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The Unity Day party at Sweet Apple Acres goes awry after surprising accusations are leveled at Applejack, on account of some difficult-to-discern lyrics.

Find Iron Wolf's dramatic reading of this story, in a super cool Polish accent that kicks the whole thing up to 11, here.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie gets her friends to explain various aspects of Ponydom to the audience (aka a wall of Sugar Cube Corner's kitchen). A silly story poking fun at some of the fan-produced elements of MLP.

Chapters (5)

Scootaloo has never really cared much for Pinkie Pie, and she definitely doesn’t like the way Pinkie calls her hero “Dashie.” But for some strange reason, Pinkie seems fixated on her and insistent on meddling in Scootaloo’s life. Whether Scootaloo likes it or not.

Now with TV Tropes page!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Like Sisters

Sequel to "Technicolor Dreams" and "Like Sisters". Rainbow Dash has adopted Scootaloo as her little sister, getting her out of the horrible orphanage she had been in. However, her efforts to keep Scootaloo with her are far from over. She will have to work very hard to make sure Scootaloo gets everything she needs.

Meanwhile, other events are happening behind the scenes, as Rainbow Dash's actions start a chain of events that could lead all of Equestria to an unknown destiny, as truths of its past are finally revealed...from the lips of the only one to have been there since the very beginning, who is anything but what he seems.


Sequel to "Technicolor Dreams" and "Like Sisters".

Chapters (17)

Fluttershy is used to nursing critters of all sorts back to health. When she comes across a broken showmare, however, it will take all her patience and care to help the other pony. Especially when Trixie begrudges her help every step of the way. Can she get through to her? And can Trixie learn that she doesn't need to stand alone to stand strong?

Chapters (6)

It's been more than a year since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, and she is making great strides in her language skills. And along with this come a slew of new writing skills.

However, Celestia may have a few objections once she finds out just WHAT Luna has been writing...

Now with a reading by Fanficsational!
And another by Doom Pie Network!
And another by FarnesyFudge!
And another by Teksune Studios!

...Almost forgot to mention! This fic is dedicated to FIMFiction user Karrakaz, who requested more silly Luna and Celestia! Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Twilight gets a feeder to study birds.

She also bought a ton of seeds for it.

While she's frustrated at the fact her supply seems to be disappearing into thin air, she's about to realize that she has a much bigger problem on hoof.

Chapters (5)

Currently experimenting to see if FIMFiction can support comics.

Carrot Top lets her hair grow out a bit, and styles it accordingly. No big deal usually, right? Unless somehow, the result makes any pony who gazes at it, become relentlessly enamored with it and the pony it's attached to! Carrot now must find a way to shave her locks before she's smothered to death with affection from every pony in Ponyville!

Chapters (16)

On an otherwise ordinary day at Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow Dash unexpectedly demands the use of Applejack's barn for a day. Of course Applejack agrees to help out, but something's up; Dash is trying to handle everything herself, arrange for the Apples to be out in the fields, and doing her best to make sure neither Rarity nor Pinkie even hear about the whole thing. With her suspicions rising by the minute, the farmer goes to confront her friend and discovers something she never suspected...

Cover Artwork by Takua


Chapters (12)