• Member Since 18th Dec, 2015


Just a dude reading stories

Favourites 1196 stories
Found 584 stories in 69ms

Total Words: 53,813,409
Estimated Reading: 21 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Dusk Shine is tired. He's scarred, battle-hardened, and young, but more than any of those, just tired.

Nopony deserves to suffer through what he has endured, much less at such a young age, but what happens when he finds his place in the canon Equestria? Where sunshines and rainbows are everywhere.

Will this new world heal him or will the striking similarities to his once-happy world break the stallion under the weight of what he's lost?

Read on to find out.

RGRE, will be obvious as each chapter progresses

Edited by Sober. Cool dude, check him out.

Cover art made by Mix-up This guy, is great. Awesome drawings, go check him out.

Chapters (17)

It has been two years since the human TD ascended to become Princess Antares, and he is settling into his role as one of the rulers of Equestria quite nicely. His loyal guard is strong, his palace is awe-inspiring, and he is beloved and worshiped by ponies everywhere. However, when the Element of Magic is stolen by an old student of Celestia's and taken through a magic mirror while he is visiting the Crystal Empire with the Mane Six, he discovers that another world has been very close by during his whole reign. A rather familiar world at that. Deciding that he is the best pony for the job, he takes his two best soldiers through the portal with him to get the Element back. So, pretending to be a foreign exchange student from Canada, he infiltrates of all things... a high school.

He is less than pleased.

Buy a print copy of the original here!

Edited by the magnificent Strike89

Cover art by the perpetually awesome SoaringSketches

Chapters (27)

Chrysalis was blasted from Canterlot by Shining’s and Cadance’s love for each other, but she hasn’t lost yet, she still has a secret weapon against them.

A weapon that only an ancient love-sucking being with a keen mind and an army of spies can wield; a deep understanding of the pony’s laws.

So, she arms herself with a business suit, glasses, and a briefcase full of documents, and marches on towards Canterlot.

Featured 4/20/2020, this time was intentional! :pinkiehappy:

Narrated by StraightToThePointStudio: Narration

Reviewed by Javarod: Review

Now translated to russian! by GrandCat

Chapters (1)

A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself.

Cover art by jalm on Derpibooru.

Featured on 4/22/20. Thanks guys!

Now with audio readings by StraightToThePointStudio! Go check them out.
The Audio Reading Playlist

Chapters (6)

A human joins the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville during Nightmare Moon's return. He thinks he's going to regret it. He's probably right.

A three part silly short, reboot of the "Hands" universe but doesn't require prior knowledge of that fic. Just for fun.

EDIT: Featured from 12/15/2019 to 12/21/2019.

Chapters (4)

This is a collection of short stories based around the Strange Waifus from the Strange Waifu Thread on /mlp/. That includes Thingpone, Boogiemare, Orchid, and many more!

Cover art by Flutterbree.

Rated T, though it might bump up to an M rating down the line.

I have the general tags on the story itself, but each chapter will specifically have the genres and characters listed. It's in order for you guys to know who is in each chapter, and what it's all about, from just a glance.

Chapters (5)

Anon 69 News a reliable, trusted news network to get all your daily news from around Equestria.

A/N: I'll try to update everyday. No actual sex is in here. Just mentions of it.

Also thank you artanisjerin89 for proof reading.

Anon 69 Hall of Fame

Featured April 13th, 2020! Woohoo! I want to thank my dog, the voice in my head, and the demon that lives in the basement.

Milestone 69
69th like milestone reached on on March 31st by BlankJRM.

Drinking Contest
Stella finally won the beer drinking contest against Anonymous on April 3rd. The score is now 1-56.

Most Dedicated
Cracker Jack has reported the most stories to Anon 69 Public Radio.

Twig-Chick Twigs has come to work today. . . that is all.

Likes and dislikes formed the number 22222 on August 2nd 2020

Anon 69 side story


Chapters (49)

This story is a sequel to The Price of Harmony

Seventy years after her father's death, Princess Umbra daughter to Commander Bolt and Princess Luna, seeks out a solution. The Griffin Kingdoms threaten war, but her mother and aunt refuse to fight. Unfortunately Princess Umbra who is sworn to protect what her father gave his life for, decided to take matters into her own hooves, claiming the throne, banishing her mother and aunt, and destroying her threat by establishing forced peace not only on The Griffin Kingdoms, but the entire world, and all with her new name, Thundaga.

However, five hundred years later, a pegasus names Cirrus emerges from Ponyville, and with him, a new hope, for he carries a power that he doesn't understand. Now he, an ancient dragon, an evil enchanter, and an ancient hero now must unite the nation and face the tyranny of Thundaga, and spread peace as was fabled by The Third Commander.

Pre-Story Comic The Ballad of Thundaga

Chapters (27)

An American soldier, dedicated to his country, who has seen and fought in many wars, seeks out a way to escape his war ridden world and finds a new one. A planet free of death and wars. Where friendship, harmony and peace were plentiful. Or so he had first thought.
He came to the magical world of Equss to escape war, but now finds himself needed for it once again.
But this world was different. This time he could do something to truly stop evil. But that requires power. Power he will claim. Even if he has to shake the very foundations of Equestria to get it.

(Takes place before Luna/Nightmare Moon's return.)

[embed] https://youtu.be/qWgRZrqjGSc [/embed]

Chapters (20)

Anon and Luna find themselves engaged after a night of drinking. Neither are too happy about the situation.

Cover art by NixWorld.

Chapters (9)