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Twilight Sparkle is a pony who now attends Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and is the personal student of her. One night, she hears a voice and starts to wonder who's voice it is. The next day, she asks Celestia and she is in for a surprise...

I do not own the cover art. Cover art belongs to InuHoshi-to-DarkPen on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)

Twilight stands in the hallway of the Canterlot castle, waiting to go into her mentor's room and talk to her.

Chapters (4)

Celestia is missing Twilight and is struggling with her feelings for the purple mare...and Twilight is far away ...

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle pays one of her rare visits to Canterlot since having moved to Ponyville. Visits that had become even more scarce since her coronation, and her former mentor is all the more excited about every moment she can spend with the young alicorn. The guards and servants seem to share her enthusiasm, though for some reason they seem awfully nervous as well.

As always, the two spend some quality time together, reminiscing about fond memories from when Twilight was a mere child under Celestia's tutelage. But the promising filly had grown a lot since then, and both are tempted to see how their relationship had matured.

WARNING: SMUT INVOLVED! If you must know in advance, it's some cuddling and a bit of almost-but-not-quite-kinky tickling. Story is a gift for, and was inspired by a friend, who will remain anonymous.

Chapters (1)

Recently, Twilight has made an important emotional discovery. She is in love with Princess Celestia. Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to go about expressing her feelings to her teacher. Fortunately, with some help from Spike and the very pony of her affections, she will learn how to do precisely that.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wants to reestablish her old rapport with Princess Celestia - the close relationship they had when Twilight was the Princess’s personal student. But life moves ever onward and the connections they had in the past will not be enough for the alicorns to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. To make it through their shared trials and revelations, Twilight and Celestia will need to grow beyond their existing bonds and become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

Chapters (35)

Also known as, the Twilight.
I feel like this story doesn't need much of a description. After DJ Valkyri-3 I wanted to write more cutesy romance and see if I couldn't squirm my way back into ponified. Saw the picture and, well, this happened.
Also, I never really see Twilestia from Celestia's point of view. It's always form Twilight's or an omniscient view so I thought I'd try it out. Turns out it's really fun to write!
Added the sex tag for chapter 2 specifically, but unless insinuations without real descriptions and raunchiness with a dose of lewd iconography rubs you the wrong way then it's perfectly safe. It's still nowhere near needing the mature tag.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle goes up to Ponyville's hill to see a meteor shower that is planned to happen tonight. Well, until she gets a visit from an unexpected visitor.

None of the vectors and the baground used are mine!

Here's the link for the vectors and the background that I used :




Chapters (1)

Love can be a hard or an easy task. For some ponies it’s harder than for others. That’s something Twilight discovers as she tries to come to terms with her feelings about Luna and tell the alicorn about them. Whatever she tries isn’t helping her and talking was never an option. What will happen if she invites Luna to a night of stargazing? Will her heart be able to resist, or will she finally set free her love?

Edits: The silly Duck.

Cover by some pegasister
A small reminder due the problems from the last stories. I do not own the cover, nor the art itself. The art is owned by the rightful artist, in this case some pegasister. It's NOT MINE!

Chapters (1)