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Scootaloo has never told anypony that she is an orphan, that her parents one day decided not to come home. She has been on her own since she was very little. She has learned to fend for herself, care for herself, and doesn't want help from anypony, including her best friends. It isn't until a certain purple unicorn learns the truth and takes her into her home that Scootaloo realizes she needed help from somepony a long time ago.

Please do not ask if you can continue this story. The answer will be no.

Currently Edited by TimeLord_Whooves, Elric of Melnipony, and Sir Truffles

Formerly Edited by psychohooves and Avatar of Shadow

Cover Art by DawnMistPony
Tvtropes Page
MLPFanartWiki Page

Chapters (12)

During the dragon migration, an evil dragon attacks Ponyville. Twilight and friends are able to chase it off but not after it has destroyed a few houses. One of these is the house of Scootaloo, who was in school at the time. Her parents were caught in the debris of the crumbling house and were crushed beneath it. Now Scootaloo has no family and nowhere to live. Seeing Rainbow Dash feeling guilty for the accident, her friends convince her to take responsibility for the young filly. And so Rainbow Dash adopted Scootaloo as her younger sister. These are the days that they have spent together.
The sequel is out here

Chapters (11)

Applejack. For too long, that has been the only thought in Rarity's head. Finally, she will go all out to find out if the mare she cares for could ever return her feelings. The stage is set. The night is planned. Even the cutie mark crusaders will not be able to mess this up for her.
...Or so she thinks.
When Scootaloo is injured, and a certain secret revealed, the element of generosity is put to the test.

Chapters (14)

After years of living on couches and sponging off of neighbors, Vinyl Scratch finally hits it big in the music industry as a rock musician. Octavia is left with no one until Vinyl approaches her with an offer she can't refuse.

Chapters (16)

Rainbow Dash finally takes notice of Scootaloo and brings her up under her own wing. With Rainbow Dash's new support, Scootaloo learns to be more than she had ever dreamed. But will the relationship she has just gained turn out to be more than they can handle? She quickly learns that not everyone's true self can be perceived.

Chapters (10)

Vinyl's thoughtless behavior has left Octavia's day in turmoil. She's far from home, in a bad situation, and she's not sure if she can get back before it's too late. Can she overcome her pride and seek help? Or will she attempt to struggle on without giving any hint of what roils beneath the surface?

Chapters (1)

After being rescued and semi raised by Rainbow Dash, one day Scootaloo suffers a tragic event, costing her one of her greatest joys in life. Make sure to read all author's notes. Also until the story plot gap is bridged please plan on more chapters before Chapter X which will be numbered when I get to it in the timeline.

On hiatus until I finish up other stories. Definitely not cancelled.

Chapters (5)

Applebloom never got to meet her parents, heck only one of them only got to see her for about 10 seconds. Applebloom wants answers as to why her parents aren't with her to this day. Is she ready to hear about their fiery doom?

A/N: Cover art is not mine
A/N: Sequel: A Different Kind of Reunion

Chapters (1)

This will be a short story, around the 2000-3000 word range (edit: I lied, this will hit the 10k word mark and possibly on up to 15k as I didn't expect to do this much writing for the amount of plot I had planned in my head).

Derpy has been deemed an unfit mother, due to her mental condition, and has a real chance of losing custody of her only foal. Before that day comes though Derpy remembers how Dinky came to be, how her only source of pride and joy is tied to such a painful memory, and all of the time spent raising Dinky.

I'm writing this story in honor of a friend of mine who went through a very similar situation.

Chapters (9)