everything is not as it would seem. Even now when Sunset has come back to Equestria, she finds herself facing great danger, including a sinister villain involved in her past. Will Sunset and her new friends be able to confront this renewed, improved menace?

Table of Contents (For the reader's convenience):
Return to Equestria arc: Chapters 1-2
Mission to Fillydelphia arc: Chapters 3-22
The Weekend Off arc: Chapters 23-37
Vanhoover arc: Chapters 38-65
The Big Night arc: Chapters 66-80
Epilogue chapter: 81

Update: Now has a TV Tropes article, which can be found here. If you happen to be a Troper, please add any trope examples you find in this story to the article.

Current cover art by: mrs1989

Chapters (81)

This, this is why I spend so much time in the archives, Twilight thought, holding a dusty old book close in her magic. Inside the book were a number of advanced spells, each one more interesting than the last in some sort of circular logic that Twilight could only assume went to infinity

Twilight galloped through the doors to her tower and leaped onto her favorite reading pillow on the balcony. She opened the book to the table of contents.

Oh my gosh! They’re all so interesting! Ooh, an age spell! That…might be a bit beyond me. But here right below it – a duplication spell!

Previous Episode: The Brief Reign of Princess Twily
Current Episode: Season Zero – Episode Two
Next Episode: Works Every Time

Chapters (1)

Celestia has passed on, all of Equestria weeps for her passing. The crown of Equestria is passed on to Twilight. But Equestria is under threat of collapsing in on itself. Twilight is doing everything she can to prevent this. But will she go too far to protect it?

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Spike shut themselves up in their castle for ten years where they play a magic board game against a malevolent spirit to prevent global thermonuclear war.

A turn-by-turn account of an actual game of ‘Twilight Struggle,’ in which every single action is noted, mixed in with tangential arguments and commentaries on everything from fandom content producers to religion to the game itself, straight from the lips of the Beavis and Butthead of boardgaming!
Great for any Twilight Struggle fans, or (alternate) history buffs in general, although the commentary is rather scathing.


Dedicated to Kkat for not preventing me from taking a glorious crap on her magnum opus.
Narrated by ‘Ron Bon’ Perlmare, the same pony who narrated the intro of Fallout: Equestria and all of its spinoffs.

The Official Map has been released! Now you can follow the action and actually understand what the characters are talking about!
This story is old and was rushed out. I'm thinking of rewriting it at some point.

Chapters (13)

What would you be willing to sacrifice to learn ancient and forgotten knowledge? What if the price was forgetting everypony you know or something trivial? Sometimes trivial things come with a higher price then you believed they could. Twilight finds herself in a bind as she is forced to choose what she is willing to pay for the information she has learned.

Can Twilight save the day this time or will she have to live with her decision no matter the cost

Cover art by Strangemoose

Chapters (3)

Far in the West, beyond the borders of the kingdom, an old evil has awoken. With the fate of Equestria hanging in the balance, Twilight must unlock the secrets of the past in order to preserve what remains of her future.

Edited by PresentPerfect and ocalhoun.

Special thanks to SirTruffles for his reviews. Without his feedback, I wouldn't have made it this far.

-cover art by AssasinMonkey, used with permission

Chapters (12)

Celestia has finally left this world, and Twilight has to step up to her place as Princess beside Luna, becoming Regent of the Sun. She has to learn what being a Princess entails, and live up to Equestria's standards.

Two Arcs. (More arcs will be in Sequels)
Arc 1-Chapters 1-6
(7 is a Bonus, all about the laws of Equestria. It will be updated irregularly.)
Arc 2-Chapters 8, 10-? (9 is a Bonus about magic, and will be updated irregularly)

Note: bonus chapters are not necessary for the storyline, but help comprehension.

The battle from Chapter 5 is in a separate story, Maripony Massacre

I now have a Beta-Reader, Arc 2 Chapter 2 -Arc 2 Chapter 6. Thanks to imperfectPacifist!

I have an editor, Arc 2 Chapter 7. Thanks to Commander Fire Starter

Credits for OCs:
Alexandria (by Elric of Melnipony) Alexandria's info here, first post

Chapters (15)