• Member Since 15th Dec, 2015

Darth Maximus

My name is Darth Maimus, lord of lords: Look at my carnage, ye mighty, and despair! For this is simply the beginning of my conquest!

The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories
Found 539 stories in 89ms

Total Words: 35,807,783
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks


  • The Sith Holocron of Infinitus 608 stories Lord Infinitus had gathered a large collection of logs detailing advance worlds and technology.

  • The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories This Holocron belongs to the Dark Maiden of Twilight. Untold amount of Sith Sorcery is contained here.

  • The Sith Holocron of Plagueis 331 stories Within this Holocron contains his study on the aspect of the dark side and the concept of death itself.


  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

The Harmony Games: a competition of gladitorial combat meant to promote harmony and friendship between the clans of Equestria. The idea that combat can promote friendship is idiotic to Twilight, like friendship itself. She doesn't have time to be playing children's games; there's a serious threat predicted and she has to find it before something catastrophic happens. How can 'friendship' possibly be of any use?

Alternate look at the beginning of FIM, combat tournament with humanified ponies No major part OC (none at all if avoidable)

Chapters (15)

On a dark and foggy night, Twilight receives some visitors. That is the last anyone ever hears from her.

All of of her friends and family go on a desperate search to find her, but it is all to no avail and they give up on the search. Years turn into centuries, eventually adding up to a thousand years since her disappearance, but Equestria has never forgoten her.

After a thousand years, Twilight returns with no memory of who or where she is. Her captors give her a new name and title for her, but not only that, but she has also been given an assignment, to destroy Princess Celestia.

But is there something much more to her captor than just ruling Equestria? With the help of a group of friends, one princess will see just how magic can be used, whether for good,

or evil.


I would like to thank 1Jaz for this great drawing. Well done man!

And a big thanks Ephraim Blue for editing this story!

Chapters (17)

After an unknown accident Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves sharing the same body! Now they must struggle to hold themselves together as their world is turned upside down. How long can two ponies exist in a single mind? It’s a race against time as they search for answers before it’s too late. When all is said and done, you’ll never look at Twilight Dash the same way again.

Chapters (15)

The supernatural: Ghosts, zombies, werewolves, spirits... vampires...

Twilight Sparkle always thought that the supernatural was just a bunch of superstitious nonsense, just some scary stories to tell around a campfire. She couldn't have been more wrong.

After an occult ritual gone horribly right, Twilight finds herself among the ranks of these so called 'myths', whether she likes it or not. Due to the same force that changed her, dark shadows have begun to spread across Equestria, bringing to life these ancient fairy tales. And Twilight might just be the only one that can stop them...

For better or for worse, Twilight has been changed. Will she embrace this dark gift and become the hero Equestria needs, or will she eventually succumb to temptation and become the very thing she fights?

Chapters (12)

[The Gore tag is for the end of Act I and onward. Beware of possible spoilers in the comments.]

Within every one of us, even the best of us, there is an essence of Goodness, and an essence of Evil.

After a freak accident resulting in her mother falling into a coma, Twilight Sparkle put her magic studies aside to pursue medical science in an effort to save her. Eight years have passed, and Doctor Sparkle has successfully concocted the TS8 Formula, a potion that can separate the natures of goodness and evil that lurk within the hearts of us all.

All that remains is a small test to prove that both the Formula and such a separation are conclusive. Everything will be certainly fine . . . right?

(AN: Takes place shortly after "Too Many Pinkie Pies", but before the "Twilicorn era".)

Based on Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical

Act I pre-read/proofread by TechnoFlare, Sixkiller5, and Crystalatrix

Chapters (18)

The two-part series pilot "Friendship is Magic", but with a Kingdom Hearts twist. Aspiring Keyblade master Twilight Sparkle fails her attempt at the Mark of Mastery exam. To help get her mind off her studies, Princess Celestia sends Twilight to the nearby town of Ponyville to oversee preparations for this year's Summer Sun Celebration. But the threat of a great 1,000-year-old evil looms.

