• Member Since 15th Dec, 2015

Darth Maximus

My name is Darth Maimus, lord of lords: Look at my carnage, ye mighty, and despair! For this is simply the beginning of my conquest!

The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories
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Total Words: 35,807,783
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks


  • The Sith Holocron of Infinitus 608 stories Lord Infinitus had gathered a large collection of logs detailing advance worlds and technology.

  • The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories This Holocron belongs to the Dark Maiden of Twilight. Untold amount of Sith Sorcery is contained here.

  • The Sith Holocron of Plagueis 331 stories Within this Holocron contains his study on the aspect of the dark side and the concept of death itself.


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While studying the founding of Equestria in the Royal Library, Twilight comes across a very odd, and very old, book. Some of the historical accounts found therein are very familiar, part of any filly's childhood education, but there are more details. Troubling details. Since Celestia has taken leave for unknown reasons, Luna is the only pony around who gives Twilight any hope of finding out the truth. A truth that, as it turns out, Celestia never wanted her to know.

Teen rated for 'sad feels' and implied (though not explicit) deaths.

Special thanks to sqarishoctagon for giving me some useful pointers on formatting and helping to edit the first five chapters!

This was initially an in-universe story, but as of February 16th, 2013, it was rendered non-canon. It takes place in an alternate universe in which Season 3 never happened.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to My History, Rise, Fall and Return: Starlight's Story

Equestria has recently split into two nations, West Equestria and East Equestria. Unfortunately for West Equestria, most of the wealth and The Tree of Harmony lies in East Equestria. Deteriorating economic conditions leads to public unrest and two princesses abdicate, leaving one to rule the land. Is her magic strong enough to keep the country afloat or will it revert to an earlier state?

Parts of this story will be told by the character that the chapter focuses on.

Chapters (24)

Starlight Glimmer discovers inequality at a very young age when her family can not afford the fee for her to apply for Celestia's school. She uses unconventional methods to gain entry but eventually gets expelled and banished from Canterlot. When she discovers who her true ancestors are, she realizes that her true destiny is more than bringing about friendship through sameness, it is something much bigger.

A first account story told by Starlight herself.

Chapters (16)

The Elements of Harmony failed. Twilight Sparkle was unable to activate their power, and the sixth never even appeared. It is her greatest failure, and the doom of all Equestria. Plunged into an endless night, she has to find a way to stop Nightmare Moon.

Her research is getting her nowhere, though, until she has a visit from a stranger in a dream, who grants her the power to face down the Nightmare. But is it enough, with the Elements lost?

Borrows themes and ideas from Persona and other places, but isn't a direct crossover with any of them.

Big thanks to Guardian of Brittania and Acarcion for help with editing!

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash would always be there for Twilight, even when her other friends are not. Something is not right in Ponyville. Since her coronation as an Alicorn Princess, Twilight has been blamed for things she clearly didn't do, and everypony but Rainbow, Scootaloo, and Spike have disowned her. However, this is not just an emotional struggle. With the Elements in disarray, all of Equestria is in danger as an old enemy returns...

Contains: TwiDash, Scootadopt, Gore, Violence

Thanks to Surry, LightningBass94, and twidashforever. Without them, this story wouldn't have been possible.

Partially inspired by the story The Truth in Meanings by Twidashforever

Chapters (19)


After a weekend spent in Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle arrives home to find an odd scroll in her saddlebags. In the following days Twilight is plagued by terrifying nightmares, and horrific visions from a life not her own. Can Twilight Sparkle resist the Nightmare, or will she fall prey to the darkness?

Chapters (28)

What should one do when they find their current knowledge lacking? After the changeling attack, Twilight has to answer that question and for her the solution is simple enough. But her chosen path may yet turn out to be her downfall. Will the cost of knowledge be too high? Or will she be victorious in her journey into the paths of darker magic? One way or another Twilight will find it out as she learns under her new teacher. There is however one thing everypony close to Twilight should remember, that history likes to repeat itself...


A/N: Tags will probably be added as the story progresses. Updates may be irregular. Flames will be ignored, constructive criticism is welcomed. Now the image: background by me (and it shows), NMM recolor by DoctorXFizzle.

Chapters (14)

Twilight has always been the best there is at magic. She's won dozens of scholarly competitions and tests of skill in Canterlot. But when it comes to the more violent uses for magic, she is essentially clueless.

When she meets a strange unicorn in a seedy bar, he introduces her to a little known sport that will test her knowledge of magic in different ways. That is, of course, if Twilight can't resist its primal lure.

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle plunges Equestria into the depths of deprivation as she skillfully plots against her former friends and confidants, using any means at her disposal to claw her way to power.

Graciously edited by: mikewalker11

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Lost into Shadow

Twilight has failed, or rather, she has succeeded. Her darkness is her power, and together with her husband, Queen Twilight has a new plan for all of Equis. The black castle rises to greater power than has ever been seen before. War is brewing while alliances are forged and others are broken. The days of harmony are dead and gone, and all the world will be forced to mobilize against the might of the Nightmare Hordes. Will they prevail in the faces of Wrath and Despair? Do they have any hope of someday returning to a time of peace and love?
Not a chance, because in Chapter 1, Hope dies.

Chapters (10)