• Member Since 18th Dec, 2015


Just a dude reading stories

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(Original version written by Jay David can be found in this link) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/441469/assisting-evil

The story is just 'Dorkly's" Kevin character helping Nightmare Moon with her plan.

I just felt Jay's version of Kevin wasn't true enough to the original and wanted to give it a shot. I am aware Nightmare Moon is flanderized, so is everyone else in the Kevin shorts. If I failed, I failed, but here's the ole college try.

Chapters (1)

A human, having suffered due to the mysterious means of his transmission from one world to another, is stuck in bed recovering from his injures. While a little alarmed to find that the one looking after him is not human herself, he can't do much about it.

It helps that - as he finds - she's also rather good company.

Chapters (32)

Given a unique perspective on negative emotion, less than a foal's knowledge of ordinary magic, a healthy schadenfreude, and danger bearing down on all sides, the self-proclaimed "Weiss Noir" makes no plans accounting for his death, and plans to keep it that way, even after being torn away from earth, turned into a unicorn, and dumped into one of the most inhospitable locations and times in all of Equestria.

Stranded in the Frozen North, a place where biting cold ends lives, and one thousand years in the past, in a time when peril is the norm, rather than the exception, Weiss decides to indulge in sorcery most foul, stolen ideas, and human ingenuity to survive.

Given the choice between a mad slaver and a mad sage, however, there is no avoiding an inevitable tide of ponies escaping the conquered Crystal Empire to bask in the warmth of his well-stoked hate. Something which draws attention, enemies, and most worryingly, the rivalry of his "peers".

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Chapters (160)

Humans currently poses an entire intergalactic empire, the aid of their brilliant technologies, and the fundamentals of dark energy have allowed them to succeed to a type three civilisation.
A human named Jack decides to buy a planet called “Harmony” on the intergalactic market. This planet holds residence to dozens of sapient species who all are primitive lifeforms.
He decides to transform into one of the native species, with his intention to cause as much havoc/chaos as possible. At the time of his arrival, most of the world hadn’t seen conflict for well over 1000 years. He plans to change this, by encouraging new ideologies, starting a technological black powder arms race, and ultimately causing wars.

He may look evil to the natives, though according to the intergalactic government, he is implementing nothing illegal. His planet means his rules.

May or may not include Communists

This story is set in Early Season Two, a few episodes after “Return of Harmony”. This is an alternate universe and thus Equestrian girls don't exist, humans are basically just a myth.

Prereader: crimson velvet
Constructive criticism is welcome.

This story is cancelled. I'm currently working on another one, with a similar setting/universe.

Chapters (31)

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Equestria has known its longest period of peace! Except for the reoccurring existential threats. And if you ignore that thousand years when the Elements of Harmony weren't needed.

Well, that time is over. A new villain has come to tame the mythical land of magical horses. Or, well, he's there at least. Equestria has a way of taming itself.

Chapters (3)

Death learns that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be retiring after nearly a thousand years as rulers of Equestria and he couldn't be more happy about it.

A bit of a spoilers based on the Trailer shown recently. A simple one shot that I was inspired to make because of it. - Rated Pontstar.

Pre-Read and Edited by B_25

Chapters (2)

Nightfall is over Equestria and the moon shines brightly as Princess Luna protects her subjects. However, a creature comes to Equestria in the night, crash landing inside the Everfree. Its arrival will spark a search for things forgotten and bring terrors into the peaceful land. Luna must put the pieces of a mighty puzzle together to protect her ponies, but enemies are around every corner and allies are few and far in-between.

Chapters (41)

Princess Celestia was going for an incognito stroll through the town in order to unwind from court, that was until she came across a small oddity of a shop called 'Cliff's Craft' on Elder Street.

So, she decided to pay Equestria's only resident human a visit.

[E] Means it has been professionally edited.

Mild violence, swearing and sexual themes.

Please note: In this story ponies (and others) are similar (anthropomorphic) to humans. Though ponies (for example) are generally shorter, have fur, magic, cutie/destiny marks, and the extra appendages like wings or horns.

Also shout outs to:
PurpleFloof for editting!
Dekaskittalz for proof reading!
Vongoalyken for the advice!

Chapters (10)

Steve is the only Crafter left. A terrible war against Herobrine had taken everyone from him. He lives, but without purpose. His happy-go-lucky attitude hides decades of war and scars. He wishes for a second chance, a way to make it up to those he lost. Now, due to unknown powers, he arrives in Equestria. Can these peaceful ponies make a mark on a battle-scarred Crafter, or will the darkness inside consume him from the inside out.

Post Discontinued Edit: Wow, that Description is way off the mark. I can't believe I wrote this. Anyway, if anyone is reading this, then, well, yeah, the story is discontinued. Has been for a while.



Chapters (106)

I do not own MLP/Battletech
Partial crossover with Warhammer 40k.
Hasbro, Games Workshop, Catalyst Labs owns the series that I wished I owned.

Reboot COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!

A Changeling is rescued by space faring humans and is taught to walk an entirely different path that is separate from all other Hives. She's going to have to fight her way to create an bright future for her kind and somehow make the ponies look like idiots.

It would be so simple if the other Changeling Queens just... agreed on something other than 'look a pony! FOOD!' mindset.

Art is by KaNICHAN~ Check out her deviantart page~

Is this what's called being featured?
Featured on 10/23/2014~~~
Thank you all for reading my fic!

Chapters (23)