(Gasp! A Kingdom Hearts crossover! It's so original! ...Yeah, I know it's been done countless times already, but I just couldn't say no. I love Kingdom Hearts; I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the only thing I love more than MLP. 'Blasphemy! Burn the heretic!' I can already hear some of you thinking. Again, I thought the opportunity was too good to pass up. And so here we are.

Fair warning: if you haven't played any of the Kingdom Hearts titles, much of this story will likely go over your head; only the bare minimum of accessibility will be given to series newcomers. Secondly, as this is a Kingdom Hearts take on the "Friendship is Magic" two-parter, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and other KH characters will NOT be appearing. I feel I should make that clear so I don't end up disappointing those of you hoping to see your favorite KH characters as ponies.

Also, if this turns out to be popular, I may do Kingdom Hearts versions of other MLP episodes and even some completely original stories.)

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro
Kingdom Hearts © Disney/Square-Enix
Cover art by Akili-Amethyst

Chapters (15)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one day and her whole life is gone. Her friends are missing and there are monsters roaming the streets of every town throughout Equestria. What can she do to save her missing friends? And if she does, will her life ever be able to go back to the way it was before?

Twilight begins an epic journey to save her friends from the endless hordes of Heartless. (Note: you don't need to know anything about Kingdom Hearts to read this. This theory has been tested by a group of my friends who know nothing of the game series. Regardless, I recommend the games to everyone, for there are many little Easter Eggs that I've hidden :D)

I am looking for a proofreader, to try and help me with my revisions. I am going back and looking at, and rereleasing each existing chapter of this series, as well as the ones that have yet to be released, making them all into the same format.

Omigoshomigoshomiosh! I was on the featured stories thing! Thank you all so much! You're the best!!
Also, there are some spoilers in the comments, so if you don't want to see them, avoid that section until you are caught up.

Chapters (14)

After having her parents violently taken from her, Twilight Sparkle, succumbed to unknown magic and influence, turned her back on harmony and declared war on existence itself, until the combined power of the princesses, the remaining elements of harmony and the pain of a broken heart finally crushed her power in half and sealed her soul into the Moon, while isolating the dark influence far away, in the frozen north.

Now, after twenty years since her banishment, the tides of fate have turned once again, as the tainted, primordial magic known as hatred finally shatters her bonds. A Crimson Dawn emerges, ready to devour the very life of the world."

Disclaimer: I DID NOT WRITE THIS, Femto DID.

He deleted his story while ago and he didn't have the chapters anymore on his computer, but I did so I requested him if I could upload Hour of Twilight on account so everypony out there who liked/loved the story can read it once again! I got only up to chapter 14 and I will release a chapter every two days.

His own words in private message (proof): Femto: Alright, you have my permission to upload it, finish it, continue it, do whatever you like with it. But Silverghost and Crimson Dawn are 'copyrighted' XD

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Veil of Thoughts

After surviving a spell that merged Twilight and Dash into a single being during the story Veil of Thoughts, the two mares are still struggling to get back to as normal a life as they can have. Except, didn’t they used to have more friends? Why is it so hard to remember…

The boundaries of reality are starting to crumble apart. Half dreams haunt their waking world. Memories of another life seep through their mind. What they were is quickly becoming little more than Fragments of Memories.

Friends, family and even enemies will come together to save Twilight Dash before it’s too late and there is nothing left to save.

The long awaited, highly anticipated, sequel to Veil of Thoughts. Don't forget to remember.

Chapters (23)

Twilight didn't know what came over her. At one point, she was having a wonderful tea party with her friends, and the next thing she knew, she was trying to kill the princesses.
This could have something to do with the fact that nopony would listen to her at her brother's wedding, everypony thinking she is crazy, or even the fact that Discord was set free without anypony noticing.
She finds herself at Celestia's court, facing crimes she didn't commit.
"Twilight Sparkle, for stealing the Elements of Harmony, attempting to kill me and Princess Luna, and Betraying everything you were supposed to protect, you are hereby banished from Equestria, never to return!"
Celestia's words continued to ring in her ears as she followed the road out of Equestria. She would never see her friends again.

My entry to The Exiled Competition

Cover art can be found here. It was made by StarlightSpark on DeviantArt.

Chapters (37)