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Twilight is a mare of many trades. She prides herself on control, ambition and building solid friendships with those around her. A hero and a princess at the same time. Perhaps one of the greatest mares to ever live.

But when a fleeting crush returns on a certain mare, Twilight finds herself in a difficult emotional position. Especially when said crush is on somepony that she's known all her life but could never truly have. Somepony that's given her everything she could have dreamed of and more. Alas she knows it is not to be.

It would be improper. It would be wrong. It would be...unacceptable.......Or would it?

*Edited by: Grimman007 thanks man.

Art work is not owned by me. The artist is Sokolas on Devianart If the owner perchance comes by and asks me to drop the picture, he only has to say so.

Wrote this after dealing with illness for a few days. My first Twilestia story. Probably one of the more emotional and fun ships I see out there and one of my favourites. My third foray into a romance fic.

Criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been assigned to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. Simple enough, aside from the fact that eternal night may be looming over Equestria...and oh, yeah. She's in love with Princess Celestia.

Thanks goes to OnyxTheGryphon for editing.

Chapters (1)

Life is pretty good for Twilight. Equestria is at peace and her relationship with Celestia makes every day a little brighter. Yet when she begins having strange, vivid dreams about a future where Celestia has been replaced by a mysterious Queen, Twilight can't help but wonder what those dreams mean for her own actual future.

Written for the 12th Twilestia contest.

Edited by the ever-excellent Jordanis.

Technically this is a sequel to Never Meaning to Send, Chocolate Fluff, and Stepping Off, but just in that they share the same setting, not that any of those are required reading to enjoy this.

Cover image by MagnaLuna

Chapters (1)

How do you tell a sun goddess you love her??
Welp...Twilight's got to find a way before she explodes from locked up feelings for Princess Celestia.

Cover by: MLP-Moon-And-Sun - DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

While dealing with the emotional fallout from almost losing to King Sombra, Twilight takes a moment to reflect. Celestia follows her out on the balcony.

Unable to hold back her feelings, Twilight begs a favor for when she will actually take over for Celestia in the future. The shock of the request leads them both to share more than they had intended or expected.

Chapters (1)

Ever since she got her wings, Twilight Sparkle has been struggling with her feelings towards Princess Celestia; sure, she was Celestia's former pupil and is now a princess alongside her, but Twilight has more than just the normal feelings of friendship towards the Solar Ruler. With old and new foes coming onto the stage, will the Princess of Friendship finally be able to confess her true feelings to the Princess of the Sun? But even more importantly: Will Celestia feel the same way towards Twilight?

Chapters (2)

First ever story about twilight and celestia.
Twilight gets her heart broken because Celestia refuses to attend the gala with her. This was done for a prompt collab with the Twilestia is bestia group.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has loved Twilight for a long time. And yet she has never told her. It never seemed like the right moment, and as an immortal Celestia has time to wait for the perfect moment. Right?

Pure simple Twilestia fic. Told entirely from Celestia's point of view.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle keeps writing letters to Celestia, but she never sends them.  When Rainbow Dash swipes one of them, Twilight is desperate to get it back.  Will she succeed, or will Celestia read one of her letters at last?

A bit of TwiLestia with a dash of comedy on the side.

Editing by the excellent Jordanis.

Cover art by sailortrekkie92.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been crushing on her teacher for years, and for many, it is growing quite obvious. Even though, she knows it won't work. But when she visits Canterlot for the Grand Galloping Gala, things change. Romantic tensions begin to rise, and maybe, if Twilight is lucky, it might work.


Warning: F/F Shipping, Small Language


Please follow and give me a like ^w^ Thanks!

xoxo FirePrincess

Chapters (1)