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Derpy Hooves is secretly a changeling.

Nopony particularly notices, or cares.

(New 9/15/19: Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi! Thank you!)

Chapters (1)

It's almost Mother's Day. Scootaloo comes to Rainbow Dash with a startling question, but then backs off, feeling ashamed she asked it. Rainbow Dash, taken off-guard by the question, starts to question both herself, how she feels about Scootaloo, and about her past...

Chapters (1)

When a freak reading accident causes Twilight to be admitted to the Ponyville hospital, Rainbow Dash is right by her side. Compelled by a sense of duty and repayment, she takes it upon herself to cheer up her friend.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo hit her head when flying with Rainbow Dash. Now she wakes up with no memory of any memories her and Rainbow Dash shared.

Chapters (5)

Celestia wants Twilight and her friends to loosen up a little bit around her. Luna just wants to try the hard cider. During a surprise visit to Sweet Apple Acres at the tail end of cider season, Princess Luna has just a bit too much to drink, and when she makes a rather inappropriate joke, Twilight comes to the very uncomfortable realization that she has never seen Celestia excuse herself to use the restroom.

Chapters (11)

As with any couple, Lyra and Bon Bon experience problems and have disagreements. Be it past marefriends or financial distress, the pair must confide within one another to save both each other, and themselves. Theoretically, love conquers all, but love alone doesn't put bits on the table.

Awesome fan music written by psp7master can be found here!
Beautiful art drawn by Bakki can be found here!

Chapters (19)

For as long as any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders can remember, Diamond Tiara had always been the biggest bully they knew. But when that said bully dies in an accident, each of them starts to go through their own emotional experience from this sudden change in their lives. Each will learn more about themselves and about the pony who they all thought they knew before she is laid to rest.

***Takes place just after season 3 but before season 4. This story is completed.***

Now with TV Tropes page

Chapters (12)

An ordinary afternoon at Canterlot's Summer Sun Faire becomes extraordinary when a young filly gets too curious and Princess Cadence experiences every foalsitter's worst nightmare. This is how one Princess discovered there is more to Twilight Sparkle than she ever imagined, and realized she is truly anything but "a regular old unicorn."

EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily on 12/31/12. It's a New Year's miracle!

Chapters (1)

Twilight was on the road to recovery from her mental illness. She had started a new treatment, bonded with the staff, and had many friends in her ward. Now she wakes up in the center of the delusions she has been trying so hard to escape: Ponyville.

Inspired by Asylum by Daemon of Decay
Proofreaders: ArgonMatrix, The11thWonder, Gage, Breath of Plagues
Story and Plot Development Help: Daemon of Decay, AppleCrumble

Enjoyed this story? If you are looking for others set in the 'Asylumverse', support these new authors:
Broadhoof Files: Dr Humors
Broadhoof Files: Corporal Phalanx Spear

Chapters (6)