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The newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle has set up a bold new initiative to discover new magic, and is sending out an open call to the unicorns of Equestria to apply for her research team. No experience in magical theory or research necessary. Enthusiasm and out-of-the-box thinking a must. The Equestrian government is not responsible for any physical, emotional, or magical trauma experienced during the course of the project or the application process.

Cover art by Page Turner

Chapters (5)

A special guest speaker arrives in Ponyville to teach Cheerilee's class about the inner workings of Equestria's government. And, well... it's Prince Blueblood.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash struggles to figure out why Pinkie Pie keeps acting weird, and seems so happy about spending Hearts and Hooves with hanging out with her, while also puzzling over the fact that Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth seem to be going out of their way to help the two of them enjoy the day.

Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth need to have their own tags, because they're awesome characters who deserve to have more stories written about them.

Has a semi-sequel-follow-up-side-story:"The Life and Times of a Winning Pony."

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy has a new computer! Rainbow Dash wants to pull a prank and decides to break her in to the cruelties of the Equestri-net in her own way.
[My first one-shot. Minor shipping elements- as a gag]
[Enjoy! I just HAD to write this.]

[No editing or proof-reading done, but did my best]

[Well damn? I got semi famous.]

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's birthday is coming up, and Rainbow Dash is unsure of what to get her number one fan. Upon asking her, it seemed her birthday wish would be a little harder to obtain than Dash thought. Enlisting the help of Twilight, the two mares set out to ensure that little Scootaloo has the best birthday ever.

That's right, a fic about best filly where nothing bad, tragic, or otherwise horrible happens to her, or anypony else. This is my attempt at an episode like fic.

Special thanks to RazedRainbow for getting this thing ready for public consumption.

Chapters (1)

After finding a chess set in the library's storage closet, Twilight is eager to play a few games and turns to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Teaching the two most competitive ponies in Ponyville a new game should be a snap, right? RIGHT?!

Chapters (1)

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Featured on FiMFiction.
Review by Cerulean Voice.
Review by Undead_Wanderer

When a debt-collection company sends a representative to collect on Lyra's parents' debts, they don't care that her parents have been missing for years - the debt is legally hers. If she can't pay up, she'll lose her house.

In order to pay the debt, Lyra devises a plan that simply can not fail - she'll convert her home into an item shop and sell her way to riches! Surely Bon Bon will help, too. What could possibly go wrong?

Inspired by Recettear

Chapters (35)

Rarity and Applejack share a secret history: as fillies, they were the best of friends, until one terrible day soured their relationship for years to come. Forced back together by recent events and mutual friendships, they nevertheless cannot ignore the painful memories of all that went wrong. The past cannot be changed, but when Rarity and Applejack must work together to save their sisters from terrible danger, it just may be the case that a friendship once broken can be reforged in fire, and emerge from the flames stronger than ever before.

This story is a birthday gift from me and the illustrator, Harwick, to a very dear friend with a singular affection for Rarity and Applejack.

Chapters (1)

"It's called 'Shh'," said Fluttershy. "It's a game about who can be quiet the longest. Sound fun? I'm the world champion."

Fluttershy is not a pony who makes things up. She really is the world champion of "Shh," or The Quiet Game. And now it's time for her to defend her crown, with Twilight Sparkle and Rarity along for the ride.

Chapters (1)

Throughout all of history, one concept has kept both the written and spoken word from becoming an unintelligible mess. That concept is that most holy of grounds known by some as "grammar." It sets down rules for language to follow, and keeps it free of distortion.

Yet something is wrong. The rules are failing. And only one pony so much as suspects that something is wrong. Something that goes deeper than a simple appearance of errors. Something that could be an attack on the very root of language itself.

Chapters (6)