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All of Equestria is united in celebration for the return of their beloved Princess Nightmare Moon. But when Celestia and everypony else recieve her she's skeletally starved, filthy, and very nearly dead. Meanwhile, while everypony's eye is turned, a lusty Blueblood pursues Twilight Sparkle, intent on adding her bloodline to his own so his family might step closer to godhood. (Alternate Universe, there never was a Princess Luna)

Chapters (23)

The Elements of Harmony are known to many as the most powerful form of magic known to Equestria. Together, their combined might has cleansed deities as powerful as Nightmare Moon of the evil that plagued her, and has imprisoned forces as insidious as Discord, the embodiment of Chaos itself.

So when news of six mysterious strangers, evidently not of this world, arrives in a letter from the Princess, with rumors abound that they are searching for the Bearers of the Elements, Twilight Sparkle is rather concerned, and more than a little suspicious, of their intentions for the Elements of Harmony, fearing that they might be plotting to either destroy them, or somehow steal its power for some unknown, nefarious purpose...

Except that they're not plotting the theft, or destruction, of the Elements.

They're plotting a succession - a succession of power UNTO the Bearers of the Elements. Powers the likes of which ponykind has never witnessed - and power which may upset the balance of magic in Equestria forever...

Book One of Three of the Codex: Equestria, and the first part of an epic trilogy that will shake the very foundations of Equestria as we know it.

Chapters (11)

Manic Moon is a demonpony. All he wants is to start a new life in Ponyville, together with his cute daughter Zelda. But how will Twilight Sparkle and all the other ponys in the small village react to the dynamic duo.

Can love and tolerance overcome old prejudices or will everthing end in one big disaster? Only time can tell.

Chapters (14)

When a small, red bird escapes from Canterlot, Princess Celestia writes a letter to Twilight requesting for her to find her.
There is a problem however. Fluttershy follows one of her animal friends, a bear, and finds a little filly. Fluttershy takes her home and minds her, like a mother.
But she has a secret that only Fluttershy knows. And if anyone else finds out, the little filly might be in big trouble.

Book 1: The Secret of Cinder
Book 2: Changelings can Change!
Book 3: [Spoilers!]

Chapters (5)

"You probably shouldn't even exist."
"You're only a clone, you don't HAVE any feelings!"

Who was she to believe? She was barely a day old, and already she'd seen the disappearance of her mirror images, all but her. Was she just a clone? A disposable unfeeling analog?
What would happen if she became her own pony? If she became real?

Is it possible for one of the Pinkie's, the only copy left behind, to develop? To become an entirely different pony to the one that she was modelled after?

Oh, and before I forget, thanks to the amazing WerewolfNobody for the (At one point) cover art!
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

A changeling who has lived at the side of an Equestrian mare for most of his life finds himself in the middle of the changeling invasion of Canterlot. He has no idea who the invading queen or hive are, and just wants to stay where he is, and more importantly, who he is.

The spell that ends the invasion doesn't discriminate, though. With his old pony form irreversibly stripped away, and the whole kingdom out to hunt his kind, he tries to keep his family together, and struggles to find his place in the world.

Please comment! Even now, I'd love to hear what people think as they read through :pinkiehappy:

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Czech version:
Flitter on Google Docs translated by Draim (published at bronies.cz)

Russian version:
Флиттер on ponyfiction.org translated by repitter.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Flitter on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (12)

Girls repulse you. All those tea parties and cooties and pink bows and stuff. A smart ten year old colt like yourself wants nothing to do with them! You're perfectly happy playing with your model train set. But when the Cutie Mark Crusaders chase you down to discover the secrets of gaining a Cutie Mark, you find there's more to those fillies than you think. Especially their ringleader, Apple Bloom.

Vectors by Kuren247 and the DeviantArt VectorClub.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters

What if... After "The Three Sisters" Rarity managed to find Chrysalis and talk to her?

A definite sequel.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: will contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

It was late on a winter's night when Fluttershy found a strange creature on her doorstep that nopony had ever seen before. At first she thought that it was just another animal, a hairless ape, but the more and more it behaved like a pony the more she decided she would raise him as her own son--named Harry. How will he grow up in a world meant for ponies? And how will Fluttershy's friends react to this creature?

Contribute to the TVtropes page here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Twoworldsonefamily

Chapters (17)

This story is driven entirely by user comments. So whatever you say, it will happen.
Continued in Part 2: Raise the Flag

You wake up to find that for whatever reason you are now in Equestria and Twilight is looking down on you with a look on her face that you can only describe as "lascivious." What do you do?

Edited by Kiro0613

Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Authors note:
I will be checking up on this story every few days or so to see what you all are saying. Whatever comments you make, regardless of how silly, stupid, or insane it is. I will make it happen. :D

Sister stories
Wake up. See this. What do? Rainbow Dash Edition by me and Hankyhannah (Cancelled)
Everfree Survival by Hrafn
Wake Up With A Hangover. Have Morning Wood. See This. What The Hell Do You Do? by RainbowBob

Chapters (76)